diff --git a/src/plugins/System/Plugins/Load.hs b/src/plugins/System/Plugins/Load.hs
index 19fb54f..c919af1 100644
--- a/src/plugins/System/Plugins/Load.hs
+++ b/src/plugins/System/Plugins/Load.hs
@@ -27,8 +27,6 @@ module System.Plugins.Load (
       , pdynload , pdynload_
       , unload
       , unloadAll
-      , hasChanged
-      , hasChanged'
       , reload
       , Module(..)
@@ -74,7 +72,6 @@ import GHC.Prim                 ( unsafeCoerce# )
 import System.IO                ( hFlush, stdout )
 import System.IO                ( hClose )
-import System.Directory         ( getModificationTime )
 -- TODO need a loadPackage p package.conf :: IO () primitive
@@ -311,86 +308,7 @@ unloadAll m = do moduleDeps <- getModuleDeps m
                  mapM_ unloadAll moduleDeps
                  unload m
--- | Changes the extension of a file path.
-changeFileExt :: FilePath           -- ^ The path information to modify.
-              -> String             -- ^ The new extension (without a leading period).
-                                    -- Specify an empty string to remove an existing
-                                    -- extension from path.
-              -> FilePath           -- ^ A string containing the modified path information.
-changeFileExt fpath ext = joinFileExt name ext
-  where
-    (name,_) = splitFileExt fpath
--- | The 'joinFileExt' function is the opposite of 'splitFileExt'.
--- It joins a file name and an extension to form a complete file path.
--- The general rule is:
--- > filename `joinFileExt` ext == path
--- >   where
--- >     (filename,ext) = splitFileExt path
-joinFileExt :: String -> String -> FilePath
-joinFileExt fpath ""  = fpath
-joinFileExt fpath ext = fpath ++ '.':ext
--- | Split the path into file name and extension. If the file doesn\'t have extension,
--- the function will return empty string. The extension doesn\'t include a leading period.
--- Examples:
--- > splitFileExt "foo.ext" == ("foo", "ext")
--- > splitFileExt "foo"     == ("foo", "")
--- > splitFileExt "."       == (".",   "")
--- > splitFileExt ".."      == ("..",  "")
--- > splitFileExt "foo.bar."== ("foo.bar.", "")
-splitFileExt :: FilePath -> (String, String)
-splitFileExt p =
-  case break (== '.') fname of
-        (suf@(_:_),_:pre) -> (reverse (pre++fpath), reverse suf)
-        _                 -> (p, [])
-  where
-    (fname,fpath) = break isPathSeparator (reverse p)
--- | Checks whether the character is a valid path separator for the host
--- platform. The valid character is a 'pathSeparator' but since the Windows
--- operating system also accepts a slash (\"\/\") since DOS 2, the function
--- checks for it on this platform, too.
-isPathSeparator :: Char -> Bool
-isPathSeparator ch =
-#if defined(CYGWIN) || defined(__MINGW32__)
-  ch == '/' || ch == '\\'
-  ch == '/'
--- |Returns @True@ if the module or any of its dependencies have older object files than source files.
-hasChanged :: Module -> IO Bool
-hasChanged = hasChanged' ["hs","lhs"]
-hasChanged' :: [String] -> Module -> IO Bool
-hasChanged' suffices m@(Module {path = p})
-    = do modFile <- doesFileExist p
-         mbFile <- findFile suffices p
-         case mbFile of
-           Just f | modFile
-             -> do srcT <- getModificationTime f
-                   objT <- getModificationTime p
-                   if srcT > objT
-                      then return True
-                      else do deps <- getModuleDeps m
-                              depsStatus <- mapM (hasChanged' suffices) deps
-                              return (or depsStatus)
-           _ -> return False
-    where findFile :: [String] -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
-          findFile [] _  = return Nothing
-          findFile (ext:exts) file
-              = do let l = changeFileExt file ext
-                   b <- doesFileExist l
-                   if b then return $ Just l
-                        else findFile exts file
 -- | this will be nice for panTHeon, needs thinking about the interface
 -- reload a single object file. don't care about depends, assume they
diff --git a/src/plugins/System/Plugins/Make.hs b/src/plugins/System/Plugins/Make.hs
index 278df39..251cb15 100644
--- a/src/plugins/System/Plugins/Make.hs
+++ b/src/plugins/System/Plugins/Make.hs
@@ -20,6 +20,11 @@
 module System.Plugins.Make ( 
+        hasChanged,
+        hasChanged',
+        recompileAll,
+        recompileAll',
@@ -41,11 +46,19 @@ module System.Plugins.Make (
 import System.Plugins.Utils
 import System.Plugins.Parser
+import System.Plugins.LoadTypes        ( Module (Module, path) )
 import System.Plugins.Consts           ( ghc, hiSuf, objSuf, hsSuf )
-import System.Plugins.Env              ( lookupMerged, addMerge )
+import System.Plugins.Env              ( lookupMerged, addMerge
+                                       , getModuleDeps)
-import System.IO
-import System.Directory         ( doesFileExist, removeFile )
+#if DEBUG
+import System.IO (hFlush, stdout, openFile, IOMode(..),hClose, hPutStr)
+import System.IO (openFile, IOMode(..),hClose,hPutStr)
+import System.Directory         ( doesFileExist, removeFile
+                                , getModificationTime )
 import Control.Exception        ( handleJust )
 import GHC.IOBase               ( Exception(IOException) )
@@ -54,6 +67,7 @@ import GHC.IOBase               ( Exception(IOException) )
 import System.IO.Error          ( isDoesNotExistError )
 -- A better compiler status.
