83 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Alex_Fridman`s_High_School_Reading_List on #flashsupport
b5c727978c Evaluated set garbage [list] 2023-01-04 10:13:55 -08:00
Alex_Fridman`s_High_School_Reading_List on #flashsupport
ba93c99557 Evaluated unset garbage 2023-01-04 10:13:50 -08:00
Alex_Fridman`s_High_School_Reading_List on #flashsupport
7df3c265bc Evaluated set garbage [list] 2023-01-04 10:11:49 -08:00
Alex_Fridman`s_High_School_Reading_List on #flashsupport
bca39b70c7 Evaluated set ::hard_book [list "Gravity's Rainbow" "Ulysses" "À la recherche du temps perdu" "The Voynich Manuscript" "Finnegans Wake" "The printout of the human genome project" "The Wycliffe Bible" "The Sorrows of Young Werther" "The Rohonc Codex" "War and Peace" "Swann's Way" "The Sound and the Fury" "The Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus"] 2023-01-04 09:58:47 -08:00
Alex_Fridman`s_High_School_Reading_List on #flashsupport
d0b4bd4b90 Evaluated set ::easy_book [list "The Little Engine That Could" "The Giver" "Three little pigs" "Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day" "Green Eggs and Ham" "Charlotte's Web" "The Giving Tree" "The Snowy Day" "Jet Magazine" "Where's Waldo?" "Goodnight Moon" "The Velveteen Rabbit"] 2023-01-04 09:54:55 -08:00
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
152298e891 Evaluated set happynewyear [wget https://dpaste.com/BRND36KP9.txt] 2022-12-31 09:19:59 -08:00
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
2abcf057e6 Evaluated set ret "";foreach {a b c d e f} [split [n_r_r [clock scan "8 hours ago"]] {}] {lappend ret [scan "$a$b$c$d$e$f" %x]}; return $ret 2022-12-27 15:13:24 -08:00
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
822d14db41 Evaluated set ret "";foreach {a b c d} [split [n_r_r [clock scan "8 hours ago"]]] {lappend ret "$a$b$c$d"}; return $ret 2022-12-27 15:11:43 -08:00
TheGreatGammo on #flashsupport
845624cc8b Evaluated babak 2022-12-07 13:26:05 -08:00
lindows on #flashsupport
e3d7280388 Evaluated set ::canadian_food_dict [list "pountine" "cheese" "maple logs" "moose jerky"] 2022-12-06 17:14:33 -08:00
lindows on #flashsupport
de4f56c0bc Evaluated set ::fatgoon_finale [list "time to take the batteries out of my scale"] 2022-12-06 17:11:23 -08:00
jbs on #computerchat
b4cf90a20d Evaluated set ::a [json2dict [ wget https://beacon.nist.gov/beacon/2.0/pulse/last ]]] 2020-10-14 00:51:24 +02:00
jbs on #computerchat
da84bb8766 Evaluated if [catch {regsub -all {\*} [decode $::alphabet([string toupper "N"])] " "} err] {return [join [string repeat "{ } " 5] \n]} {return $err} 2020-10-12 16:27:28 +02:00
hastur on #computerchat
13fab5b81f Evaluated array set alphabet [urldecode [wget https://pastebin.com/raw/DFvEybSR]] 2020-10-12 16:23:49 +02:00
jbs on #computerchat
99a8c1eb06 Evaluated unset ::alphabet 2020-10-12 16:22:57 +02:00
hastur on #computerchat
d885e302fc Evaluated array set ::alphabet [wget https://shortwave.gamme.co/static/alphabet] 2020-10-12 16:21:21 +02:00
hastur on #computerchat
e4b7680332 Evaluated unset ::alphabet 2020-10-12 16:21:04 +02:00
jbs on #computerchat
266d75899c Evaluated set ::alphabet [array get [wget https://shortwave.gamme.co/static/alphabet]] 2020-10-12 16:19:37 +02:00
jbs on #computerchat
11229e5c17 Evaluated set ::goon_solidfood {Bacon Baconators Cheddar Ham {Ground Beef} {kit kat bars} salami {blue cheese} {pepperoni pizza} cheddarwurst {bbq pork} {chicken strips} {fish sticks} {hungry man} {hot dog buns} {gummy bears} {Nacho Cheese Doritos} {Cool Ranch Doritos} twinkies calzones {apple fritters} {french fries} {french toast} {garlic breadsticks} {fudge brownies} {oreo cookies} pancakes {ramen bricks} {chocolate chips} waffles} 2020-10-07 16:13:50 +02:00
jbs on #computerchat
