From bc895a28f92ec6d25be7c0c951d66d06895d72e2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Don Stewart <>
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2010 20:03:11 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Remove the two obsolete package.conf parsers

 src/System/Plugins/ParsePkgConfCabal.hs   | 797 ----------------------
 src/System/Plugins/ParsePkgConfCabal.y_in | 218 ------
 src/System/Plugins/ParsePkgConfLite.hs    | 616 -----------------
 src/System/Plugins/ParsePkgConfLite.y     | 159 -----
 4 files changed, 1790 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/System/Plugins/ParsePkgConfCabal.hs
 delete mode 100644 src/System/Plugins/ParsePkgConfCabal.y_in
 delete mode 100644 src/System/Plugins/ParsePkgConfLite.hs
 delete mode 100644 src/System/Plugins/ParsePkgConfLite.y

diff --git a/src/System/Plugins/ParsePkgConfCabal.hs b/src/System/Plugins/ParsePkgConfCabal.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 70ed785..0000000
--- a/src/System/Plugins/ParsePkgConfCabal.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,797 +0,0 @@
-{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
-{-# OPTIONS -w #-}
-module System.Plugins.ParsePkgConfCabal ( 
-        parsePkgConf, parseOnePkgConf
-  ) where
-import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo
-import Distribution.Package hiding (depends)
-import Distribution.Version
-import Data.Char             ( isSpace, isAlpha, isAlphaNum, isUpper, isDigit )
-import Data.List             ( break )
-import Data.Array
-#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 503
-import GHC.Exts
-import GlaExts
--- parser produced by Happy Version 1.15
-newtype HappyAbsSyn  = HappyAbsSyn (() -> ())
-happyIn5 :: ([ PackageConfig ]) -> (HappyAbsSyn )
-happyIn5 x = unsafeCoerce# x
-{-# INLINE happyIn5 #-}
-happyOut5 :: (HappyAbsSyn ) -> ([ PackageConfig ])
-happyOut5 x = unsafeCoerce# x
-{-# INLINE happyOut5 #-}
-happyIn6 :: ([ PackageConfig ]) -> (HappyAbsSyn )
-happyIn6 x = unsafeCoerce# x
-{-# INLINE happyIn6 #-}
-happyOut6 :: (HappyAbsSyn ) -> ([ PackageConfig ])
-happyOut6 x = unsafeCoerce# x
-{-# INLINE happyOut6 #-}
-happyIn7 :: (PackageConfig) -> (HappyAbsSyn )
-happyIn7 x = unsafeCoerce# x
-{-# INLINE happyIn7 #-}
-happyOut7 :: (HappyAbsSyn ) -> (PackageConfig)
-happyOut7 x = unsafeCoerce# x
-{-# INLINE happyOut7 #-}
-happyIn8 :: (PackageConfig -> PackageConfig) -> (HappyAbsSyn )
-happyIn8 x = unsafeCoerce# x
-{-# INLINE happyIn8 #-}
-happyOut8 :: (HappyAbsSyn ) -> (PackageConfig -> PackageConfig)
-happyOut8 x = unsafeCoerce# x
-{-# INLINE happyOut8 #-}
-happyIn9 :: (PackageConfig -> PackageConfig) -> (HappyAbsSyn )
-happyIn9 x = unsafeCoerce# x
-{-# INLINE happyIn9 #-}
-happyOut9 :: (HappyAbsSyn ) -> (PackageConfig -> PackageConfig)
-happyOut9 x = unsafeCoerce# x
-{-# INLINE happyOut9 #-}
-happyIn10 :: (PackageIdentifier) -> (HappyAbsSyn )
-happyIn10 x = unsafeCoerce# x
-{-# INLINE happyIn10 #-}
-happyOut10 :: (HappyAbsSyn ) -> (PackageIdentifier)
-happyOut10 x = unsafeCoerce# x
-{-# INLINE happyOut10 #-}
-happyIn11 :: (Version) -> (HappyAbsSyn )
-happyIn11 x = unsafeCoerce# x
-{-# INLINE happyIn11 #-}
-happyOut11 :: (HappyAbsSyn ) -> (Version)
-happyOut11 x = unsafeCoerce# x
-{-# INLINE happyOut11 #-}
-happyIn12 :: ([PackageIdentifier]) -> (HappyAbsSyn )
-happyIn12 x = unsafeCoerce# x
-{-# INLINE happyIn12 #-}
-happyOut12 :: (HappyAbsSyn ) -> ([PackageIdentifier])
-happyOut12 x = unsafeCoerce# x
-{-# INLINE happyOut12 #-}
-happyIn13 :: ([PackageIdentifier]) -> (HappyAbsSyn )
-happyIn13 x = unsafeCoerce# x
-{-# INLINE happyIn13 #-}
-happyOut13 :: (HappyAbsSyn ) -> ([PackageIdentifier])
-happyOut13 x = unsafeCoerce# x
-{-# INLINE happyOut13 #-}
-happyIn14 :: ([Int]) -> (HappyAbsSyn )
-happyIn14 x = unsafeCoerce# x
-{-# INLINE happyIn14 #-}
-happyOut14 :: (HappyAbsSyn ) -> ([Int])
-happyOut14 x = unsafeCoerce# x
-{-# INLINE happyOut14 #-}
-happyIn15 :: ([Int]) -> (HappyAbsSyn )
-happyIn15 x = unsafeCoerce# x
-{-# INLINE happyIn15 #-}
-happyOut15 :: (HappyAbsSyn ) -> ([Int])
-happyOut15 x = unsafeCoerce# x
-{-# INLINE happyOut15 #-}
-happyIn16 :: ([String]) -> (HappyAbsSyn )
-happyIn16 x = unsafeCoerce# x
-{-# INLINE happyIn16 #-}
-happyOut16 :: (HappyAbsSyn ) -> ([String])
-happyOut16 x = unsafeCoerce# x
-{-# INLINE happyOut16 #-}
-happyIn17 :: ([String]) -> (HappyAbsSyn )
-happyIn17 x = unsafeCoerce# x
-{-# INLINE happyIn17 #-}
-happyOut17 :: (HappyAbsSyn ) -> ([String])
-happyOut17 x = unsafeCoerce# x
-{-# INLINE happyOut17 #-}
-happyInTok :: Token -> (HappyAbsSyn )
-happyInTok x = unsafeCoerce# x
-{-# INLINE happyInTok #-}
-happyOutTok :: (HappyAbsSyn ) -> Token
-happyOutTok x = unsafeCoerce# x
-{-# INLINE happyOutTok #-}
-happyActOffsets :: HappyAddr
-happyActOffsets = HappyA# "\x50\x00\x4a\x00\x4c\x00\x49\x00\x46\x00\x4b\x00\x45\x00\x0a\x00\x1e\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x44\x00\x16\x00\x00\x00\x43\x00\x00\x00\x42\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00\x41\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x0c\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x40\x00\x00\x00\x3e\x00\x3d\x00\x1c\x00\x00\x00\x3f\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x3b\x00\x00\x00\x3a\x00\x39\x00\x35\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x38\x00\x31\x00\x34\x00\x33\x00\x37\x00\x36\x00\x28\x00\x00\x00\x30\x00\x32\x00\x2f\x00\x09\x00\x2d\x00\x00\x00\x2e\x00\x26\x00\x2c\x00\x22\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x2b\x00\x29\x00\x0d\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"#
-happyGotoOffsets :: HappyAddr
-happyGotoOffsets = HappyA# "\x2a\x00\x27\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x1d\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x19\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x25\x00\x00\x00\xfe\xff\x00\x00\x21\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xfc\xff\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x12\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x20\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x1f\x00\x00\x00\x1a\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x0f\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\xfb\xff\x00\x00\x00\x00"#
-happyDefActions :: HappyAddr
-happyDefActions = HappyA# "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xfb\xff\xfd\xff\x00\x00\x00\x00\xf8\xff\x00\x00\xfc\xff\x00\x00\xfa\xff\x00\x00\xf9\xff\x00\x00\xf7\xff\xf6\xff\xf1\xff\xf2\xff\x00\x00\xf4\xff\xf5\xff\x00\x00\xf3\xff\xed\xff\x00\x00\x00\x00\xe7\xff\x00\x00\xe5\xff\xe6\xff\x00\x00\xee\xff\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xec\xff\xe4\xff\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xf0\xff\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xeb\xff\xe9\xff\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xea\xff\xe8\xff\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xef\xff"#
-happyCheck :: HappyAddr