@@ -80,6 +94,46 @@ type MergeCode = MakeCode
 type Args   = [Arg]
 type Errors = [String]
+-- |Returns @True@ if the module or any of its dependencies have older object files than source files.
+--  Defaults to @True@ if some files couldn't be located.
+hasChanged :: Module -> IO Bool
+hasChanged = hasChanged' ["hs","lhs"]
+hasChanged' :: [String] -> Module -> IO Bool
+hasChanged' suffices m@(Module {path = p})
+    = do modFile <- doesFileExist p
+         mbFile <- findFile suffices p
+         case mbFile of
+           Just f | modFile
+             -> do srcT <- getModificationTime f
+                   objT <- getModificationTime p
+                   if srcT > objT
+                      then return True
+                      else do deps <- getModuleDeps m
+                              depsStatus <- mapM (hasChanged' suffices) deps
+                              return (or depsStatus)
+           _ -> return True
+-- |Like 'makeAll' but with better recompilation checks since module dependencies are known.
+recompileAll :: Module -> [Arg] -> IO MakeStatus
+recompileAll = recompileAll' ["hs","lhs"]
+recompileAll' :: [String] -> Module -> [Arg] -> IO MakeStatus
+recompileAll' suffices m args
+    = do changed <- hasChanged m
+         if not changed
+            then do mbSource <- findFile suffices (path m)
+                    case mbSource of
+                      Nothing
+                          -> error $ "Couldn't find source for object file: " ++ path m
+                      Just source
+                          -> makeAll source args
+            else return (MakeSuccess NotReq (path m))
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 -- | Standard make. Compile a single module, unconditionally. 
 -- Behaves like ghc -c
diff --git a/src/plugins/System/Plugins/Utils.hs b/src/plugins/System/Plugins/Utils.hs
index 09f3bf1..c034f76 100644
--- a/src/plugins/System/Plugins/Utils.hs
+++ b/src/plugins/System/Plugins/Utils.hs
@@ -30,13 +30,18 @@ module System.Plugins.Utils (
+    findFile,
     mkTemp, mkTempIn, {- internal -}
+    changeFileExt,
+    joinFileExt,
+    splitFileExt,
     isSublistOf,                -- :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
@@ -167,6 +172,16 @@ hMkUniqueIn dir = do (t,h) <- mkTempIn dir
                         then hClose h >> removeFile t >> hMkUniqueIn dir
                         else return (t,h)
+findFile :: [String] -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
+findFile [] _  = return Nothing
+findFile (ext:exts) file
+    = do let l = changeFileExt file ext
+         b <- doesFileExist l
+         if b then return $ Just l
+              else findFile exts file
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 -- | execute a command and it's arguments, returning the
@@ -250,6 +265,66 @@ dropSuffix f = reverse . tail . dropWhile (/= '.') $ reverse f
 mkModid :: String -> String
 mkModid = (takeWhile (/= '.')) . reverse . (takeWhile (/= '/')) . reverse
+-- Code from Cabal ----------------------------------------
+-- | Changes the extension of a file path.
+changeFileExt :: FilePath           -- ^ The path information to modify.
+              -> String             -- ^ The new extension (without a leading period).
+                                    -- Specify an empty string to remove an existing
+                                    -- extension from path.
+              -> FilePath           -- ^ A string containing the modified path information.
+changeFileExt fpath ext = joinFileExt name ext
+  where
+    (name,_) = splitFileExt fpath
+-- | The 'joinFileExt' function is the opposite of 'splitFileExt'.
+-- It joins a file name and an extension to form a complete file path.
+-- The general rule is:
+-- > filename `joinFileExt` ext == path
+-- >   where
+-- >     (filename,ext) = splitFileExt path
+joinFileExt :: String -> String -> FilePath
+joinFileExt fpath ""  = fpath
+joinFileExt fpath ext = fpath ++ '.':ext
+-- | Split the path into file name and extension. If the file doesn\'t have extension,
+-- the function will return empty string. The extension doesn\'t include a leading period.
+-- Examples:
+-- > splitFileExt "foo.ext" == ("foo", "ext")
+-- > splitFileExt "foo"     == ("foo", "")
+-- > splitFileExt "."       == (".",   "")
+-- > splitFileExt ".."      == ("..",  "")
+-- > splitFileExt "foo.bar."== ("foo.bar.", "")
+splitFileExt :: FilePath -> (String, String)
+splitFileExt p =
+  case break (== '.') fname of
+        (suf@(_:_),_:pre) -> (reverse (pre++fpath), reverse suf)
+        _                 -> (p, [])
+  where
+    (fname,fpath) = break isPathSeparator (reverse p)
+-- | Checks whether the character is a valid path separator for the host
+-- platform. The valid character is a 'pathSeparator' but since the Windows
+-- operating system also accepts a slash (\"\/\") since DOS 2, the function
+-- checks for it on this platform, too.
+isPathSeparator :: Char -> Bool
+isPathSeparator ch =
+#if defined(CYGWIN) || defined(__MINGW32__)
+  ch == '/' || ch == '\\'
+  ch == '/'
+-- Code from Cabal end ------------------------------------
 -- | return the object file, given the .conf file
 -- i.e. /home/dons/foo.rc -> /home/dons/foo.o