207 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
6f37e039bf Evaluated proc n_r_r when {lrange [join [head 1 [tail 3 [wget https://beacon.nist.gov/beacon/2.0/pulse/time/$when]]]] 0 19} 2022-12-26 18:00:30 -08:00
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
56897b40d4 Evaluated proc n_r_r when {lrange [head 1 [tail 3 [wget https://beacon.nist.gov/beacon/2.0/pulse/time/$when]]] 0 19} 2022-12-26 17:59:45 -08:00
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
d406ea0fca Evaluated proc n_r_r when {lrange [head 1 [tail 3 [wget https://beacon.nist.gov/beacon/2.0/pulse/time/$when]]] end-129 end-1} 2022-12-26 17:59:01 -08:00
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
c73712081b Evaluated proc n_r_r when {lindex [list [head 1 [tail 3 [wget https://beacon.nist.gov/beacon/2.0/pulse/time/$when]]]] 0} 2022-12-26 17:57:26 -08:00
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
8b695700c8 Evaluated proc n_r_r when {lindex [list [head 1 [tail 3 [wget https://beacon.nist.gov/beacon/2.0/pulse/time/$when]]]] 2} 2022-12-26 17:57:00 -08:00
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
414a879d79 Evaluated proc n_r_r when {lindex 2 [list [head 1 [tail 3 [wget https://beacon.nist.gov/beacon/2.0/pulse/time/$when]]]]} 2022-12-26 17:55:24 -08:00
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
8fc71e9a2d Evaluated proc nist_rand {{when {}}} {if {$when eq ""} {set when [clock scan "8 hours ago"]};set ret 0;set i 0; foreach x [lrange [hex2dec [last [regexp -inline {<outputValue>(.*?)</outputValue>} [wget https://beacon.nist.gov/beacon/2.0/pulse/time/$when]]]] 0 4] {set ret [expr int($ret + ($x * pow(16,$i)))];incr i;}; return $ret} 2022-12-26 17:39:20 -08:00
General_Quadrangle on #flashsupport
da05820b1d Evaluated proc settuB args {. "I asked serious question. I will interpret any efforts of derailing it as a sign that _you_ are the man of the \"system\", thank you for understanding. Now, have you read [choose {Turner Diaries}] ?"} 2022-12-23 17:40:41 -08:00
General_Quadrangle on #flashsupport
b71c2b244a Evaluated proc settuB args {. "I asked serious question. I will interpret any efforts of derailing it as a sign that _you_ are the man of the \"system\", thank you for understanding. Now, have you read [choose {Turner Diaries}]"} 2022-12-23 17:40:30 -08:00
General_Quadrangle on #flashsupport
b3eaa5458a Evaluated proc settuB args {. I asked serious question. I will interpret any efforts of derailing it as a sign that _you_ are the man of the "system", thank you for understanding. Now, have you read [choose "Turner Diaries"]} 2022-12-23 17:39:39 -08:00
General_Quadrangle on #flashsupport
b5371acda2 Evaluated proc settuB args {. {I asked serious question. I will interpret any efforts of derailing it as a sign that _you_ are the man of the "system", thank you for understanding. Now, have you read [choose "Turner Diaries"]}} 2022-12-23 17:39:25 -08:00
General_Quadrangle on #flashsupport
1d9fc2fb11 Evaluated proc settuB args {. I asked serious question. I will interpret any efforts of derailing it as a sign that _you_ are the man of the "system", thank you for understanding. Now, have you read [choose "Turner Diaries"]} 2022-12-23 17:38:44 -08:00
General_Quadrangle on #flashsupport
a23b4be4a8 Evaluated proc settuB args {. I asked serious question. I will interpret any efforts of derailing it as a sign that _you_ are the man of the "system", thank you for understanding. Now, have you read [choose {Turner Diaries}]} 2022-12-23 17:38:17 -08:00
General_Quadrangle on #flashsupport
5c00263489 Evaluated proc settuB args {. I asked serious question. I will interpret any efforts of derailing it as a sign that _you_ are the man of the "system", thank you for understanding. Now, have you read [choose {Turner Diaries}} 2022-12-23 17:38:06 -08:00
GML(gamme_markup_language) on #flashsupport
7d65589af1 Evaluated proc gay_real {} {next_in_list {04 08 09 11 10 13 06}} 2022-12-13 19:05:26 -08:00