-happyCheck = HappyA# "\xff\xff\x05\x00\x01\x00\x05\x00\x08\x00\x07\x00\x03\x00\x0c\x00\x0c\x00\x0b\x00\x09\x00\x08\x00\x09\x00\x04\x00\x04\x00\x0b\x00\x04\x00\x04\x00\x08\x00\x0a\x00\x08\x00\x09\x00\x09\x00\x05\x00\x02\x00\x0a\x00\x08\x00\x05\x00\x03\x00\x04\x00\x01\x00\x02\x00\x04\x00\x05\x00\x04\x00\x05\x00\x0a\x00\x04\x00\x06\x00\x02\x00\x09\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x0a\x00\x07\x00\x03\x00\x07\x00\xff\xff\x04\x00\x06\x00\x05\x00\x05\x00\x03\x00\x06\x00\x01\x00\x07\x00\x02\x00\x06\x00\x08\x00\xff\xff\x05\x00\x09\x00\x06\x00\x01\x00\x04\x00\x08\x00\x05\x00\x09\x00\xff\xff\xff\xff\x07\x00\x07\x00\x06\x00\x08\x00\x07\x00\x01\x00\x04\x00\xff\xff\x03\x00\x0b\x00\x0b\x00\x08\x00\x03\x00\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff"#
-happyTable :: HappyAddr
-happyTable = HappyA# "\x00\x00\x1e\x00\x1d\x00\x16\x00\x1f\x00\x17\x00\x1a\x00\x20\x00\x20\x00\x18\x00\x1e\x00\x1b\x00\x1c\x00\x3a\x00\x0b\x00\x41\x00\x22\x00\x22\x00\x06\x00\x3b\x00\x23\x00\x24\x00\x24\x00\x1e\x00\x14\x00\x3f\x00\x2a\x00\x15\x00\x0c\x00\x0d\x00\x08\x00\x09\x00\x25\x00\x26\x00\x10\x00\x11\x00\x38\x00\x15\x00\x30\x00\x11\x00\x36\x00\x04\x00\x06\x00\x44\x00\x3b\x00\x3d\x00\x43\x00\x35\x00\x00\x00\x3f\x00\x41\x00\x3e\x00\x3c\x00\x38\x00\x36\x00\x33\x00\x2f\x00\x34\x00\x30\x00\x32\x00\x00\x00\x2e\x00\x2d\x00\x2a\x00\x1d\x00\x27\x00\x23\x00\x28\x00\x2c\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x29\x00\x0f\x00\x13\x00\x06\x00\x0f\x00\x0c\x00\x0b\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\xff\xff\xff\xff\x06\x00\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"#
-happyReduceArr = array (2, 27) [
-	(2 , happyReduce_2),
-	(3 , happyReduce_3),
-	(4 , happyReduce_4),
-	(5 , happyReduce_5),
-	(6 , happyReduce_6),
-	(7 , happyReduce_7),
-	(8 , happyReduce_8),
-	(9 , happyReduce_9),
-	(10 , happyReduce_10),
-	(11 , happyReduce_11),
-	(12 , happyReduce_12),
-	(13 , happyReduce_13),
-	(14 , happyReduce_14),
-	(15 , happyReduce_15),
-	(16 , happyReduce_16),
-	(17 , happyReduce_17),
-	(18 , happyReduce_18),
-	(19 , happyReduce_19),
-	(20 , happyReduce_20),
-	(21 , happyReduce_21),
-	(22 , happyReduce_22),
-	(23 , happyReduce_23),
-	(24 , happyReduce_24),
-	(25 , happyReduce_25),
-	(26 , happyReduce_26),
-	(27 , happyReduce_27)
-	]
-happy_n_terms = 12 :: Int
-happy_n_nonterms = 13 :: Int
-happyReduce_2 = happySpecReduce_2 0# happyReduction_2
-happyReduction_2 happy_x_2
-	happy_x_1
-	 =  happyIn5
-		 ([]
-	)
-happyReduce_3 = happySpecReduce_3 0# happyReduction_3
-happyReduction_3 happy_x_3
-	happy_x_2
-	happy_x_1
-	 =  case happyOut6 happy_x_2 of { happy_var_2 -> 
-	happyIn5
-		 (reverse happy_var_2
-	)}
-happyReduce_4 = happySpecReduce_1 1# happyReduction_4
-happyReduction_4 happy_x_1
-	 =  case happyOut7 happy_x_1 of { happy_var_1 -> 
-	happyIn6
-		 ([ happy_var_1 ]
-	)}
-happyReduce_5 = happySpecReduce_3 1# happyReduction_5
-happyReduction_5 happy_x_3
-	happy_x_2
-	happy_x_1
-	 =  case happyOut6 happy_x_1 of { happy_var_1 -> 
-	case happyOut7 happy_x_3 of { happy_var_3 -> 
-	happyIn6
-		 (happy_var_3 : happy_var_1
-	)}}
-happyReduce_6 = happyReduce 4# 2# happyReduction_6
-happyReduction_6 (happy_x_4 `HappyStk`
-	happy_x_3 `HappyStk`
-	happy_x_2 `HappyStk`
-	happy_x_1 `HappyStk`
-	happyRest)
-	 = case happyOut8 happy_x_3 of { happy_var_3 -> 
-	happyIn7
-		 (happy_var_3 defaultPackageConfig
-	) `HappyStk` happyRest}
-happyReduce_7 = happySpecReduce_1 3# happyReduction_7
-happyReduction_7 happy_x_1
-	 =  case happyOut9 happy_x_1 of { happy_var_1 -> 
-	happyIn8
-		 (\p -> happy_var_1 p
-	)}
-happyReduce_8 = happySpecReduce_3 3# happyReduction_8
-happyReduction_8 happy_x_3
-	happy_x_2
-	happy_x_1
-	 =  case happyOut8 happy_x_1 of { happy_var_1 -> 
-	case happyOut9 happy_x_3 of { happy_var_3 -> 
-	happyIn8
-		 (\p -> happy_var_1 (happy_var_3 p)
-	)}}
-happyReduce_9 = happySpecReduce_3 4# happyReduction_9
-happyReduction_9 happy_x_3
-	happy_x_2
-	happy_x_1
-	 =  case happyOutTok happy_x_1 of { (ITvarid    happy_var_1) -> 
-	case happyOut10 happy_x_3 of { happy_var_3 -> 
-	happyIn9
-		 (\p -> case happy_var_1 of
-		   "package" -> p {package = happy_var_3}
-		   _      -> error "unknown key in config file"
-	)}}
-happyReduce_10 = happySpecReduce_3 4# happyReduction_10
-happyReduction_10 happy_x_3
-	happy_x_2
-	happy_x_1
-	 =  happyIn9
-		 (id
-	)
-happyReduce_11 = happySpecReduce_3 4# happyReduction_11
-happyReduction_11 happy_x_3
-	happy_x_2
-	happy_x_1
-	 =  case happyOutTok happy_x_1 of { (ITvarid    happy_var_1) -> 
-	case happyOutTok happy_x_3 of { (ITconid    happy_var_3) -> 
-	happyIn9
-		 (case happy_var_1 of {
-		   	"exposed" -> 
-			   case happy_var_3 of {
-				"True"  -> (\p -> p {exposed=True});
-				"False" -> (\p -> p {exposed=False});
-				_       -> error "exposed must be either True or False" };
-		   	"license" -> id; -- not interested
-		   	_         -> error "unknown constructor" }
-	)}}
-happyReduce_12 = happyReduce 4# 4# happyReduction_12
-happyReduction_12 (happy_x_4 `HappyStk`
-	happy_x_3 `HappyStk`
-	happy_x_2 `HappyStk`
-	happy_x_1 `HappyStk`
-	happyRest)
-	 = happyIn9
-		 (id
-	) `HappyStk` happyRest
-happyReduce_13 = happySpecReduce_3 4# happyReduction_13
-happyReduction_13 happy_x_3
-	happy_x_2
-	happy_x_1
-	 =  case happyOutTok happy_x_1 of { (ITvarid    happy_var_1) -> 
-	case happyOut16 happy_x_3 of { happy_var_3 -> 
-	happyIn9
-		 (\p -> case happy_var_1 of
-		        "exposedModules"    -> p{exposedModules    = happy_var_3}
-		        "hiddenModules"     -> p{hiddenModules     = happy_var_3}
-		        "importDirs"        -> p{importDirs        = happy_var_3}
-		        "libraryDirs"       -> p{libraryDirs       = happy_var_3}
-		        "hsLibraries"       -> p{hsLibraries       = happy_var_3}
-		        "extraLibraries"    -> p{extraLibraries    = happy_var_3}
-		        "includeDirs"       -> p{includeDirs       = happy_var_3}
-		        "includes"          -> p{includes          = happy_var_3}
-		        "hugsOptions"       -> p{hugsOptions       = happy_var_3}
-		        "ccOptions"         -> p{ccOptions         = happy_var_3}
-		        "ldOptions"         -> p{ldOptions         = happy_var_3}
-		        "frameworkDirs"     -> p{frameworkDirs     = happy_var_3}
-		        "frameworks"        -> p{frameworks        = happy_var_3}
-		        "haddockInterfaces" -> p{haddockInterfaces = happy_var_3}
-		        "haddockHTMLs"      -> p{haddockHTMLs      = happy_var_3}
-		        "depends"     	    -> p{depends = []}
-				-- empty list only, non-empty handled below
-			other -> p
-	)}}
-happyReduce_14 = happySpecReduce_3 4# happyReduction_14
-happyReduction_14 happy_x_3
-	happy_x_2
-	happy_x_1
-	 =  case happyOutTok happy_x_1 of { (ITvarid    happy_var_1) -> 
-	case happyOut12 happy_x_3 of { happy_var_3 -> 
-	happyIn9
-		 (case happy_var_1 of
-		        "depends"     -> (\p -> p{depends = happy_var_3})
-			_other        -> error "unknown key in config file"
