{-# OPTIONS -cpp -fglasgow-exts #-} {-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-name-shadowing -fno-warn-unused-matches #-} {-# OPTIONS -#include "hschooks.h" #-} -- -- Copyright (C) 2004 Don Stewart - http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~dons -- -- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public -- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either -- version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -- -- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -- Lesser General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public -- License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 -- USA -- -- Based on $fptools/ghc/compiler/utils/FastString.lhs -- -- (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1997-1998 -- -- Fast strings -- -- Compact representations of character strings with -- unique identifiers (hash-cons'ish). -- module Hi.FastString ( FastString(..), -- not abstract, for now. mkFastString, -- :: String -> FastString mkFastStringNarrow, -- :: String -> FastString mkFastSubString, -- :: Addr -> Int -> Int -> FastString mkFastString#, -- :: Addr# -> FastString mkFastSubStringBA#, -- :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Int# -> FastString mkFastStringInt, -- :: [Int] -> FastString uniqueOfFS, -- :: FastString -> Int# lengthFS, -- :: FastString -> Int nullFastString, -- :: FastString -> Bool unpackFS, -- :: FastString -> String unpackIntFS, -- :: FastString -> [Int] appendFS, -- :: FastString -> FastString -> FastString headFS, -- :: FastString -> Char headIntFS, -- :: FastString -> Int tailFS, -- :: FastString -> FastString concatFS, -- :: [FastString] -> FastString consFS, -- :: Char -> FastString -> FastString indexFS, -- :: FastString -> Int -> Char nilFS, -- :: FastString hPutFS, -- :: Handle -> FastString -> IO () LitString, mkLitString# -- :: Addr# -> LitString ) where import Hi.PrimPacked import IO import Char ( chr, ord ) import GHC.Exts import GHC.IOBase import GHC.Arr ( STArray(..), newSTArray ) import GHC.Handle import Foreign.C -- import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafePerformIO ) -- import Control.Monad.ST ( stToIO ) -- import Data.IORef ( IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef ) #define hASH_TBL_SIZE 993 {- @FastString@s are packed representations of strings with a unique id for fast comparisons. The unique id is assigned when creating the @FastString@, using a hash table to map from the character string representation to the unique ID. -} data FastString = FastString -- packed repr. on the heap. Int# -- unique id -- 0 => string literal, comparison -- will Int# -- length ByteArray# -- stuff | UnicodeStr -- if contains characters outside '\1'..'\xFF' Int# -- unique id [Int] -- character numbers instance Eq FastString where -- shortcut for real FastStrings (FastString u1 _ _) == (FastString u2 _ _) = u1 ==# u2 a == b = case cmpFS a b of { LT -> False; EQ -> True; GT -> False } (FastString u1 _ _) /= (FastString u2 _ _) = u1 /=# u2 a /= b = case cmpFS a b of { LT -> True; EQ -> False; GT -> True } instance Ord FastString where -- Compares lexicographically, not by unique a <= b = case cmpFS a b of { LT -> True; EQ -> True; GT -> False } a < b = case cmpFS a b of { LT -> True; EQ -> False; GT -> False } a >= b = case cmpFS a b of { LT -> False; EQ -> True; GT -> True } a > b = case cmpFS a b of { LT -> False; EQ -> False; GT -> True } max x y | x >= y = x | otherwise = y min x y | x <= y = x | otherwise = y compare a b = cmpFS a b lengthFS :: FastString -> Int lengthFS (FastString _ l# _) = I# l# lengthFS (UnicodeStr _ s) = length s nullFastString :: FastString -> Bool nullFastString (FastString _ l# _) = l# ==# 0# nullFastString (UnicodeStr _ []) = True nullFastString (UnicodeStr _ (_:_)) = False unpackFS :: FastString -> String unpackFS (FastString _ l# ba#) = unpackNBytesBA (BA ba#) (I# l#) unpackFS (UnicodeStr _ s) = map chr s unpackIntFS :: FastString -> [Int] unpackIntFS (UnicodeStr _ s) = s unpackIntFS fs = map ord (unpackFS fs) appendFS :: FastString -> FastString -> FastString appendFS fs1 fs2 = mkFastStringInt (unpackIntFS fs1 ++ unpackIntFS fs2) concatFS :: [FastString] -> FastString concatFS ls = mkFastStringInt (concat (map unpackIntFS ls)) -- ToDo: do better headFS :: FastString -> Char headFS (FastString _ l# ba#) = if l# ># 0# then C# (indexCharArray# ba# 0#) else error ("headFS: empty FS") headFS (UnicodeStr _ (c:_)) = chr c headFS (UnicodeStr _ []) = error ("headFS: empty FS") headIntFS :: FastString -> Int headIntFS (UnicodeStr _ (c:_)) = c headIntFS fs = ord (headFS fs) indexFS :: FastString -> Int -> Char indexFS f i@(I# i#) = case f of FastString _ l# ba# | l# ># 0# && l# ># i# -> C# (indexCharArray# ba# i#) | otherwise -> error (msg (I# l#)) UnicodeStr _ s -> chr (s!!i) where msg l = "indexFS: out of range: " ++ show (l,i) tailFS :: FastString -> FastString tailFS (FastString _ l# ba#) = mkFastSubStringBA# ba# 1# (l# -# 1#) tailFS fs = mkFastStringInt (tail (unpackIntFS fs)) consFS :: Char -> FastString -> FastString consFS c fs = mkFastStringInt (ord c : unpackIntFS fs) uniqueOfFS :: FastString -> Int# uniqueOfFS (FastString u# _ _) = u# uniqueOfFS (UnicodeStr u# _) = u# nilFS = mkFastString "" {- GHC-related stuff: Internally, the compiler will maintain a fast string symbol table, providing sharing and fast comparison. Creation of new @FastString@s then covertly does a lookup, re-using the @FastString@ if there was a hit. Caution: mkFastStringUnicode assumes that if the string is in the table, it sits under the UnicodeStr constructor. Other mkFastString variants analogously assume the FastString constructor. -} data FastStringTable = FastStringTable Int# (MutableArray# RealWorld [FastString]) type FastStringTableVar = IORef FastStringTable string_table :: FastStringTableVar string_table = unsafePerformIO ( stToIO (newSTArray (0::Int,hASH_TBL_SIZE) []) >>= \ (STArray _ _ arr#) -> newIORef (FastStringTable 0# arr#)) lookupTbl :: FastStringTable -> Int# -> IO [FastString] lookupTbl (FastStringTable _ arr#) i# = IO ( \ s# -> readArray# arr# i# s#) updTbl :: FastStringTableVar -> FastStringTable -> Int# -> [FastString] -> IO () updTbl fs_table_var (FastStringTable uid# arr#) i# ls = IO (\ s# -> case writeArray# arr# i# ls s# of { s2# -> (# s2#, () #) }) >> writeIORef fs_table_var (FastStringTable (uid# +# 1#) arr#) mkFastString# :: Addr# -> FastString mkFastString# a# = case strLength (Ptr a#) of { (I# len#) -> mkFastStringLen# a# len# } mkFastStringLen# :: Addr# -> Int# -> FastString mkFastStringLen# a# len# = unsafePerformIO ( readIORef string_table >>= \ ft@(FastStringTable uid# tbl#) -> let h = hashStr a# len# in -- _trace ("hashed: "++show (I# h)) $ lookupTbl ft h >>= \ lookup_result -> case lookup_result of [] -> -- no match, add it to table by copying out the -- the string into a ByteArray -- _trace "empty bucket" $ case copyPrefixStr a# (I# len#) of BA barr# -> let f_str = FastString uid# len# barr# in updTbl string_table ft h [f_str] >> ({- _trace ("new: " ++ show f_str) $ -} return f_str) ls -> -- non-empty `bucket', scan the list looking -- entry with same length and compare byte by byte. -- _trace ("non-empty bucket"++show ls) $ case bucket_match ls len# a# of Nothing -> case copyPrefixStr a# (I# len#) of BA barr# -> let f_str = FastString uid# len# barr# in updTbl string_table ft h (f_str:ls) >> ( {- _trace ("new: " ++ show f_str) $ -} return f_str) Just v -> {- _trace ("re-use: "++show v) $ -} return v) where bucket_match [] _ _ = Nothing bucket_match (v@(FastString _ l# ba#):ls) len# a# = if len# ==# l# && eqStrPrefix a# ba# l# then Just v else bucket_match ls