4dfcc381b2 Evaluated set ::goon_liquidfood [list {Chocolate Milk} {Ranch Dressing} Cheez-Whiz Butter Ketchup {Peanut Butter} {cream cheese} mayonnaise {miracle whip} Velveeta {mangosteen juice} {bacon grease} {vegetable shortening} {ice cream} {chocolate syrup} pepsi coke {mountain dew code red} {country crock} {Mountain Dew GAME FUEL} {truffle oil} {cream soda} {corn syrup} honey {maple syrup} {italian dressing} {Dr. Pepper} Nutella] 2020-10-07 16:12:25 +02:00
jbs on #computerchat
b2501a5660 Evaluated array set ::agenda $::temp_agenda_str 2020-10-07 16:08:05 +02:00
jbs on #computerchat
d1def5c4b6 Evaluated set ::temp_agenda_str [wget http://shortwave.gamme.co/static/agenda.bak] 2020-10-07 16:02:28 +02:00
hastur on #exquisitebot
b012f4a697 Evaluated set -> {1 2 3 4{}} 2020-09-29 20:27:31 +02:00
hastur on #exquisitebot
26fa78aa19 Evaluated set -testvar3 {susgudfgus []sfgsg[doonga]} 2020-09-29 20:09:41 +02:00
hastur on #exquisitebot
be849a029f Evaluated eval [NASA_GRADE_DECRYPTION [wget http://darkarmy.chat/testc.txt]0 [wget http://darkarmy.chat/testk.txt]] 2020-09-29 20:04:28 +02:00
hastur on #exquisitebot
df451a4f0e Evaluated array set -testvar2 {a b c d e f g h i j {} {} l {[]}} 2020-09-29 19:53:02 +02:00
hastur on #exquisitebot
4c2d997329 Evaluated array set abesto {hng gng} 2020-09-29 14:25:39 +02:00
hastur on #exquisitebot
89e6b2822e Evaluated set atesto {1 2 3 4} 2020-09-29 14:25:23 +02:00
hastur on #exquisitebot
1c67a0431a Evaluated eval [wget http://darkarmy.chat/fffan] 2020-09-29 14:23:29 +02:00
hastur on #exquisitebot
5ff32de0c4 Evaluated eval [wget http://darkarmy.chat/fffam] 2020-09-29 14:23:25 +02:00
hastur on #exquisitebot
36daad8c07 Evaluated eval [wget http://darkarmy.chat/fffal] 2020-09-29 14:23:22 +02:00
hastur on #exquisitebot
f083a7027f Evaluated eval [wget http://darkarmy.chat/fffak] 2020-09-29 14:22:11 +02:00
hastur on #exquisitebot
4406deb2ab Evaluated eval [wget http://darkarmy.chat/fffaj] 2020-09-29 14:22:02 +02:00
hastur on #exquisitebot
6cac8ff659 Evaluated eval [wget http://darkarmy.chat/fffai] 2020-09-29 14:21:58 +02:00
hastur on #exquisitebot
00fe508382 Evaluated eval [wget http://darkarmy.chat/fffah] 2020-09-29 14:21:55 +02:00
hastur on #exquisitebot
6b0eadfddc Evaluated eval [wget http://darkarmy.chat/fffag] 2020-09-29 14:21:51 +02:00
hastur on #exquisitebot
bb1de21859 Evaluated eval [wget http://darkarmy.chat/fffaf] 2020-09-29 14:18:22 +02:00
hastur on #exquisitebot
162adb0225 Evaluated eval [wget http://darkarmy.chat/fffae] 2020-09-29 14:18:18 +02:00
hastur on #exquisitebot
11c6c4ed7a Evaluated eval [wget http://darkarmy.chat/fffad] 2020-09-29 14:18:14 +02:00
hastur on #exquisitebot
0ef2ed36c7 Evaluated eval [wget http://darkarmy.chat/fffac] 2020-09-29 14:18:07 +02:00
hastur on #exquisitebot
5fddc8bcbc Evaluated eval [wget http://darkarmy.chat/fffab] 2020-09-29 14:18:00 +02:00
hastur on #exquisitebot
13f178e550 Evaluated eval [wget http://darkarmy.chat/fffaa] 2020-09-29 14:11:54 +02:00
hastur on #exquisitebot
e8a52bb52f Evaluated eval [wget http://darkarmy.chat/fffaa] 2020-09-29 14:10:27 +02:00
hastur on #exquisitebot
f4c4063547 Evaluated eval [wget http://darkarmy.chat/fffan] 2020-09-29 14:03:22 +02:00
hastur on #exquisitebot
11e0005605 Evaluated eval [wget http://darkarmy.chat/fffam] 2020-09-29 14:03:15 +02:00
hastur on #exquisitebot
21fc17c950 Evaluated eval [wget http://darkarmy.chat/fffal] 2020-09-29 13:58:47 +02:00
hastur on #exquisitebot
27a8832894 Evaluated eval [wget http://darkarmy.chat/fffak] 2020-09-29 13:58:41 +02:00
hastur on #exquisitebot
53c301df09 Evaluated eval [wget http://darkarmy.chat/fffaj] 2020-09-29 13:58:36 +02:00
hastur on #exquisitebot
4f3af60a03 Evaluated eval [wget http://darkarmy.chat/fffai] 2020-09-29 13:58:28 +02:00
hastur on #exquisitebot
be27f59af4 Evaluated eval [wget http://darkarmy.chat/fffah] 2020-09-29 13:58:23 +02:00