-	)}}
-happyReduce_15 = happyReduce 10# 5# happyReduction_15
-happyReduction_15 (happy_x_10 `HappyStk`
-	happy_x_9 `HappyStk`
-	happy_x_8 `HappyStk`
-	happy_x_7 `HappyStk`
-	happy_x_6 `HappyStk`
-	happy_x_5 `HappyStk`
-	happy_x_4 `HappyStk`
-	happy_x_3 `HappyStk`
-	happy_x_2 `HappyStk`
-	happy_x_1 `HappyStk`
-	happyRest)
-	 = case happyOutTok happy_x_5 of { (ITstring   happy_var_5) -> 
-	case happyOut11 happy_x_9 of { happy_var_9 -> 
-	happyIn10
-		 (PackageIdentifier{ pkgName = happy_var_5, 
-					     pkgVersion = happy_var_9 }
-	) `HappyStk` happyRest}}
-happyReduce_16 = happyReduce 10# 6# happyReduction_16
-happyReduction_16 (happy_x_10 `HappyStk`
-	happy_x_9 `HappyStk`
-	happy_x_8 `HappyStk`
-	happy_x_7 `HappyStk`
-	happy_x_6 `HappyStk`
-	happy_x_5 `HappyStk`
-	happy_x_4 `HappyStk`
-	happy_x_3 `HappyStk`
-	happy_x_2 `HappyStk`
-	happy_x_1 `HappyStk`
-	happyRest)
-	 = case happyOut14 happy_x_5 of { happy_var_5 -> 
-	case happyOut16 happy_x_9 of { happy_var_9 -> 
-	happyIn11
-		 (Version{ versionBranch=happy_var_5, versionTags=happy_var_9 }
-	) `HappyStk` happyRest}}
-happyReduce_17 = happySpecReduce_3 7# happyReduction_17
-happyReduction_17 happy_x_3
-	happy_x_2
-	happy_x_1
-	 =  case happyOut13 happy_x_2 of { happy_var_2 -> 
-	happyIn12
-		 (happy_var_2
-	)}
-happyReduce_18 = happySpecReduce_1 8# happyReduction_18
-happyReduction_18 happy_x_1
-	 =  case happyOut10 happy_x_1 of { happy_var_1 -> 
-	happyIn13
-		 ([ happy_var_1 ]
-	)}
-happyReduce_19 = happySpecReduce_3 8# happyReduction_19
-happyReduction_19 happy_x_3
-	happy_x_2
-	happy_x_1
-	 =  case happyOut10 happy_x_1 of { happy_var_1 -> 
-	case happyOut13 happy_x_3 of { happy_var_3 -> 
-	happyIn13
-		 (happy_var_1 : happy_var_3
-	)}}
-happyReduce_20 = happySpecReduce_2 9# happyReduction_20
-happyReduction_20 happy_x_2
-	happy_x_1
-	 =  happyIn14
-		 ([]
-	)
-happyReduce_21 = happySpecReduce_3 9# happyReduction_21
-happyReduction_21 happy_x_3
-	happy_x_2
-	happy_x_1
-	 =  case happyOut15 happy_x_2 of { happy_var_2 -> 
-	happyIn14
-		 (happy_var_2
-	)}
-happyReduce_22 = happySpecReduce_1 10# happyReduction_22
-happyReduction_22 happy_x_1
-	 =  case happyOutTok happy_x_1 of { (ITinteger  happy_var_1) -> 
-	happyIn15
-		 ([ fromIntegral happy_var_1 ]
-	)}
-happyReduce_23 = happySpecReduce_3 10# happyReduction_23
-happyReduction_23 happy_x_3
-	happy_x_2
-	happy_x_1
-	 =  case happyOutTok happy_x_1 of { (ITinteger  happy_var_1) -> 
-	case happyOut15 happy_x_3 of { happy_var_3 -> 
-	happyIn15
-		 (fromIntegral happy_var_1 : happy_var_3
-	)}}
-happyReduce_24 = happySpecReduce_2 11# happyReduction_24
-happyReduction_24 happy_x_2
-	happy_x_1
-	 =  happyIn16
-		 ([]
-	)
-happyReduce_25 = happySpecReduce_3 11# happyReduction_25
-happyReduction_25 happy_x_3
-	happy_x_2
-	happy_x_1
-	 =  case happyOut17 happy_x_2 of { happy_var_2 -> 
-	happyIn16
-		 (reverse happy_var_2
-	)}
-happyReduce_26 = happySpecReduce_1 12# happyReduction_26
-happyReduction_26 happy_x_1
-	 =  case happyOutTok happy_x_1 of { (ITstring   happy_var_1) -> 
-	happyIn17
-		 ([ happy_var_1 ]
-	)}
-happyReduce_27 = happySpecReduce_3 12# happyReduction_27
-happyReduction_27 happy_x_3
-	happy_x_2
-	happy_x_1
-	 =  case happyOut17 happy_x_1 of { happy_var_1 -> 
-	case happyOutTok happy_x_3 of { (ITstring   happy_var_3) -> 
-	happyIn17
-		 (happy_var_3 : happy_var_1
-	)}}
-happyNewToken action sts stk [] =
-	happyDoAction 11# (error "reading EOF!") action sts stk []
-happyNewToken action sts stk (tk:tks) =
-	let cont i = happyDoAction i tk action sts stk tks in
-	case tk of {
-	ITocurly -> cont 1#;
-	ITccurly -> cont 2#;
-	ITobrack -> cont 3#;
-	ITcbrack -> cont 4#;
-	ITcomma -> cont 5#;
-	ITequal -> cont 6#;
-	ITvarid    happy_dollar_dollar -> cont 7#;
-	ITconid    happy_dollar_dollar -> cont 8#;
-	ITstring   happy_dollar_dollar -> cont 9#;
-	ITinteger  happy_dollar_dollar -> cont 10#;
-	_ -> happyError' (tk:tks)
-	}
-happyError_ tk tks = happyError' (tk:tks)
-newtype HappyIdentity a = HappyIdentity a
-happyIdentity = HappyIdentity
-happyRunIdentity (HappyIdentity a) = a
-instance Monad HappyIdentity where
-    return = HappyIdentity
-    (HappyIdentity p) >>= q = q p
-happyThen :: () => HappyIdentity a -> (a -> HappyIdentity b) -> HappyIdentity b
-happyThen = (>>=)
-happyReturn :: () => a -> HappyIdentity a
-happyReturn = (return)
-happyThen1 m k tks = (>>=) m (\a -> k a tks)
-happyReturn1 :: () => a -> b -> HappyIdentity a
-happyReturn1 = \a tks -> (return) a
-happyError' :: () => [Token] -> HappyIdentity a
-happyError' = HappyIdentity . happyError
-parse tks = happyRunIdentity happySomeParser where
-  happySomeParser = happyThen (happyParse 0# tks) (\x -> happyReturn (happyOut5 x))
-parseOne tks = happyRunIdentity happySomeParser where
-  happySomeParser = happyThen (happyParse 1# tks) (\x -> happyReturn (happyOut7 x))
-happySeq = happyDoSeq
-type PackageConfig = InstalledPackageInfo
-defaultPackageConfig = emptyInstalledPackageInfo
-data Token 
-        = ITocurly
-        | ITccurly
-        | ITobrack
-        | ITcbrack
-        | ITcomma
-        | ITequal
-        | ITvarid String
-        | ITconid String
-        | ITstring String
-        | ITinteger Int
-lexer :: String -> [Token]
-lexer [] = []
-lexer ('{':cs) = ITocurly : lexer cs
-lexer ('}':cs) = ITccurly : lexer cs
-lexer ('[':cs) = ITobrack : lexer cs
-lexer (']':cs) = ITcbrack : lexer cs
-lexer (',':cs) = ITcomma : lexer cs
-lexer ('=':cs) = ITequal : lexer cs
-lexer ('"':cs) = lexString cs ""
-lexer (c:cs)
-    | isSpace c = lexer cs
-    | isAlpha c = lexID (c:cs) 
-    | isDigit c = lexInt (c:cs)
-lexer _ = error ( "Unexpected token")
-lexID cs = (if isUpper (head cs) then ITconid else ITvarid) id : lexer rest
-    where
-	(id,rest) = break (\c -> c /= '_' && not (isAlphaNum c)) cs
-lexInt cs = let (intStr, rest) = span isDigit cs
-            in  ITinteger (read intStr) : lexer rest
-lexString ('"':cs) s = ITstring (reverse s) : lexer cs
-lexString ('\\':c:cs) s = lexString cs (c:s)
-lexString (c:cs) s = lexString cs (c:s)
-happyError _ = error "Couldn't parse package configuration."
-parsePkgConf :: String -> [PackageConfig]
-parsePkgConf = parse . lexer
-parseOnePkgConf :: String -> PackageConfig
-parseOnePkgConf = parseOne . lexer
-{-# LINE 1 "GenericTemplate.hs" #-}
-{-# LINE 1 "<built-in>" #-}
-{-# LINE 1 "<command line>" #-}
-{-# LINE 1 "GenericTemplate.hs" #-}
--- $Id$
-{-# LINE 28 "GenericTemplate.hs" #-}
-data Happy_IntList = HappyCons Int# Happy_IntList
-{-# LINE 49 "GenericTemplate.hs" #-}
-{-# LINE 59 "GenericTemplate.hs" #-}
-infixr 9 `HappyStk`
-data HappyStk a = HappyStk a (HappyStk a)
--- starting the parse
-happyParse start_state = happyNewToken start_state notHappyAtAll notHappyAtAll
--- Accepting the parse
--- If the current token is 0#, it means we've just accepted a partial
--- parse (a %partial parser).  We must ignore the saved token on the top of
--- the stack in this case.
