{-# OPTIONS -cpp #-} -- -- | A Posix.popen compatibility mapping. -- -- If we use this, we should build -threaded -- module System.Plugins.Process (exec, popen) where import System.Exit #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 604 import System.IO import System.Process import Control.Concurrent (forkIO) #else import qualified Posix as P #endif import qualified Control.Exception -- -- slight wrapper over popen for calls that don't care about stdin to the program -- exec :: String -> [String] -> IO ([String],[String]) exec f as = do (a,b,_) <- popen f as (Just []) return (lines a, lines b) #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 604 type ProcessID = ProcessHandle -- -- Ignoring exit status for now. -- -- XXX there are still issues. Large amounts of output can cause what -- seems to be a dead lock on the pipe write from runplugs, for example. -- Posix.popen doesn't have this problem, so maybe we can reproduce its -- pipe handling somehow. -- popen :: FilePath -> [String] -> Maybe String -> IO (String,String,ProcessID) popen file args minput = Control.Exception.handle (\e -> return ([],show e,error (show e))) $ do (inp,out,err,pid) <- runInteractiveProcess file args Nothing Nothing case minput of Just input -> hPutStr inp input >> hClose inp -- importante! Nothing -> return () -- Now, grab the input output <- hGetContents out errput <- hGetContents err -- SimonM sez: -- ... avoids blocking the main thread, but ensures that all the -- data gets pulled as it becomes available. you have to force the -- output strings before waiting for the process to terminate. -- forkIO (Control.Exception.evaluate (length output) >> return ()) forkIO (Control.Exception.evaluate (length errput) >> return ()) -- And now we wait. We must wait after we read, unsurprisingly. exitCode <- waitForProcess pid -- blocks without -threaded, you're warned. case exitCode of ExitFailure code | null errput -> let errMsg = file ++ ": failed with error code " ++ show code in return ([],errMsg,error errMsg) _ -> return (output,errput,pid) #else -- -- catch so that we can deal with forkProcess failing gracefully. and -- getProcessStatus is needed so as not to get a bunch of zombies, -- leading to forkProcess failing. -- -- Large amounts of input will cause problems with blocking as we wait -- on the process to finish. Make sure no lambdabot processes will -- generate 1000s of lines of output. -- popen :: FilePath -> [String] -> Maybe String -> IO (String,String,P.ProcessID) popen f s m = Control.Exception.handle (\e -> return ([], show e, error $ show e )) $ do x@(_,_,pid) <- P.popen f s m b <- P.getProcessStatus True False pid -- wait return $ case b of Nothing -> ([], "process has disappeared", pid) _ -> x #endif