This commit is contained in:
@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts -cpp -w #-}
-- parser produced by Happy Version 1.14
{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts -cpp #-}
{-# OPTIONS -w #-}
module System.Plugins.ParsePkgConfCabal (
parsePkgConf, parseOnePkgConf
@ -20,6 +18,8 @@ import GHC.Exts
import GlaExts
-- parser produced by Happy Version 1.15
newtype HappyAbsSyn = HappyAbsSyn (() -> ())
happyIn5 :: ([ PackageConfig ]) -> (HappyAbsSyn )
happyIn5 x = unsafeCoerce# x
@ -446,17 +446,34 @@ happyNewToken action sts stk (tk:tks) =
ITconid happy_dollar_dollar -> cont 8#;
ITstring happy_dollar_dollar -> cont 9#;
ITinteger happy_dollar_dollar -> cont 10#;
_ -> happyError tks
_ -> happyError' (tk:tks)
happyThen = \m k -> k m
happyReturn = \a -> a
happyThen1 = happyThen
happyReturn1 = \a tks -> a
happyError_ tk tks = happyError' (tk:tks)
parse tks = happyThen (happyParse 0# tks) (\x -> happyReturn (happyOut5 x))
newtype HappyIdentity a = HappyIdentity a
happyIdentity = HappyIdentity
happyRunIdentity (HappyIdentity a) = a
parseOne tks = happyThen (happyParse 1# tks) (\x -> happyReturn (happyOut7 x))
instance Monad HappyIdentity where
return = HappyIdentity
(HappyIdentity p) >>= q = q p
happyThen :: () => HappyIdentity a -> (a -> HappyIdentity b) -> HappyIdentity b
happyThen = (>>=)
happyReturn :: () => a -> HappyIdentity a
happyReturn = (return)
happyThen1 m k tks = (>>=) m (\a -> k a tks)
happyReturn1 :: () => a -> b -> HappyIdentity a
happyReturn1 = \a tks -> (return) a
happyError' :: () => [Token] -> HappyIdentity a
happyError' = HappyIdentity . happyError
parse tks = happyRunIdentity happySomeParser where
happySomeParser = happyThen (happyParse 0# tks) (\x -> happyReturn (happyOut5 x))
parseOne tks = happyRunIdentity happySomeParser where
happySomeParser = happyThen (happyParse 1# tks) (\x -> happyReturn (happyOut7 x))
happySeq = happyDontSeq
@ -553,9 +570,13 @@ happyParse start_state = happyNewToken start_state notHappyAtAll notHappyAtAll
-- Accepting the parse
happyAccept j tk st sts (HappyStk ans _) = (happyTcHack j (happyTcHack st))
(happyReturn1 ans)
-- If the current token is 0#, it means we've just accepted a partial
-- parse (a %partial parser). We must ignore the saved token on the top of
-- the stack in this case.
happyAccept 0# tk st sts (_ `HappyStk` ans `HappyStk` _) =
happyReturn1 ans
happyAccept j tk st sts (HappyStk ans _) =
(happyTcHack j (happyTcHack st)) (happyReturn1 ans)
-- Arrays only: do the next action
@ -628,7 +649,7 @@ data HappyAddr = HappyA# Addr#
-- HappyState data type (not arrays)
{-# LINE 166 "GenericTemplate.hs" #-}
{-# LINE 170 "GenericTemplate.hs" #-}
-- Shifting a token
@ -707,8 +728,7 @@ happyGoto nt j tk st =
-- parse error if we are in recovery and we fail again
happyFail 0# tk old_st _ stk =
-- trace "failing" $
happyError_ tk
{- We don't need state discarding for our restricted implementation of
"error". In fact, it can cause some bogus parses, so I've disabled it
Reference in New Issue
Block a user