-happyAccept 0# tk st sts (_ `HappyStk` ans `HappyStk` _) =
-	happyReturn1 ans
-happyAccept j tk st sts (HappyStk ans _) = 
-	(happyTcHack j (happyTcHack st)) (happyReturn1 ans)
--- Arrays only: do the next action
-happyDoAction i tk st
-	= {- nothing -}
-	  case action of
-		0#		  -> {- nothing -}
-				     happyFail i tk st
-		-1# 	  -> {- nothing -}
-				     happyAccept i tk st
-		n | (n <# (0# :: Int#)) -> {- nothing -}
-				     (happyReduceArr ! rule) i tk st
-				     where rule = (I# ((negateInt# ((n +# (1# :: Int#))))))
-		n		  -> {- nothing -}
-				     happyShift new_state i tk st
-				     where new_state = (n -# (1# :: Int#))
-   where off    = indexShortOffAddr happyActOffsets st
-	 off_i  = (off +# i)
-	 check  = if (off_i >=# (0# :: Int#))
-			then (indexShortOffAddr happyCheck off_i ==#  i)
-			else False
- 	 action | check     = indexShortOffAddr happyTable off_i
-		| otherwise = indexShortOffAddr happyDefActions st
-indexShortOffAddr (HappyA# arr) off =
-#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 500
-	narrow16Int# i
-#elif __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ == 500
-	intToInt16# i
-	(i `iShiftL#` 16#) `iShiftRA#` 16#
-  where
-#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 503
-	i = word2Int# ((high `uncheckedShiftL#` 8#) `or#` low)
-	i = word2Int# ((high `shiftL#` 8#) `or#` low)
-	high = int2Word# (ord# (indexCharOffAddr# arr (off' +# 1#)))
-	low  = int2Word# (ord# (indexCharOffAddr# arr off'))
-	off' = off *# 2#
-data HappyAddr = HappyA# Addr#
--- HappyState data type (not arrays)
-{-# LINE 170 "GenericTemplate.hs" #-}
--- Shifting a token
-happyShift new_state 0# tk st sts stk@(x `HappyStk` _) =
-     let i = (case unsafeCoerce# x of { (I# (i)) -> i }) in
---     trace "shifting the error token" $
-     happyDoAction i tk new_state (HappyCons (st) (sts)) (stk)
-happyShift new_state i tk st sts stk =
-     happyNewToken new_state (HappyCons (st) (sts)) ((happyInTok (tk))`HappyStk`stk)
--- happyReduce is specialised for the common cases.
-happySpecReduce_0 i fn 0# tk st sts stk
-     = happyFail 0# tk st sts stk
-happySpecReduce_0 nt fn j tk st@((action)) sts stk
-     = happyGoto nt j tk st (HappyCons (st) (sts)) (fn `HappyStk` stk)
-happySpecReduce_1 i fn 0# tk st sts stk
-     = happyFail 0# tk st sts stk
-happySpecReduce_1 nt fn j tk _ sts@((HappyCons (st@(action)) (_))) (v1`HappyStk`stk')
-     = let r = fn v1 in
-       happySeq r (happyGoto nt j tk st sts (r `HappyStk` stk'))
-happySpecReduce_2 i fn 0# tk st sts stk
-     = happyFail 0# tk st sts stk
-happySpecReduce_2 nt fn j tk _ (HappyCons (_) (sts@((HappyCons (st@(action)) (_))))) (v1`HappyStk`v2`HappyStk`stk')
-     = let r = fn v1 v2 in
-       happySeq r (happyGoto nt j tk st sts (r `HappyStk` stk'))
-happySpecReduce_3 i fn 0# tk st sts stk
-     = happyFail 0# tk st sts stk
-happySpecReduce_3 nt fn j tk _ (HappyCons (_) ((HappyCons (_) (sts@((HappyCons (st@(action)) (_))))))) (v1`HappyStk`v2`HappyStk`v3`HappyStk`stk')
-     = let r = fn v1 v2 v3 in
-       happySeq r (happyGoto nt j tk st sts (r `HappyStk` stk'))
-happyReduce k i fn 0# tk st sts stk
-     = happyFail 0# tk st sts stk
-happyReduce k nt fn j tk st sts stk
-     = case happyDrop (k -# (1# :: Int#)) sts of
-	 sts1@((HappyCons (st1@(action)) (_))) ->
-        	let r = fn stk in  -- it doesn't hurt to always seq here...
-       		happyDoSeq r (happyGoto nt j tk st1 sts1 r)
-happyMonadReduce k nt fn 0# tk st sts stk
-     = happyFail 0# tk st sts stk
-happyMonadReduce k nt fn j tk st sts stk =
-        happyThen1 (fn stk) (\r -> happyGoto nt j tk st1 sts1 (r `HappyStk` drop_stk))
-       where sts1@((HappyCons (st1@(action)) (_))) = happyDrop k (HappyCons (st) (sts))
-             drop_stk = happyDropStk k stk
-happyDrop 0# l = l
-happyDrop n (HappyCons (_) (t)) = happyDrop (n -# (1# :: Int#)) t
-happyDropStk 0# l = l
-happyDropStk n (x `HappyStk` xs) = happyDropStk (n -# (1#::Int#)) xs
--- Moving to a new state after a reduction
-happyGoto nt j tk st = 
-   {- nothing -}
-   happyDoAction j tk new_state
-   where off    = indexShortOffAddr happyGotoOffsets st
-	 off_i  = (off +# nt)
- 	 new_state = indexShortOffAddr happyTable off_i
--- Error recovery (0# is the error token)
--- parse error if we are in recovery and we fail again
-happyFail  0# tk old_st _ stk =
---	trace "failing" $ 
-    	happyError_ tk
-{-  We don't need state discarding for our restricted implementation of
-    "error".  In fact, it can cause some bogus parses, so I've disabled it
-    for now --SDM
--- discard a state
-happyFail  0# tk old_st (HappyCons ((action)) (sts)) 
-						(saved_tok `HappyStk` _ `HappyStk` stk) =
---	trace ("discarding state, depth " ++ show (length stk))  $
-	happyDoAction 0# tk action sts ((saved_tok`HappyStk`stk))
--- Enter error recovery: generate an error token,
---                       save the old token and carry on.
-happyFail  i tk (action) sts stk =
---      trace "entering error recovery" $
-	happyDoAction 0# tk action sts ( (unsafeCoerce# (I# (i))) `HappyStk` stk)
--- Internal happy errors:
-notHappyAtAll = error "Internal Happy error\n"
--- Hack to get the typechecker to accept our action functions
-happyTcHack :: Int# -> a -> a
-happyTcHack x y = y
-{-# INLINE happyTcHack #-}
--- Seq-ing.  If the --strict flag is given, then Happy emits 
---	happySeq = happyDoSeq
--- otherwise it emits
--- 	happySeq = happyDontSeq
-happyDoSeq, happyDontSeq :: a -> b -> b
-happyDoSeq   a b = a `seq` b
-happyDontSeq a b = b
--- Don't inline any functions from the template.  GHC has a nasty habit
--- of deciding to inline happyGoto everywhere, which increases the size of
--- the generated parser quite a bit.
-{-# NOINLINE happyDoAction #-}
-{-# NOINLINE happyTable #-}
-{-# NOINLINE happyCheck #-}
-{-# NOINLINE happyActOffsets #-}
-{-# NOINLINE happyGotoOffsets #-}
-{-# NOINLINE happyDefActions #-}
-{-# NOINLINE happyShift #-}
-{-# NOINLINE happySpecReduce_0 #-}
-{-# NOINLINE happySpecReduce_1 #-}
-{-# NOINLINE happySpecReduce_2 #-}
-{-# NOINLINE happySpecReduce_3 #-}
-{-# NOINLINE happyReduce #-}
-{-# NOINLINE happyMonadReduce #-}
-{-# NOINLINE happyGoto #-}
-{-# NOINLINE happyFail #-}
--- end of Happy Template.
diff --git a/src/System/Plugins/ParsePkgConfCabal.y_in b/src/System/Plugins/ParsePkgConfCabal.y_in
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e1e2a1..0000000
--- a/src/System/Plugins/ParsePkgConfCabal.y_in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
--- Copyright (C) 2005 Sean Seefried -
--- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
--- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
--- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
--- version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
--- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
--- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
--- Lesser General Public License for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
--- License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
--- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307
--- USA
--- Taken (apart from the most minor of alterations) from
--- ghc/utils/ghc-pkg/ParsePkgConfLite.hs from GHC 6.2.2 source tree
--- and then modified to mimic the behaviour of the parser within
--- ghc/compiler/main/ParsePkgConf.y in GHC 6.4, without importing
--- heavy-weight infrastructure from the GHC source tree such as module
--- FastString, Lexer, etc.
--- (c) Copyright 2002, The University Court of the University of Glasgow. 
