2020-09-14 17:17:43 +02:00

54 lines
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module GypsFulvus.PluginStuff(loadCommsPlugins, Sewage(..), Manhole(..), InitStatus(..)) where
import Control.Monad
import System.Directory
import System.Plugins.Make
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TMVar
import qualified Data.Text as T
data Sewage = Sewage {
getSewageAuthor :: T.Text,
getSewage :: T.Text
data Manhole = Manhole {
getInputChan :: TChan Sewage,
getOutputChan :: TChan Sewage}
data InitStatus = GoodInitStatus | BadInitStatus T.Text
srcPluginPath :: IO FilePath
srcPluginPath = getXdgDirectory XdgData "gypsfulvus/srcplugins" >>= makeAbsolute
configPath :: IO FilePath
configPath = getXdgDirectory XdgConfig "gypsfulvus"
-- load all the plugins for IO (e.g. IRC, stdio, maybe matrix procol, telnet, whatever)
loadCommsPlugins canary collectorChannel =
let potentialPlugins = srcPluginPath >>= \pp -> listDirectory pp >>= filterM (\fuku -> doesDirectoryExist (pp ++ "/" ++ fuku)) >>= mapM (\fuku -> return (pp ++ "/" ++ fuku))
in do
srcPluginPath >>= putStrLn
srcPluginPath >>= listDirectory >>= mapM putStrLn
srcPluginPath >>= \pp -> listDirectory pp >>= filterM (\fuku -> putStrLn (pp ++ "/" ++ fuku) >> doesDirectoryExist (pp ++ "/" ++ fuku))
pp <- potentialPlugins
mapM_ putStrLn pp
ff <- mapM (\d -> findFile [d] "Plugin.hs") pp
let rff = map (fromMaybe "") $ filter (/= Nothing) ff
s <- mapM (\hng -> makeAll hng ["-v","-dynamic"]) rff
mapM (\s' -> case s' of
MakeSuccess _ p -> putStrLn p
MakeFailure e -> putStrLn $ show e) s
_ <- atomically $ swapTMVar canary True
-- I don't actually want to quit here but I don't like errors from STM heuristics when the canary is GCed
return ()
-- load all the routines that the bot can run (e.g. run tcl code, calculator, youtube, etc.)
loadLabourPlugins availableCommandMap = undefined
-- thread to pass any work to be done