2005-04-24 08:51:33 +00:00

31 lines
941 B

For 0.1
+ have eval, printf return errors as arguments, not to stdout
+ nice functions for cleaning up /tmp files, given a module name
+ PORTABILITY -- pretty much all of this is in main/SysTools.lhs in GHC
-- where to /tmp files go? Use SysTools code from GHC
-- need to dosify file names on in and out
-- try to confirm the implementation of forkProcess
+ write a script to strip down the release code.
+ .hi file parser is broken on Itanium, again.
+ Implement hs_eval by marshalling Dynamics across to the C side for
+ Make data structures used by the library Storable, for C programs
+ insert iface info into the state, building up a dependency graph like
hram's. use this to allow cascading unloading. Does anyone want this?
+ enable more .hi interface code to provide full GHC-like :t options
to plugs.
+ replace the String interface to eval with an ExpQ interface.
+ build way=p and way=''