-{-# OPTIONS -w #-}
-module System.Plugins.ParsePkgConfCabal ( 
-        parsePkgConf, parseOnePkgConf
-  ) where
-import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo
-import Distribution.Package hiding (depends)
-import Distribution.Version
-import Data.Char             ( isSpace, isAlpha, isAlphaNum, isUpper, isDigit )
-import Data.List             ( break )
- '{'		{ ITocurly }
- '}'		{ ITccurly }
- '['		{ ITobrack }
- ']'		{ ITcbrack }
- ','		{ ITcomma }
- '='		{ ITequal }
- VARID   	{ ITvarid    $$ }
- CONID   	{ ITconid    $$ }
- STRING		{ ITstring   $$ }
- INT            { ITinteger  $$ }
-%name parse pkgconf
-%name parseOne pkg
-%tokentype { Token }
-pkgconf :: { [ PackageConfig ] }
-	: '[' ']'			{ [] }
-	| '[' pkgs ']'			{ reverse $2 }
-pkgs 	:: { [ PackageConfig ] }
-	: pkg 				{ [ $1 ] }
-	| pkgs ',' pkg			{ $3 : $1 }
-pkg 	:: { PackageConfig }
-	: CONID '{' fields '}'		{ $3 defaultPackageConfig }
-fields  :: { PackageConfig -> PackageConfig }
-	: field				{ \p -> $1 p }
-	| fields ',' field		{ \p -> $1 ($3 p) }
-field	:: { PackageConfig -> PackageConfig }
-	: VARID '=' pkgid
-                 {\p -> case $1 of
-		   "package" -> p {package = $3}
-		   _      -> error "unknown key in config file" }
-        | VARID '=' STRING              { id }
-		-- we aren't interested in the string fields, they're all
-		-- boring (copyright, maintainer etc.)
-        | VARID '=' CONID
-		{ case $1 of {
-		   	"exposed" -> 
-			   case $3 of {
-				"True"  -> (\p -> p {exposed=True});
-				"False" -> (\p -> p {exposed=False});
-				_       -> error "exposed must be either True or False" };
-		   	"license" -> id; -- not interested
-		   	_         -> error "unknown constructor" }
-		}
-	| VARID '=' CONID STRING	{ id }
-		-- another case of license
-	| VARID '=' strlist
-		{\p -> case $1 of
-		        "exposedModules"    -> p{exposedModules    = $3}
-		        "hiddenModules"     -> p{hiddenModules     = $3}
-		        "importDirs"        -> p{importDirs        = $3}
-		        "libraryDirs"       -> p{libraryDirs       = $3}
-		        "hsLibraries"       -> p{hsLibraries       = $3}
-		        "extraLibraries"    -> p{extraLibraries    = $3}
-		        "includeDirs"       -> p{includeDirs       = $3}
-		        "includes"          -> p{includes          = $3}
-		        "hugsOptions"       -> p{hugsOptions       = $3}
-		        "ccOptions"         -> p{ccOptions         = $3}
-		        "ldOptions"         -> p{ldOptions         = $3}
-		        "frameworkDirs"     -> p{frameworkDirs     = $3}
-		        "frameworks"        -> p{frameworks        = $3}
-		        "haddockInterfaces" -> p{haddockInterfaces = $3}
-		        "haddockHTMLs"      -> p{haddockHTMLs      = $3}
-		        "depends"     	    -> p{depends = []}
-				-- empty list only, non-empty handled below
-			other -> p
-		}
-	| VARID '=' pkgidlist
-		{ case $1 of
-		        "depends"     -> (\p -> p{depends = $3})
-			_other        -> error "unknown key in config file"
-		}
-pkgid	:: { PackageIdentifier }
-	: CONID '{' VARID '=' STRING ',' VARID '=' version '}'
-			{ PackageIdentifier{ pkgName = $5, 
-					     pkgVersion = $9 } }
-version :: { Version }
-	: CONID '{' VARID '=' intlist ',' VARID '=' strlist '}'
-			{ Version{ versionBranch=$5, versionTags=$9 } }
-pkgidlist :: { [PackageIdentifier] }
-	: '[' pkgids ']'		{ $2 }
-	-- empty list case is covered by strlist, to avoid conflicts
-pkgids	:: { [PackageIdentifier] }
-	: pkgid				{ [ $1 ] }
-	| pkgid ',' pkgids		{ $1 : $3 }
-intlist :: { [Int] }
-        : '[' ']'			{ [] }
-	| '[' ints ']'			{ $2 }
-ints	:: { [Int] }
-	: INT				{ [ fromIntegral $1 ] }
-	| INT ',' ints			{ fromIntegral $1 : $3 }
-strlist :: { [String] }
-        : '[' ']'			{ [] }
-	| '[' strs ']'			{ reverse $2 }
-strs	:: { [String] }
-	: STRING			{ [ $1 ] }
-	| strs ',' STRING		{ $3 : $1 }
-type PackageConfig = InstalledPackageInfo
-defaultPackageConfig = emptyInstalledPackageInfo
-data Token 
-        = ITocurly
-        | ITccurly
-        | ITobrack
-        | ITcbrack
-        | ITcomma
-        | ITequal
-        | ITvarid String
-        | ITconid String
-        | ITstring String
-        | ITinteger Int
-lexer :: String -> [Token]
-lexer [] = []
-lexer ('{':cs) = ITocurly : lexer cs
-lexer ('}':cs) = ITccurly : lexer cs
-lexer ('[':cs) = ITobrack : lexer cs
-lexer (']':cs) = ITcbrack : lexer cs
-lexer (',':cs) = ITcomma : lexer cs
-lexer ('=':cs) = ITequal : lexer cs
-lexer ('"':cs) = lexString cs ""
-lexer (c:cs)
-    | isSpace c = lexer cs
-    | isAlpha c = lexID (c:cs) 
-    | isDigit c = lexInt (c:cs)
-lexer _ = error ( "Unexpected token")
-lexID cs = (if isUpper (head cs) then ITconid else ITvarid) id : lexer rest
-    where
-	(id,rest) = break (\c -> c /= '_' && not (isAlphaNum c)) cs
-lexInt cs = let (intStr, rest) = span isDigit cs
-            in  ITinteger (read intStr) : lexer rest
-lexString ('"':cs) s = ITstring (reverse s) : lexer cs
-lexString ('\\':c:cs) s = lexString cs (c:s)
-lexString (c:cs) s = lexString cs (c:s)
-happyError _ = error "Couldn't parse package configuration."
-parsePkgConf :: String -> [PackageConfig]
-parsePkgConf = parse . lexer
-parseOnePkgConf :: String -> PackageConfig
-parseOnePkgConf = parseOne . lexer
diff --git a/src/System/Plugins/ParsePkgConfLite.hs b/src/System/Plugins/ParsePkgConfLite.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index a2c569d..0000000
--- a/src/System/Plugins/ParsePkgConfLite.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,616 +0,0 @@
-{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
-{-# OPTIONS -w #-}
-module System.Plugins.ParsePkgConfLite ( 
-        parsePkgConf, parseOnePkgConf
-  ) where
-import System.Plugins.Package  ( PackageConfig(..), defaultPackageConfig )
-import Char             ( isSpace, isAlpha, isAlphaNum, isUpper )
-import List             ( break )
-import Array
-#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 503
-import GHC.Exts
-import GlaExts
--- parser produced by Happy Version 1.15
-newtype HappyAbsSyn  = HappyAbsSyn (() -> ())
-happyIn5 :: ([ PackageConfig ]) -> (HappyAbsSyn )
-happyIn5 x = unsafeCoerce# x
-{-# INLINE happyIn5 #-}
-happyOut5 :: (HappyAbsSyn ) -> ([ PackageConfig ])
-happyOut5 x = unsafeCoerce# x
-{-# INLINE happyOut5 #-}
-happyIn6 :: ([ PackageConfig ]) -> (HappyAbsSyn )
-happyIn6 x = unsafeCoerce# x
-{-# INLINE happyIn6 #-}
-happyOut6 :: (HappyAbsSyn ) -> ([ PackageConfig ])
-happyOut6 x = unsafeCoerce# x
-{-# INLINE happyOut6 #-}
-happyIn7 :: (PackageConfig) -> (HappyAbsSyn )
-happyIn7 x = unsafeCoerce# x
-{-# INLINE happyIn7 #-}
-happyOut7 :: (HappyAbsSyn ) -> (PackageConfig)
-happyOut7 x = unsafeCoerce# x
-{-# INLINE happyOut7 #-}
-happyIn8 :: (PackageConfig -> PackageConfig) -> (HappyAbsSyn )
-happyIn8 x = unsafeCoerce# x
-{-# INLINE happyIn8 #-}
-happyOut8 :: (HappyAbsSyn ) -> (PackageConfig -> PackageConfig)
-happyOut8 x = unsafeCoerce# x
-{-# INLINE happyOut8 #-}
-happyIn9 :: (PackageConfig -> PackageConfig) -> (HappyAbsSyn )
-happyIn9 x = unsafeCoerce# x
-{-# INLINE happyIn9 #-}
-happyOut9 :: (HappyAbsSyn ) -> (PackageConfig -> PackageConfig)
-happyOut9 x = unsafeCoerce# x
-{-# INLINE happyOut9 #-}
