convert tabs to spaces. strip trailing whitespace.
This commit is contained in:
@ -22,4 +22,3 @@ module System.Eval (
) where
import System.Eval.Haskell {-all-}
@ -93,4 +93,3 @@ mkUniqueWith wrapper src mods = do
cleanup :: String -> String -> IO ()
cleanup a b = mapM_ removeFile [a, b, replaceSuffix b ".hi"]
@ -34,4 +34,3 @@ import System.Plugins.Load {-all-}
-- [@NAME@] hs-plugins library : compile and load Haskell code at runtime
@ -429,37 +429,37 @@ lookupPkg' p = withPkgEnvs env $ \fms -> go fms p
libdirs = libraryDirs pkg ++ ldOptsPaths
-- If we're loading dynamic libs we need the cbits to appear before the
-- real packages.
-- If we're loading dynamic libs we need the cbits to appear before the
-- real packages.
libs <- mapM (findHSlib libdirs) (cbits ++ hslibs)
#if defined(CYGWIN) || defined(__MINGW32__)
windowsos <- catch (getEnv "OS")
(\e -> if isDoesNotExistError e then return "Windows_98" else ioError e)
(\e -> if isDoesNotExistError e then return "Windows_98" else ioError e)
windowsdir <-
if windowsos == "Windows_9X" -- I don't know Windows 9X has OS system variable
then return "C:/windows"
else return "C:/winnt"
sysroot <- catch (getEnv "SYSTEMROOT")
(\e -> if isDoesNotExistError e then return windowsdir else ioError e) -- guess at a reasonable default
let syslibdir = sysroot ++ (if windowsos == "Windows_9X" then "/SYSTEM" else "/SYSTEM32")
libs' <- mapM (findDLL $ syslibdir : libdirs) dlls
(\e -> if isDoesNotExistError e then return windowsdir else ioError e) -- guess at a reasonable default
let syslibdir = sysroot ++ (if windowsos == "Windows_9X" then "/SYSTEM" else "/SYSTEM32")
libs' <- mapM (findDLL $ syslibdir : libdirs) dlls
libs' <- mapM (findDLL libdirs) dlls
libs' <- mapM (findDLL libdirs) dlls
let slibs = [ lib | Right (Static lib) <- libs ]
dlibs = [ lib | Right (Dynamic lib) <- libs ]
let slibs = [ lib | Right (Static lib) <- libs ]
dlibs = [ lib | Right (Dynamic lib) <- libs ]
return (deppkgs, (slibs,map (either id id) libs' ++ dlibs) )
#if defined(CYGWIN) || defined(__MINGW32__)
-- replace $topdir
fix_topdir [] = []
fix_topdir (x:xs) = replace_topdir x : fix_topdir xs
fix_topdir [] = []
fix_topdir (x:xs) = replace_topdir x : fix_topdir xs
replace_topdir [] = []
replace_topdir ('$':xs)
| take 6 xs == "topdir" = ghcLibraryPath ++ (drop 6 xs)
| otherwise = '$' : replace_topdir xs
replace_topdir (x:xs) = x : replace_topdir xs
replace_topdir ('$':xs)
| take 6 xs == "topdir" = ghcLibraryPath ++ (drop 6 xs)
| otherwise = '$' : replace_topdir xs
replace_topdir (x:xs) = x : replace_topdir xs
-- a list elimination form for the Maybe type
--filterRight :: [Either left right] -> [right]
@ -477,31 +477,31 @@ lookupPkg' p = withPkgEnvs env $ \fms -> go fms p
if b then return $ Just l -- found it!
else findHSlib' dirs lib
findHSslib dirs lib = findHSlib' dirs $ lib ++ sysPkgSuffix
findHSdlib dirs lib = findHSlib' dirs $ mkDynPkgName lib
findHSslib dirs lib = findHSlib' dirs $ lib ++ sysPkgSuffix
findHSdlib dirs lib = findHSlib' dirs $ mkDynPkgName lib
-- Problem: sysPkgSuffix is ".o", but extra libraries could be
-- ".so"
-- Solution: first look for static library, if we don't find it
-- look for a dynamic version.
findHSlib :: [FilePath] -> String -> IO (Either String HSLib)
findHSlib dirs lib = do
static <- findHSslib dirs lib
case static of
Just file -> return $ Right $ Static file
Nothing -> do
dynamic <- findHSdlib dirs lib
case dynamic of
Just file -> return $ Right $ Dynamic file
Nothing -> return $ Left lib
-- look for a dynamic version.
findHSlib :: [FilePath] -> String -> IO (Either String HSLib)
findHSlib dirs lib = do
static <- findHSslib dirs lib
case static of
Just file -> return $ Right $ Static file
Nothing -> do
dynamic <- findHSdlib dirs lib
case dynamic of
Just file -> return $ Right $ Dynamic file
Nothing -> return $ Left lib
findDLL :: [FilePath] -> String -> IO (Either String FilePath)
findDLL [] lib = return (Left lib)
findDLL (dir:dirs) lib = do
let l = dir </> lib
b <- doesFileExist l
if b then return $ Right l
else findDLL dirs lib
findDLL [] lib = return (Left lib)
findDLL (dir:dirs) lib = do
let l = dir </> lib
b <- doesFileExist l
if b then return $ Right l
else findDLL dirs lib
-- do we have a Module name for this merge?
@ -610,7 +610,7 @@ loadPackage p = do
putStr (' ':show libs) >> hFlush stdout
putStr (' ':show dlls) >> hFlush stdout
mapM_ loadShared dlls
mapM_ loadShared dlls
@ -446,4 +446,3 @@ readFile' f = do
length s `seq` return ()
hClose h
return s
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ hMkUnique = do (t,h) <- mkTemp
mkUniqueIn :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
mkUniqueIn dir = do (t,h) <- hMkUniqueIn dir
hClose h >> return t
hClose h >> return t
hMkUniqueIn :: FilePath -> IO (FilePath,Handle)
hMkUniqueIn dir = do (t,h) <- mkTempIn dir
@ -505,4 +505,3 @@ isSublistOf _ [] = False
isSublistOf x y@(_:ys)
| isPrefixOf x y = True
| otherwise = isSublistOf x ys
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