GML(gamme_markup_language) on #flashsupport
fdbcdf3688 Evaluated proc gay {} {return "[next_in_list {04 08 09 11 10 13 06}]"} 2022-12-13 19:03:37 -08:00
GML(gamme_markup_language) on #flashsupport
df4376d4e5 Evaluated proc strip_all str {regsub -all {[\[\]]} [strip_color $str] ""} 2022-12-13 19:00:46 -08:00
TheGreatGammo on #flashsupport
ec0cb10aca Evaluated proc isgitworkingatall args {} 2022-12-06 16:57:57 -08:00
hastur on #computerchat
26aecba13b Evaluated proc char c {if [catch {regsub -all {\\*} [decode $::alphabet([string toupper $c])] " "} err] {return [join [string repeat "{ } " 5] \n]} {return $err}} 2020-10-23 15:07:35 +02:00
hastur on #computerchat
49d7825eb5 Evaluated proc char c {if [catch {regsub -all {\\*} [decode $::alphabet([string toupper $c])] " "} err] {return [join [string repeat "{ } " 5] \n]} {return $err}} 2020-10-23 14:59:11 +02:00
hastur on #computerchat
ec2b6f7167 Evaluated proc ricky_word {} {choose hellfire diarrhea smell fart poo piss sausage hamburger unicorn prolapse} 2020-10-20 21:16:06 +02:00
hastur on #computerchat
e2865dfb61 Evaluated rename ricky_word ricky_word_ 2020-10-20 21:14:46 +02:00
jbs on #computerchat
a578077bc2 Evaluated proc NumberOfGod {} {dict get [dict get [json2dict [ wget https://beacon.nist.gov/beacon/2.0/pulse/last ]] pulse ] localRandomValue } 2020-10-14 00:54:03 +02:00
hastur on #computerchat
c4b863e13c Evaluated rename niggerdeath_RIP RIP_niggerdeath 2020-10-12 16:53:51 +02:00
hastur on #computerchat
f03cfd9ef6 Evaluated rename niggerdeath niggerdeath_RIP 2020-10-12 16:52:40 +02:00
jbs on #computerchat
74dea89cb1 Evaluated proc {unknown:2:cmd/^(.+?)agenda$/} {match args} { agenda__ [last $match] [bif [second $args] [second $args] 5] } 2020-10-07 16:25:05 +02:00
jbs on #computerchat
462ec4b39e Evaluated rename {unknown:2:cmd/^(.+?)agenda$/} temp_off 2020-10-07 16:22:29 +02:00
jbs on #computerchat
728fc59ac2 Evaluated rename t+agenda +agenda 2020-10-07 16:21:51 +02:00
jbs on #computerchat
05706630ea Evaluated rename +agenda old+agenda 2020-10-07 16:21:49 +02:00
jbs on #computerchat
b955c7a57d Evaluated proc t+agenda {who args} { set w [string tolower $who]; if {[info exists ::agenda($w)] != 1} {set ::agenda($who) {}}; set ::agenda($who) [uniq [lappend ::agenda($who) [args]]]; . Added $args to $who} 2020-10-07 16:21:27 +02:00
hastur on #computerchat
c24be8321e Evaluated rename incogagenda:event _incogagenda:event_old 2020-10-07 16:10:13 +02:00
hastur on #computerchat
4411bf3acd Evaluated proc NASA_GRADE_DECRYPTION {the_cipher the_key} {set ret {}; set thecharacter {}; set thesecret {}; foreach thecharacter $the_cipher thesecret [split $the_key {}] {lappend ret [format "%c" [expr $thecharacter ^ [scan $thesecret %c]]]};join $ret ""} 2020-09-28 22:16:14 +02:00
hastur on #computerchat
6531b6bbb8 Evaluated proc NASA_GRADE_DECRYPTION {the_cipher the_key} {set ret {}; set thecharacter {}; set thesecret {}; foreach thecharacter $the_cipher thesecret [split $the_key {}] {lappend ret [format "%c" [expr $thecharacter ^ [scan $thesecret" %c]]]};join $ret ""} 2020-09-28 22:07:58 +02:00
hastur on #computerchat
1884c935fe Evaluated proc NASA_GRADE_ENCRYPTION {evil_code the_key} {set ret {}; set thecharacter {}; foreach thecharacter [split $evil_code {}] thesecret [split $the_key {}] {lappend ret [expr [scan "$thecharacter" %c] ^ [scan "$thesecret" %c]]}; return $ret} 2020-09-28 22:06:29 +02:00
hastur on #computerchat
b8504fef08 Evaluated proc NASA_GRADE_ENCRYPTION' evil_code {set ret {}; set the_key [rot13 $evil_code]; set thecharacter {}; foreach thecharacter [split $evil_code {}] thesecret [split $the_key {}] {lappend ret [expr [scan "$thecharacter" %c] ^ [scan "$thesecret" %c]]}; return $ret} 2020-09-28 22:05:44 +02:00
hastur on #computerchat