-happyIn10 :: ([String]) -> (HappyAbsSyn )
-happyIn10 x = unsafeCoerce# x
-{-# INLINE happyIn10 #-}
-happyOut10 :: (HappyAbsSyn ) -> ([String])
-happyOut10 x = unsafeCoerce# x
-{-# INLINE happyOut10 #-}
-happyIn11 :: ([String]) -> (HappyAbsSyn )
-happyIn11 x = unsafeCoerce# x
-{-# INLINE happyIn11 #-}
-happyOut11 :: (HappyAbsSyn ) -> ([String])
-happyOut11 x = unsafeCoerce# x
-{-# INLINE happyOut11 #-}
-happyIn12 :: (Bool) -> (HappyAbsSyn )
-happyIn12 x = unsafeCoerce# x
-{-# INLINE happyIn12 #-}
-happyOut12 :: (HappyAbsSyn ) -> (Bool)
-happyOut12 x = unsafeCoerce# x
-{-# INLINE happyOut12 #-}
-happyInTok :: Token -> (HappyAbsSyn )
-happyInTok x = unsafeCoerce# x
-{-# INLINE happyInTok #-}
-happyOutTok :: (HappyAbsSyn ) -> Token
-happyOutTok x = unsafeCoerce# x
-{-# INLINE happyOutTok #-}
-happyActOffsets :: HappyAddr
-happyActOffsets = HappyA# "\x1f\x00\x1e\x00\x1d\x00\x1b\x00\x1a\x00\x1c\x00\x19\x00\x01\x00\x0e\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x17\x00\x08\x00\x00\x00\x16\x00\x00\x00\x13\x00\x00\x00\xfe\xff\x00\x00\x12\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\xff\x00\x00\x00\x00\x0c\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x11\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"#
-happyGotoOffsets :: HappyAddr
-happyGotoOffsets = HappyA# "\x18\x00\x15\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x0a\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x0b\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x14\x00\x00\x00\xfd\xff\x00\x00\x10\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x0f\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"#
-happyDefActions :: HappyAddr
-happyDefActions = HappyA# "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xfb\xff\xfd\xff\x00\x00\x00\x00\xf8\xff\x00\x00\xfc\xff\x00\x00\xfa\xff\x00\x00\xf9\xff\x00\x00\xf7\xff\xf4\xff\xf5\xff\x00\x00\xef\xff\xf6\xff\x00\x00\xf3\xff\xf1\xff\xf2\xff\x00\x00\xf0\xff"#
-happyCheck :: HappyAddr
-happyCheck = HappyA# "\xff\xff\x03\x00\x05\x00\x04\x00\x07\x00\x04\x00\x08\x00\x09\x00\x09\x00\x08\x00\x02\x00\x01\x00\x02\x00\x05\x00\x03\x00\x04\x00\x04\x00\x05\x00\x04\x00\x05\x00\x04\x00\x06\x00\x02\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x07\x00\x09\x00\x08\x00\x06\x00\x01\x00\x07\x00\x04\x00\x03\x00\xff\xff\x03\x00\x0a\x00\x0a\x00\xff\xff\x08\x00\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff"#
-happyTable :: HappyAddr
-happyTable = HappyA# "\x00\x00\x19\x00\x16\x00\x1d\x00\x17\x00\x0b\x00\x1a\x00\x1b\x00\x1e\x00\x06\x00\x14\x00\x08\x00\x09\x00\x15\x00\x0c\x00\x0d\x00\x1f\x00\x20\x00\x10\x00\x11\x00\x15\x00\x1b\x00\x11\x00\x04\x00\x06\x00\x0f\x00\x21\x00\x06\x00\x13\x00\x0c\x00\x0f\x00\x0b\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00\xff\xff\xff\xff\x00\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"#
-happyReduceArr = array (2, 16) [
-	(2 , happyReduce_2),
-	(3 , happyReduce_3),
-	(4 , happyReduce_4),
-	(5 , happyReduce_5),
-	(6 , happyReduce_6),
-	(7 , happyReduce_7),
-	(8 , happyReduce_8),
-	(9 , happyReduce_9),
-	(10 , happyReduce_10),
-	(11 , happyReduce_11),
-	(12 , happyReduce_12),
-	(13 , happyReduce_13),
-	(14 , happyReduce_14),
-	(15 , happyReduce_15),
-	(16 , happyReduce_16)
-	]
-happy_n_terms = 11 :: Int
-happy_n_nonterms = 8 :: Int
-happyReduce_2 = happySpecReduce_2 0# happyReduction_2
-happyReduction_2 happy_x_2
-	happy_x_1
-	 =  happyIn5
-		 ([]
-	)
-happyReduce_3 = happySpecReduce_3 0# happyReduction_3
-happyReduction_3 happy_x_3
-	happy_x_2
-	happy_x_1
-	 =  case happyOut6 happy_x_2 of { happy_var_2 -> 
-	happyIn5
-		 (reverse happy_var_2
-	)}
-happyReduce_4 = happySpecReduce_1 1# happyReduction_4
-happyReduction_4 happy_x_1
-	 =  case happyOut7 happy_x_1 of { happy_var_1 -> 
-	happyIn6
-		 ([ happy_var_1 ]
-	)}
-happyReduce_5 = happySpecReduce_3 1# happyReduction_5
-happyReduction_5 happy_x_3
-	happy_x_2
-	happy_x_1
-	 =  case happyOut6 happy_x_1 of { happy_var_1 -> 
-	case happyOut7 happy_x_3 of { happy_var_3 -> 
-	happyIn6
-		 (happy_var_3 : happy_var_1
-	)}}
-happyReduce_6 = happyReduce 4# 2# happyReduction_6
-happyReduction_6 (happy_x_4 `HappyStk`
-	happy_x_3 `HappyStk`
-	happy_x_2 `HappyStk`
-	happy_x_1 `HappyStk`
-	happyRest)
-	 = case happyOut8 happy_x_3 of { happy_var_3 -> 
-	happyIn7
-		 (happy_var_3 defaultPackageConfig
-	) `HappyStk` happyRest}
-happyReduce_7 = happySpecReduce_1 3# happyReduction_7
-happyReduction_7 happy_x_1
-	 =  case happyOut9 happy_x_1 of { happy_var_1 -> 
-	happyIn8
-		 (\p -> happy_var_1 p
-	)}
-happyReduce_8 = happySpecReduce_3 3# happyReduction_8
-happyReduction_8 happy_x_3
-	happy_x_2
-	happy_x_1
-	 =  case happyOut8 happy_x_1 of { happy_var_1 -> 
-	case happyOut9 happy_x_3 of { happy_var_3 -> 
-	happyIn8
-		 (\p -> happy_var_1 (happy_var_3 p)
-	)}}
-happyReduce_9 = happySpecReduce_3 4# happyReduction_9
-happyReduction_9 happy_x_3
-	happy_x_2
-	happy_x_1
-	 =  case happyOutTok happy_x_1 of { (ITvarid    happy_var_1) -> 
-	case happyOutTok happy_x_3 of { (ITstring   happy_var_3) -> 
-	happyIn9
-		 (\p -> case happy_var_1 of
-		   "name" -> p{name = happy_var_3}
-		   _      -> error "unknown key in config file"
-	)}}
-happyReduce_10 = happySpecReduce_3 4# happyReduction_10
-happyReduction_10 happy_x_3
-	happy_x_2
-	happy_x_1
-	 =  case happyOutTok happy_x_1 of { (ITvarid    happy_var_1) -> 
-	case happyOut12 happy_x_3 of { happy_var_3 -> 
-	happyIn9
-		 (\p -> case happy_var_1 of {
-		   	"auto" -> p{auto = happy_var_3};
-		   	_      -> p }
-	)}}
-happyReduce_11 = happySpecReduce_3 4# happyReduction_11
-happyReduction_11 happy_x_3
-	happy_x_2
-	happy_x_1
-	 =  case happyOutTok happy_x_1 of { (ITvarid    happy_var_1) -> 
-	case happyOut10 happy_x_3 of { happy_var_3 -> 
-	happyIn9
-		 (\p -> case happy_var_1 of
-		        "import_dirs"     -> p{import_dirs     = happy_var_3}
-		        "library_dirs"    -> p{library_dirs    = happy_var_3}
-		        "hs_libraries"    -> p{hs_libraries    = happy_var_3}
-		        "extra_libraries" -> p{extra_libraries = happy_var_3}
-		        "include_dirs"    -> p{include_dirs    = happy_var_3}
-		        "c_includes"      -> p{c_includes      = happy_var_3}
-		        "package_deps"    -> p{package_deps    = happy_var_3}
-		        "extra_ghc_opts"  -> p{extra_ghc_opts  = happy_var_3}
-		        "extra_cc_opts"   -> p{extra_cc_opts   = happy_var_3}
-		        "extra_ld_opts"   -> p{extra_ld_opts   = happy_var_3}
-		        "framework_dirs"  -> p{framework_dirs  = happy_var_3}
-		        "extra_frameworks"-> p{extra_frameworks= happy_var_3}
-			_other            -> p
-	)}}
-happyReduce_12 = happySpecReduce_2 5# happyReduction_12
-happyReduction_12 happy_x_2
-	happy_x_1
-	 =  happyIn10
-		 ([]
-	)
-happyReduce_13 = happySpecReduce_3 5# happyReduction_13
-happyReduction_13 happy_x_3
-	happy_x_2
-	happy_x_1
-	 =  case happyOut11 happy_x_2 of { happy_var_2 -> 
-	happyIn10
-		 (reverse happy_var_2
-	)}
-happyReduce_14 = happySpecReduce_1 6# happyReduction_14
-happyReduction_14 happy_x_1
-	 =  case happyOutTok happy_x_1 of { (ITstring   happy_var_1) -> 
-	happyIn11
-		 ([ happy_var_1 ]
-	)}
-happyReduce_15 = happySpecReduce_3 6# happyReduction_15
-happyReduction_15 happy_x_3
