{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts -cpp #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Data.Dynamic -- Copyright : (c) The University of Glasgow 2001 -- License : BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : libraries@haskell.org -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : portable -- -- The Dynamic interface provides basic support for dynamic types. -- -- Operations for injecting values of arbitrary type into -- a dynamically typed value, Dynamic, are provided, together -- with operations for converting dynamic values into a concrete -- (monomorphic) type. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module AltData.Dynamic ( -- Module Data.Typeable re-exported for convenience module AltData.Typeable, -- * The @Dynamic@ type Dynamic, -- abstract, instance of: Show, Typeable -- * Converting to and from @Dynamic@ toDyn, -- :: Typeable a => a -> Dynamic fromDyn, -- :: Typeable a => Dynamic -> a -> a fromDynamic, -- :: Typeable a => Dynamic -> Maybe a #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 603 -- * Applying functions of dynamic type dynApply, dynApp, dynTypeRep #endif ) where import AltData.Typeable import Data.Maybe import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) import GHC.Base import GHC.Show #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 603 import GHC.Err #endif unsafeCoerce :: a -> b unsafeCoerce = unsafeCoerce# ------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- The type Dynamic -- ------------------------------------------------------------- {-| A value of type 'Dynamic' is an object encapsulated together with its type. A 'Dynamic' may only represent a monomorphic value; an attempt to create a value of type 'Dynamic' from a polymorphically-typed expression will result in an ambiguity error (see 'toDyn'). 'Show'ing a value of type 'Dynamic' returns a pretty-printed representation of the object\'s type; useful for debugging. -} data Dynamic = Dynamic TypeRep Obj instance Typeable Dynamic where #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 603 typeOf _ = mkTyConApp (mkTyCon "AltData.Dynamic") [] #else typeOf _ = mkAppTy (mkTyCon "AltData.Dynamic") [] #endif instance Show Dynamic where -- the instance just prints the type representation. showsPrec _ (Dynamic t _) = showString "<<" . showsPrec 0 t . showString ">>" type Obj = forall a . a -- Dummy type to hold the dynamically typed value. -- -- In GHC's new eval/apply execution model this type must -- be polymorphic. It can't be a constructor, because then -- GHC will use the constructor convention when evaluating it, -- and this will go wrong if the object is really a function. On -- the other hand, if we use a polymorphic type, GHC will use -- a fallback convention for evaluating it that works for all types. -- (using a function type here would also work). -- | Converts an arbitrary value into an object of type 'Dynamic'. -- -- The type of the object must be an instance of 'Typeable', which -- ensures that only monomorphically-typed objects may be converted to -- 'Dynamic'. To convert a polymorphic object into 'Dynamic', give it -- a monomorphic type signature. For example: -- -- > toDyn (id :: Int -> Int) -- toDyn :: Typeable a => a -> Dynamic toDyn v = Dynamic (typeOf v) (unsafeCoerce v) -- | Converts a 'Dynamic' object back into an ordinary Haskell value of -- the correct type. See also 'fromDynamic'. fromDyn :: Typeable a => Dynamic -- ^ the dynamically-typed object -> a -- ^ a default value -> a -- ^ returns: the value of the first argument, if -- it has the correct type, otherwise the value of -- the second argument. fromDyn (Dynamic t v) def | typeOf def == t = unsafeCoerce v | otherwise = def -- | Converts a 'Dynamic' object back into an ordinary Haskell value of -- the correct type. See also 'fromDyn'. fromDynamic :: Typeable a => Dynamic -- ^ the dynamically-typed object -> Maybe a -- ^ returns: @'Just' a@, if the dynamically-typed -- object has the correct type (and @a@ is its value), -- or 'Nothing' otherwise. fromDynamic (Dynamic t v) = case unsafeCoerce v of r | t == typeOf r -> Just r | otherwise -> unsafePerformIO (putStrLn $ "Couldn't match `" ++show(typeOf r) ++ "' against `" ++show t ++"'"++ "\n\tExpected type: " ++show(typeOf r) ++ "\n\tInferred type: " ++show t ) `seq` Nothing #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 603 -- (f::(a->b)) `dynApply` (x::a) = (f a)::b dynApply :: Dynamic -> Dynamic -> Maybe Dynamic dynApply (Dynamic t1 f) (Dynamic t2 x) = case funResultTy t1 t2 of Just t3 -> Just (Dynamic t3 ((unsafeCoerce f) x)) Nothing -> Nothing dynApp :: Dynamic -> Dynamic -> Dynamic dynApp f x = case dynApply f x of Just r -> r Nothing -> error ("Type error in dynamic application.\n" ++ "Can't apply function " ++ show f ++ " to argument " ++ show x) dynTypeRep :: Dynamic -> TypeRep dynTypeRep (Dynamic tr _) = tr #endif