len# a# bucket_match (UnicodeStr _ _ : ls) len# a# = bucket_match ls len# a# mkFastSubStringBA# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Int# -> FastString mkFastSubStringBA# barr# start# len# = unsafePerformIO ( readIORef string_table >>= \ ft@(FastStringTable uid# tbl#) -> let h = hashSubStrBA barr# start# len# in -- _trace ("hashed(b): "++show (I# h)) $ lookupTbl ft h >>= \ lookup_result -> case lookup_result of [] -> -- no match, add it to table by copying out the -- the string into a ByteArray -- _trace "empty bucket(b)" $ case copySubStrBA (BA barr#) (I# start#) (I# len#) of BA ba# -> let f_str = FastString uid# len# ba# in updTbl string_table ft h [f_str] >> -- _trace ("new(b): " ++ show f_str) $ return f_str ls -> -- non-empty `bucket', scan the list looking -- entry with same length and compare byte by byte. -- _trace ("non-empty bucket(b)"++show ls) $ case bucket_match ls start# len# barr# of Nothing -> case copySubStrBA (BA barr#) (I# start#) (I# len#) of BA ba# -> let f_str = FastString uid# len# ba# in updTbl string_table ft h (f_str:ls) >> -- _trace ("new(b): " ++ show f_str) $ return f_str Just v -> -- _trace ("re-use(b): "++show v) $ return v ) where bucket_match [] _ _ _ = Nothing bucket_match (v:ls) start# len# ba# = case v of FastString _ l# barr# -> if len# ==# l# && eqStrPrefixBA barr# ba# start# len# then Just v else bucket_match ls start# len# ba# UnicodeStr _ _ -> bucket_match ls start# len# ba# mkFastStringUnicode :: [Int] -> FastString mkFastStringUnicode s = unsafePerformIO ( readIORef string_table >>= \ ft@(FastStringTable uid# tbl#) -> let h = hashUnicode s in -- _trace ("hashed(b): "++show (I# h)) $ lookupTbl ft h >>= \ lookup_result -> case lookup_result of [] -> -- no match, add it to table by copying out the -- the string into a [Int] let f_str = UnicodeStr uid# s in updTbl string_table ft h [f_str] >> -- _trace ("new(b): " ++ show f_str) $ return f_str ls -> -- non-empty `bucket', scan the list looking -- entry with same length and compare byte by byte. -- _trace ("non-empty bucket(b)"++show ls) $ case bucket_match ls of Nothing -> let f_str = UnicodeStr uid# s in updTbl string_table ft h (f_str:ls) >> -- _trace ("new(b): " ++ show f_str) $ return f_str Just v -> -- _trace ("re-use(b): "++show v) $ return v ) where bucket_match [] = Nothing bucket_match (v@(UnicodeStr _ s'):ls) = if s' == s then Just v else bucket_match ls bucket_match (FastString _ _ _ : ls) = bucket_match ls mkFastStringNarrow :: String -> FastString mkFastStringNarrow str = case packString str of { (I# len#, BA frozen#) -> mkFastSubStringBA# frozen# 0# len# } {- 0-indexed array, len# == index to one beyond end of string, i.e., (0,1) => empty string. -} mkFastString :: String -> FastString mkFastString str = if all good str then mkFastStringNarrow str else mkFastStringUnicode (map ord str) where good c = c >= '\1' && c <= '\xFF' mkFastStringInt :: [Int] -> FastString mkFastStringInt str = if all good str then mkFastStringNarrow (map chr str) else mkFastStringUnicode str where good c = c >= 1 && c <= 0xFF mkFastSubString :: Addr# -> Int -> Int -> FastString mkFastSubString a# (I# start#) (I# len#) = mkFastStringLen# (a# `plusAddr#` start#) len# hashStr :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int# -- use the Addr to produce a hash value between 0 & m (inclusive) hashStr a# len# = case len# of 0# -> 0# 1# -> ((ord# c0 *# 631#) +# len#) `remInt#` hASH_TBL_SIZE# 2# -> ((ord# c0 *# 631#) +# (ord# c1 *# 217#) +# len#) `remInt#` hASH_TBL_SIZE# _ -> ((ord# c0 *# 631#) +# (ord# c1 *# 217#) +# (ord# c2 *# 43#) +# len#) `remInt#` hASH_TBL_SIZE# where c0 = indexCharOffAddr# a# 0# c1 = indexCharOffAddr# a# (len# `quotInt#` 2# -# 1#) c2 = indexCharOffAddr# a# (len# -# 1#) {- c1 = indexCharOffAddr# a# 1# c2 = indexCharOffAddr# a# 2# -} hashSubStrBA :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Int# -> Int# -- use the byte array to produce a hash value between 0 & m (inclusive) hashSubStrBA ba# start# len# = case len# of 0# -> 0# 1# -> ((ord# c0 *# 631#) +# len#) `remInt#` hASH_TBL_SIZE# 2# -> ((ord# c0 *# 631#) +# (ord# c1 *# 217#) +# len#) `remInt#` hASH_TBL_SIZE# _ -> ((ord# c0 *# 631#) +# (ord# c1 *# 217#) +# (ord# c2 *# 43#) +# len#) `remInt#` hASH_TBL_SIZE# where c0 = indexCharArray# ba# (start# +# 0#) c1 = indexCharArray# ba# (start# +# (len# `quotInt#` 2# -# 1#)) c2 = indexCharArray# ba# (start# +# (len# -# 1#)) -- c1 = indexCharArray# ba# 1# -- c2 = indexCharArray# ba# 2# hashUnicode :: [Int] -> Int# -- use the Addr to produce a hash value between 0 & m (inclusive) hashUnicode [] = 0# hashUnicode [I# c0] = ((c0 *# 631#) +# 1#) `remInt#` hASH_TBL_SIZE# hashUnicode [I# c0, I# c1] = ((c0 *# 631#) +# (c1 *# 217#) +# 2#) `remInt#` hASH_TBL_SIZE# hashUnicode s = ((c0 *# 631#) +# (c1 *# 217#) +# (c2 *# 43#) +# len#) `remInt#` hASH_TBL_SIZE# where I# len# = length s I# c0 = s !! 0 I# c1 = s !! (I# (len# `quotInt#` 2# -# 1#)) I# c2 = s !! (I# (len# -# 1#)) cmpFS :: FastString -> FastString -> Ordering cmpFS (UnicodeStr u1# s1) (UnicodeStr u2# s2) = if u1# ==# u2# then EQ else compare s1 s2 cmpFS (UnicodeStr _ s1) s2 = compare s1 (unpackIntFS s2) cmpFS s1 (UnicodeStr _ s2) = compare (unpackIntFS s1) s2 cmpFS (FastString u1# l1# b1#) (FastString u2# l2# b2#) = if u1# ==# u2# then EQ else let l# = if l1# <=# l2# then l1# else l2# in unsafePerformIO ( memcmp b1# b2# l# >>= \ (I# res) -> return ( if res <# 0# then LT else if res ==# 0# then if l1# ==# l2# then EQ else if l1# <# l2# then LT else GT else GT )) foreign import ccall unsafe "memcmp" memcmp :: ByteArray# -> ByteArray# -> Int# -> IO Int -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Outputting 'FastString's #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 504 -- this is our own version of hPutBuf for FastStrings, because in -- 5.04+ we don't have mutable byte arrays and therefore hPutBufBA. -- The closest is hPutArray in Data.Array.IO, but that does some extra -- range checks that we want to avoid here. foreign import ccall unsafe "__hscore_memcpy_dst_off" memcpy_baoff_ba :: RawBuffer -> Int -> RawBuffer -> CSize -> IO (Ptr ()) hPutFS handle (FastString _ l# ba#) | l# ==# 0# = return () | otherwise = do wantWritableHandle "hPutFS" handle $ \ handle_@Handle__{ haFD=fd, haBuffer=ref, haIsStream=stream } -> do old_buf@Buffer{ bufBuf=old_raw, bufRPtr=r, bufWPtr=w, bufSize=size } <- readIORef ref let count = I# l# raw = unsafeCoerce# ba# :: MutableByteArray# RealWorld -- enough room in handle buffer? if (size - w > count) -- There's enough room in the buffer: -- just copy the data in and update bufWPtr. then do memcpy_baoff_ba old_raw w raw (fromIntegral count) writeIORef ref old_buf{ bufWPtr = w + count } return () -- else, we have to flush else do flushed_buf <- flushWriteBuffer fd stream old_buf writeIORef ref flushed_buf let this_buf = Buffer{ bufBuf=raw, bufState=WriteBuffer, bufRPtr=0, bufWPtr=count, bufSize=count } flushWriteBuffer fd stream this_buf return () #else hPutFS :: Handle -> FastString -> IO () hPutFS handle (FastString _ l# ba#) | l# ==# 0# = return () | otherwise = do mba <- stToIO $ unsafeThawByteArray (ByteArray (bot::Int) bot ba#) hPutBufBAFull handle mba (I# l#) where bot = error "hPutFS.ba" #endif -- ONLY here for debugging the NCG (so -ddump-stix works for string -- literals); no idea if this is really necessary. JRS, 010131 hPutFS handle (UnicodeStr _ is) = hPutStr handle ("(UnicodeStr " ++ show is ++ ")") -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- LitStrings, here for convenience only. type LitString = Ptr () -- ToDo: make it a Ptr when we don't have to support 4.08 any more mkLitString# :: Addr# -> LitString mkLitString# a# = Ptr a#