-	happy_x_2
-	happy_x_1
-	 =  case happyOut11 happy_x_1 of { happy_var_1 -> 
-	case happyOutTok happy_x_3 of { (ITstring   happy_var_3) -> 
-	happyIn11
-		 (happy_var_3 : happy_var_1
-	)}}
-happyReduce_16 = happySpecReduce_1 7# happyReduction_16
-happyReduction_16 happy_x_1
-	 =  case happyOutTok happy_x_1 of { (ITconid    happy_var_1) -> 
-	happyIn12
-		 ( case happy_var_1 of {
-					    "True"  -> True;
-					    "False" -> False;
-					    _       -> error ("unknown constructor in config file: " ++ happy_var_1) }
-	)}
-happyNewToken action sts stk [] =
-	happyDoAction 10# (error "reading EOF!") action sts stk []
-happyNewToken action sts stk (tk:tks) =
-	let cont i = happyDoAction i tk action sts stk tks in
-	case tk of {
-	ITocurly -> cont 1#;
-	ITccurly -> cont 2#;
-	ITobrack -> cont 3#;
-	ITcbrack -> cont 4#;
-	ITcomma -> cont 5#;
-	ITequal -> cont 6#;
-	ITvarid    happy_dollar_dollar -> cont 7#;
-	ITconid    happy_dollar_dollar -> cont 8#;
-	ITstring   happy_dollar_dollar -> cont 9#;
-	_ -> happyError' (tk:tks)
-	}
-happyError_ tk tks = happyError' (tk:tks)
-newtype HappyIdentity a = HappyIdentity a
-happyIdentity = HappyIdentity
-happyRunIdentity (HappyIdentity a) = a
-instance Monad HappyIdentity where
-    return = HappyIdentity
-    (HappyIdentity p) >>= q = q p
-happyThen :: () => HappyIdentity a -> (a -> HappyIdentity b) -> HappyIdentity b
-happyThen = (>>=)
-happyReturn :: () => a -> HappyIdentity a
-happyReturn = (return)
-happyThen1 m k tks = (>>=) m (\a -> k a tks)
-happyReturn1 :: () => a -> b -> HappyIdentity a
-happyReturn1 = \a tks -> (return) a
-happyError' :: () => [Token] -> HappyIdentity a
-happyError' = HappyIdentity . happyError
-parse tks = happyRunIdentity happySomeParser where
-  happySomeParser = happyThen (happyParse 0# tks) (\x -> happyReturn (happyOut5 x))
-parseOne tks = happyRunIdentity happySomeParser where
-  happySomeParser = happyThen (happyParse 1# tks) (\x -> happyReturn (happyOut7 x))
-happySeq = happyDontSeq
-data Token 
-        = ITocurly
-        | ITccurly
-        | ITobrack
-        | ITcbrack
-        | ITcomma
-        | ITequal
-        | ITvarid String
-        | ITconid String
-        | ITstring String
-lexer :: String -> [Token]
-lexer [] = []
-lexer ('{':cs) = ITocurly : lexer cs
-lexer ('}':cs) = ITccurly : lexer cs
-lexer ('[':cs) = ITobrack : lexer cs
-lexer (']':cs) = ITcbrack : lexer cs
-lexer (',':cs) = ITcomma : lexer cs
-lexer ('=':cs) = ITequal : lexer cs
-lexer ('"':cs) = lexString cs ""
-lexer (c:cs)
-    | isSpace c = lexer cs
-    | isAlpha c = lexID (c:cs) where
-lexer _ = error "Unexpected token"
-lexID cs = (if isUpper (head cs) then ITconid else ITvarid) id : lexer rest
-    where
-	(id,rest) = break (\c -> c /= '_' && not (isAlphaNum c)) cs
-lexString ('"':cs) s = ITstring (reverse s) : lexer cs
-lexString ('\\':c:cs) s = lexString cs (c:s)
-lexString (c:cs) s = lexString cs (c:s)
-happyError _ = error "Couldn't parse package configuration."
-parsePkgConf :: String -> [PackageConfig]
-parsePkgConf = parse . lexer
-parseOnePkgConf :: String -> PackageConfig
-parseOnePkgConf = parseOne . lexer
-{-# LINE 1 "GenericTemplate.hs" #-}
-{-# LINE 1 "<built-in>" #-}
-{-# LINE 1 "<command line>" #-}
-{-# LINE 1 "GenericTemplate.hs" #-}
--- $Id$
-{-# LINE 28 "GenericTemplate.hs" #-}
-data Happy_IntList = HappyCons Int# Happy_IntList
-{-# LINE 49 "GenericTemplate.hs" #-}
-{-# LINE 59 "GenericTemplate.hs" #-}
-infixr 9 `HappyStk`
-data HappyStk a = HappyStk a (HappyStk a)
--- starting the parse
-happyParse start_state = happyNewToken start_state notHappyAtAll notHappyAtAll
--- Accepting the parse
--- If the current token is 0#, it means we've just accepted a partial
--- parse (a %partial parser).  We must ignore the saved token on the top of
--- the stack in this case.
-happyAccept 0# tk st sts (_ `HappyStk` ans `HappyStk` _) =
-	happyReturn1 ans
-happyAccept j tk st sts (HappyStk ans _) = 
-	(happyTcHack j (happyTcHack st)) (happyReturn1 ans)
--- Arrays only: do the next action
-happyDoAction i tk st
-	= {- nothing -}
-	  case action of
-		0#		  -> {- nothing -}
-				     happyFail i tk st
-		-1# 	  -> {- nothing -}
-				     happyAccept i tk st
-		n | (n <# (0# :: Int#)) -> {- nothing -}
-				     (happyReduceArr ! rule) i tk st
-				     where rule = (I# ((negateInt# ((n +# (1# :: Int#))))))
-		n		  -> {- nothing -}
-				     happyShift new_state i tk st
-				     where new_state = (n -# (1# :: Int#))
-   where off    = indexShortOffAddr happyActOffsets st
-	 off_i  = (off +# i)
-	 check  = if (off_i >=# (0# :: Int#))
-			then (indexShortOffAddr happyCheck off_i ==#  i)
-			else False
- 	 action | check     = indexShortOffAddr happyTable off_i
-		| otherwise = indexShortOffAddr happyDefActions st
-indexShortOffAddr (HappyA# arr) off =
-#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 500
-	narrow16Int# i
-#elif __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ == 500
-	intToInt16# i
-	(i `iShiftL#` 16#) `iShiftRA#` 16#
-  where
-#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 503
-	i = word2Int# ((high `uncheckedShiftL#` 8#) `or#` low)
-	i = word2Int# ((high `shiftL#` 8#) `or#` low)
-	high = int2Word# (ord# (indexCharOffAddr# arr (off' +# 1#)))
-	low  = int2Word# (ord# (indexCharOffAddr# arr off'))
-	off' = off *# 2#
-data HappyAddr = HappyA# Addr#
--- HappyState data type (not arrays)
-{-# LINE 170 "GenericTemplate.hs" #-}
--- Shifting a token
-happyShift new_state 0# tk st sts stk@(x `HappyStk` _) =
-     let i = (case unsafeCoerce# x of { (I# (i)) -> i }) in
---     trace "shifting the error token" $
-     happyDoAction i tk new_state (HappyCons (st) (sts)) (stk)
-happyShift new_state i tk st sts stk =
-     happyNewToken new_state (HappyCons (st) (sts)) ((happyInTok (tk))`HappyStk`stk)
--- happyReduce is specialised for the common cases.
-happySpecReduce_0 i fn 0# tk st sts stk
-     = happyFail 0# tk st sts stk
-happySpecReduce_0 nt fn j tk st@((action)) sts stk
-     = happyGoto nt j tk st (HappyCons (st) (sts)) (fn `HappyStk` stk)
-happySpecReduce_1 i fn 0# tk st sts stk
-     = happyFail 0# tk st sts stk
-happySpecReduce_1 nt fn j tk _ sts@((HappyCons (st@(action)) (_))) (v1`HappyStk`stk')
-     = let r = fn v1 in
-       happySeq r (happyGoto nt j tk st sts (r `HappyStk` stk'))
-happySpecReduce_2 i fn 0# tk st sts stk
-     = happyFail 0# tk st sts stk
-happySpecReduce_2 nt fn j tk _ (HappyCons (_) (sts@((HappyCons (st@(action)) (_))))) (v1`HappyStk`v2`HappyStk`stk')
-     = let r = fn v1 v2 in
-       happySeq r (happyGoto nt j tk st sts (r `HappyStk` stk'))
-happySpecReduce_3 i fn 0# tk st sts stk
-     = happyFail 0# tk st sts stk
-happySpecReduce_3 nt fn j tk _ (HappyCons (_) ((HappyCons (_) (sts@((HappyCons (st@(action)) (_))))))) (v1`HappyStk`v2`HappyStk`v3`HappyStk`stk')
-     = let r = fn v1 v2 v3 in
-       happySeq r (happyGoto nt j tk st sts (r `HappyStk` stk'))
-happyReduce k i fn 0# tk st sts stk
-     = happyFail 0# tk st sts stk
-happyReduce k nt fn j tk st sts stk
-     = case happyDrop (k -# (1# :: Int#)) sts of
-	 sts1@((HappyCons (st1@(action)) (_))) ->
-        	let r = fn stk in  -- it doesn't hurt to always seq here...