e612df7822 Evaluated proc NASA_GRADE_DECRYPTION {the_cipher the_key} {set ret {}; set thecharacter {}; set thesecret {}; foreach thecharacter $the_cipher thesecret [split $the_key {}] {lappend ret [format "%c" [expr $thecharacter ^ [scan $thesecret" %c]]]};join $ret} 2020-09-28 22:01:06 +02:00
hastur on #computerchat
d54ee28a4a Evaluated proc NASA_GRADE_ENCRYPTION evil_code {set ret {}; set the_key [rot13 $evil_code]; set thecharacter {}; foreach thecharacter [split $evil_code {}] thesecret [split $the_key {}] {lappend ret [expr [scan "$thecharacter" %c] ^ [scan "$thesecret" %c]]}; return $ret} 2020-09-28 22:00:29 +02:00
hastur on #computerchat
e5ad0b898d Evaluated proc NASA_GRADE_DECRYPTION {the_cipher the_key} {set ret {}; set thecharacter {}; set thesecret {}; foreach thecharacter [split $the_cipher {}] thesecret [split $the_key {}] {lappend ret [format "%c" [expr $thecharacter ^ [scan $thesecret" %c]]]}; join $ret} 2020-09-28 21:59:41 +02:00
hastur on #computerchat
c4cf6498a3 Evaluated proc NASA_GRADE_ENCRYPTION evil_code {set ret {}; set the_key [rot13 $evil_code]; set thecharacter {}; foreach thecharacter [split $evil_code {}] thesecret [split $the_key {}] {lappend ret [expr [scan "$thecharacter" %c] ^ [scan "$thesecret" %c]]}; join $ret} 2020-09-28 21:58:13 +02:00
hastur on #computerchat
15a9206914 Evaluated proc NASA_GRADE_DECRYPTION {the_cipher the_key} {set ret {}; set thecharacter {}; set thesecret {}; foreach thecharacter [split $the_cipher {}] thesecret [split $the_key {}] {lappend ret [format "%c" [expr [scan "$thecharacter" %c] ^ [scan "$thesecret" %c]]]}; join $ret} 2020-09-28 21:53:52 +02:00
hastur on #computerchat
f9af6f4a1e Evaluated proc NASA_GRADE_DECRYPTION {the_cipher the_key} {set ret {}; set thecharacter {}; foreach thecharacter [split $the_cipher {}] thesecret [split $the_key {}] {lappend ret [format "%c" [expr [scan "$thecharacter" %c] ^ [scan "$thesecret" %c]]]}; join $ret} 2020-09-28 21:52:13 +02:00
hastur on #computerchat
3e72e2afbe Evaluated proc NASA_GRADE_ENCRYPTION evil_code {set ret {}; set the_key [rot13 $evil_code]; set thecharacter {}; foreach thecharacter [split $evil_code {}] thesecret [split $the_key {}] {lappend ret [format "%c" [expr [scan "$thecharacter" %c] ^ [scan "$thesecret" %c]]]}; join $ret} 2020-09-28 21:51:45 +02:00
hastur on #computerchat
c821b2ad06 Evaluated proc NASA_GRADE_ENCRYPTION evil_code {set ret {}; set the_key [rot13 $evil_code]; set thecharacter {}; foreach thecharacter [split $evil_code {}] thesecret [split $the_key {}] {lappend ret [format "%c" [expr [scan $thecharacter %c] ^ [scan $thesecret %c]]]}; urlencode [join $ret]} 2020-09-28 21:49:06 +02:00
hastur on #computerchat
d22c67a7c1 Evaluated proc NASA_GRADE_DECRYPTION {the_cipher the_key} {set ret {}; set thecharacter {}; foreach thecharacter [split $the_cipher {}] thesecret [split $the_key {}] {lappend ret [format "%c" [expr [scan $thecharacter %c] ^ [scan $thesecret %c]]]}; join $ret} 2020-09-28 21:45:48 +02:00
hastur on #computerchat
a922dedb21 Evaluated proc NASA_GRADE_ENCRYPTION evil_code {set ret {}; set the_key [rot13 $evil_code]; set thecharacter {}; foreach thecharacter [split $evil_code {}] thesecret [split $the_key {}] {lappend ret [format "%c" [expr [scan $thecharacter %c] ^ [scan $thesecret %c]]]}; join $ret} 2020-09-28 21:42:31 +02:00
hastur on #computerchat
8a9c686d31 Evaluated proc NASA_GRADE_ENCRYPTION evil_code {set ret {}; set the_key [rot13 $evil_code]; set thecharacter {}; foreach thecharacter [split $evil_code {}] thesecret [split $the_key {}] {lappend ret [expr [scan $thecharacter %c] ^ [scan $thesecret %c]]}; join $ret} 2020-09-28 21:40:23 +02:00
hastur on #computerchat
eef018cb01 Evaluated proc test234535 {} {. testo} 2020-09-28 20:51:17 +02:00
hastur on #computerchat
eb45df0125 Evaluated proc test234535 {} {} 2020-09-28 20:51:09 +02:00
IRC-Simple on #computerchat
d9dce9c601 Evaluated proc fart' {{fart random.cgi}} { get_fart $fart} 2020-09-27 21:25:37 +02:00
Jon Doe
e9f5f14d0b try chanlist this way 2020-09-27 16:29:08 +02:00