{-# OPTIONS -cpp -fglasgow-exts #-} -- -- Copyright (C) 2004 Don Stewart - http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~dons -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as -- published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of -- the License, or (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -- General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA -- 02111-1307, USA. -- module System.Plugins.Parser ( parse, mergeModules, pretty, parsePragmas, HsModule(..) , replaceModName ) where #include "../../config.h" import Data.List import Data.Char import Data.Either #if defined(WITH_HSX) import Language.Haskell.Hsx #else import Language.Haskell.Parser import Language.Haskell.Syntax import Language.Haskell.Pretty #endif -- -- | parse a file (as a string) as Haskell src -- parse :: FilePath -- ^ module name -> String -- ^ haskell src -> Either String HsModule -- ^ abstract syntax parse f fsrc = #if defined(WITH_HSX) case parseFileContentsWithMode (ParseMode f) fsrc of #else case parseModuleWithMode (ParseMode f) fsrc of #endif ParseOk src -> Right src ParseFailed loc _ -> Left $ srcmsg loc where srcmsg loc = "parse error in " ++ f ++ "\n" ++ "line: " ++ (show $ srcLine loc) ++ ", col: " ++ (show $ srcColumn loc)++ "\n" -- -- | pretty print haskell src -- -- doesn't handle operators with '#' at the end. i.e. unsafeCoerce# -- pretty :: HsModule -> String pretty code = prettyPrintWithMode (defaultMode { linePragmas = True }) code -- | -- mergeModules : generate a full Haskell src file, give a .hs config -- file, and a stub to take default syntax and decls from. Mostly we -- just ensure they don't do anything bad, and that the names are -- correct for the module. -- -- Transformations: -- -- * Take src location pragmas from the conf file (1st file) -- * Use the template's (2nd argument) module name -- * Only use export list from template (2nd arg) -- * Merge top-level decls -- * need to force the type of the plugin to match the stub, -- overwriting any type they supply. -- mergeModules :: HsModule -> -- ^ Configure module HsModule -> -- ^ Template module HsModule -- ^ A merge of the two mergeModules (HsModule l _ _ is ds ) (HsModule _ m' es' is' ds') = (HsModule l m' es' (mImps m' is is') (mDecl ds ds') ) -- -- replace Module name with String. -- replaceModName :: HsModule -> String -> HsModule replaceModName (HsModule l _ es is ds) nm = (HsModule l (Module nm) es is ds) -- -- | merge import declarations: -- -- * ensure that the config file doesn't import the stub name -- * merge import lists uniquely, and when they match, merge their decls -- -- TODO : we don't merge imports of the same module from both files. -- We should, and then merge the decls in their import list -- ** rename args, too confusing. -- -- quick fix: strip all type signatures from the source. -- mImps :: Module -> -- ^ plugin module name [HsImportDecl] -> -- ^ conf file imports [HsImportDecl] -> -- ^ stub file imports [HsImportDecl] mImps plug_mod cimps timps = case filter (!~ self) cimps of cimps' -> unionBy (=~) cimps' timps where self = ( HsImportDecl undefined plug_mod undefined undefined undefined ) -- -- | merge top-level declarations -- -- Remove decls found in template, using those from the config file. -- Need to sort decls by types, then decls first, in both. -- -- * could we write a pass to handle "editor, foo :: String" ? -- -- we must keep the type from the template. -- mDecl ds es = let ds' = filter (\t->not $ typeDecl t) ds -- rm type sigs from plugin in sortBy decls $! unionBy (=~) ds' es where decls a b = compare (encoding a) (encoding b) typeDecl :: HsDecl -> Bool typeDecl (HsTypeSig _ _ _) = True typeDecl _ = False encoding :: HsDecl -> Int encoding d = case d of HsFunBind _ -> 1 HsPatBind _ _ _ _ -> 1 _ -> 0 -- -- syntactic equality over the useful Haskell abstract syntax -- this may be extended if we try to merge the files more thoroughly -- class SynEq a where (=~) :: a -> a -> Bool (!~) :: a -> a -> Bool n !~ m = not (n =~ m) instance SynEq HsDecl where (HsPatBind _ (HsPVar n) _ _) =~ (HsPatBind _ (HsPVar m) _ _) = n == m (HsTypeSig _ (n:_) _) =~ (HsTypeSig _ (m:_) _) = n == m _ =~ _ = False instance SynEq HsImportDecl where (HsImportDecl _ m _ _ _) =~ (HsImportDecl _ n _ _ _) = n == m -- -- | Parsing option pragmas. -- -- This is not a type checker. If the user supplies bogus options, -- they'll get slightly mystical error messages. Also, we *want* to -- handle -package options, and other *static* flags. This is more than -- GHC. -- -- GHC user's guide : -- "OPTIONS pragmas are only looked for at the top of your source -- files, upto the first (non-literate,non-empty) line not -- containing OPTIONS. Multiple OPTIONS pragmas are recognised." -- -- based on getOptionsFromSource(), in main/DriverUtil.hs -- parsePragmas :: String -- ^ input src -> ([String],[String]) -- ^ normal options, global options parsePragmas s = look $ lines s where look [] = ([],[]) look (l':ls) = let l = remove_spaces l' in case () of () | null l -> look ls | prefixMatch "#" l -> look ls | prefixMatch "{-# LINE" l -> look ls | Just (Option o) <- matchPragma l -> let (as,bs) = look ls in (words o ++ as,bs) | Just (Global g) <- matchPragma l -> let (as,bs) = look ls in (as,words g ++ bs) | otherwise -> ([],[]) -- -- based on main/DriverUtil.hs -- -- extended to handle dynamic options too -- data Pragma = Option !String | Global !String matchPragma :: String -> Maybe Pragma matchPragma s | Just s1 <- maybePrefixMatch "{-#" s, -- -} Just s2 <- maybePrefixMatch "OPTIONS" (remove_spaces s1), Just s3 <- maybePrefixMatch "}-#" (reverse s2) = Just (Option (reverse s3)) | Just s1 <- maybePrefixMatch "{-#" s, -- -} Just s2 <- maybePrefixMatch "GLOBALOPTIONS" (remove_spaces s1), Just s3 <- maybePrefixMatch "}-#" (reverse s2) = Just (Global (reverse s3)) | otherwise = Nothing remove_spaces :: String -> String remove_spaces = reverse . dropWhile isSpace . reverse . dropWhile isSpace -- -- verbatim from utils/Utils.lhs -- prefixMatch :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool prefixMatch [] _str = True prefixMatch _pat [] = False prefixMatch (p:ps) (s:ss) | p == s = prefixMatch ps ss | otherwise = False maybePrefixMatch :: String -> String -> Maybe String maybePrefixMatch [] rest = Just rest maybePrefixMatch (_:_) [] = Nothing maybePrefixMatch (p:pat) (r:rest) | p == r = maybePrefixMatch pat rest | otherwise = Nothing