-       		happyDoSeq r (happyGoto nt j tk st1 sts1 r)
-happyMonadReduce k nt fn 0# tk st sts stk
-     = happyFail 0# tk st sts stk
-happyMonadReduce k nt fn j tk st sts stk =
-        happyThen1 (fn stk) (\r -> happyGoto nt j tk st1 sts1 (r `HappyStk` drop_stk))
-       where sts1@((HappyCons (st1@(action)) (_))) = happyDrop k (HappyCons (st) (sts))
-             drop_stk = happyDropStk k stk
-happyDrop 0# l = l
-happyDrop n (HappyCons (_) (t)) = happyDrop (n -# (1# :: Int#)) t
-happyDropStk 0# l = l
-happyDropStk n (x `HappyStk` xs) = happyDropStk (n -# (1#::Int#)) xs
--- Moving to a new state after a reduction
-happyGoto nt j tk st = 
-   {- nothing -}
-   happyDoAction j tk new_state
-   where off    = indexShortOffAddr happyGotoOffsets st
-	 off_i  = (off +# nt)
- 	 new_state = indexShortOffAddr happyTable off_i
--- Error recovery (0# is the error token)
--- parse error if we are in recovery and we fail again
-happyFail  0# tk old_st _ stk =
---	trace "failing" $ 
-    	happyError_ tk
-{-  We don't need state discarding for our restricted implementation of
-    "error".  In fact, it can cause some bogus parses, so I've disabled it
-    for now --SDM
--- discard a state
-happyFail  0# tk old_st (HappyCons ((action)) (sts)) 
-						(saved_tok `HappyStk` _ `HappyStk` stk) =
---	trace ("discarding state, depth " ++ show (length stk))  $
-	happyDoAction 0# tk action sts ((saved_tok`HappyStk`stk))
--- Enter error recovery: generate an error token,
---                       save the old token and carry on.
-happyFail  i tk (action) sts stk =
---      trace "entering error recovery" $
-	happyDoAction 0# tk action sts ( (unsafeCoerce# (I# (i))) `HappyStk` stk)
--- Internal happy errors:
-notHappyAtAll = error "Internal Happy error\n"
--- Hack to get the typechecker to accept our action functions
-happyTcHack :: Int# -> a -> a
-happyTcHack x y = y
-{-# INLINE happyTcHack #-}
--- Seq-ing.  If the --strict flag is given, then Happy emits 
---	happySeq = happyDoSeq
--- otherwise it emits
--- 	happySeq = happyDontSeq
-happyDoSeq, happyDontSeq :: a -> b -> b
-happyDoSeq   a b = a `seq` b
-happyDontSeq a b = b
--- Don't inline any functions from the template.  GHC has a nasty habit
--- of deciding to inline happyGoto everywhere, which increases the size of
--- the generated parser quite a bit.
-{-# NOINLINE happyDoAction #-}
-{-# NOINLINE happyTable #-}
-{-# NOINLINE happyCheck #-}
-{-# NOINLINE happyActOffsets #-}
-{-# NOINLINE happyGotoOffsets #-}
-{-# NOINLINE happyDefActions #-}
-{-# NOINLINE happyShift #-}
-{-# NOINLINE happySpecReduce_0 #-}
-{-# NOINLINE happySpecReduce_1 #-}
-{-# NOINLINE happySpecReduce_2 #-}
-{-# NOINLINE happySpecReduce_3 #-}
-{-# NOINLINE happyReduce #-}
-{-# NOINLINE happyMonadReduce #-}
-{-# NOINLINE happyGoto #-}
-{-# NOINLINE happyFail #-}
--- end of Happy Template.
diff --git a/src/System/Plugins/ParsePkgConfLite.y b/src/System/Plugins/ParsePkgConfLite.y
deleted file mode 100644
index 87bf207..0000000
--- a/src/System/Plugins/ParsePkgConfLite.y
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
--- Copyright (C) 2004 Sean Seefried -
--- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
--- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
--- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
--- version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
--- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
--- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
--- Lesser General Public License for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
--- License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
--- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307
--- USA
--- Taken (apart from the most minor of alterations) from 
--- ghc/utils/ghc-pkg/ParsePkgConfLite.hs:
--- (c) Copyright 2002, The University Court of the University of Glasgow. 
-{-# OPTIONS -w #-}
-module System.Plugins.ParsePkgConfLite ( 
-        parsePkgConf, parseOnePkgConf
-  ) where
-import System.Plugins.Package  ( PackageConfig(..), defaultPackageConfig )
-import Char             ( isSpace, isAlpha, isAlphaNum, isUpper )
-import List             ( break )
- '{'		{ ITocurly }
- '}'		{ ITccurly }
- '['		{ ITobrack }
- ']'		{ ITcbrack }
- ','		{ ITcomma }
- '='		{ ITequal }
- VARID   	{ ITvarid    $$ }
- CONID   	{ ITconid    $$ }
- STRING		{ ITstring   $$ }
-%name parse pkgconf
-%name parseOne pkg
-%tokentype { Token }
-pkgconf :: { [ PackageConfig ] }
-	: '[' ']'			{ [] }
-	| '[' pkgs ']'			{ reverse $2 }
-pkgs 	:: { [ PackageConfig ] }
-	: pkg 				{ [ $1 ] }
-	| pkgs ',' pkg			{ $3 : $1 }
-pkg 	:: { PackageConfig }
-	: CONID '{' fields '}'		{ $3 defaultPackageConfig }
-fields  :: { PackageConfig -> PackageConfig }
-	: field				{ \p -> $1 p }
-	| fields ',' field		{ \p -> $1 ($3 p) }
-field	:: { PackageConfig -> PackageConfig }
-	: VARID '=' STRING		
-                 {\p -> case $1 of
-		   "name" -> p{name = $3}
-		   _      -> error "unknown key in config file" }
-        | VARID '=' bool
-		{\p -> case $1 of {
-		   	"auto" -> p{auto = $3};
-		   	_      -> p } }
-	| VARID '=' strlist		
-		{\p -> case $1 of
-		        "import_dirs"     -> p{import_dirs     = $3}
-		        "library_dirs"    -> p{library_dirs    = $3}
-		        "hs_libraries"    -> p{hs_libraries    = $3}
-		        "extra_libraries" -> p{extra_libraries = $3}
-		        "include_dirs"    -> p{include_dirs    = $3}
-		        "c_includes"      -> p{c_includes      = $3}
-		        "package_deps"    -> p{package_deps    = $3}
-		        "extra_ghc_opts"  -> p{extra_ghc_opts  = $3}
-		        "extra_cc_opts"   -> p{extra_cc_opts   = $3}
-		        "extra_ld_opts"   -> p{extra_ld_opts   = $3}
-		        "framework_dirs"  -> p{framework_dirs  = $3}
-		        "extra_frameworks"-> p{extra_frameworks= $3}
-			_other            -> p
-		}
-strlist :: { [String] }
-        : '[' ']'			{ [] }
-	| '[' strs ']'			{ reverse $2 }
-strs	:: { [String] }
-	: STRING			{ [ $1 ] }
-	| strs ',' STRING		{ $3 : $1 }
-bool    :: { Bool }
-	: CONID				{% case $1 of {
-					    "True"  -> True;
-					    "False" -> False;
-					    _       -> error ("unknown constructor in config file: " ++ $1) } }
-data Token 
-        = ITocurly
-        | ITccurly
-        | ITobrack
-        | ITcbrack
-        | ITcomma
-        | ITequal
-        | ITvarid String
-        | ITconid String
-        | ITstring String
-lexer :: String -> [Token]
-lexer [] = []
-lexer ('{':cs) = ITocurly : lexer cs
-lexer ('}':cs) = ITccurly : lexer cs
-lexer ('[':cs) = ITobrack : lexer cs
-lexer (']':cs) = ITcbrack : lexer cs
-lexer (',':cs) = ITcomma : lexer cs
-lexer ('=':cs) = ITequal : lexer cs
-lexer ('"':cs) = lexString cs ""
-lexer (c:cs)
-    | isSpace c = lexer cs
-    | isAlpha c = lexID (c:cs) where
-lexer _ = error "Unexpected token"
-lexID cs = (if isUpper (head cs) then ITconid else ITvarid) id : lexer rest
-    where
-	(id,rest) = break (\c -> c /= '_' && not (isAlphaNum c)) cs
-lexString ('"':cs) s = ITstring (reverse s) : lexer cs
-lexString ('\\':c:cs) s = lexString cs (c:s)
-lexString (c:cs) s = lexString cs (c:s)
-happyError _ = error "Couldn't parse package configuration."
-parsePkgConf :: String -> [PackageConfig]
-parsePkgConf = parse . lexer
-parseOnePkgConf :: String -> PackageConfig
-parseOnePkgConf = parseOne . lexer