822d14db41Evaluated set ret "";foreach {a b c d} [split [n_r_r [clock scan "8 hours ago"]]] {lappend ret "$a$b$c$d"}; return $ret
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
2022-12-27 15:11:43 -08:00
9c697eec86add english words
Boris Jerkson
2022-12-27 15:01:59 -08:00
e76f0fed4aEvaluated proc word_of_american_god' {} {set ret [list]; foreach z [n_arsebackwards_rands' 5 128] {lappend ret [lindex [.. a z] [expr $z % 26]]};join $ret ""}
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
2022-12-26 18:31:42 -08:00
727b1fc510Evaluated proc word_of_american_god' {} {set ret [list]; foreach z [n_arsebackwards_rands' 5 128] {lappend ret [lindex [.. a z] [expr $z % 26]]};lindex $ret 0}
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
2022-12-26 18:31:27 -08:00
a245f9351dEvaluated proc word_of_american_god' {} {set ret [list]; foreach z [n_arsebackwards_rands' 5 128] {lappend ret [lindex [.. a z] [expr $z % 26]]};lindex $ret -}
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
2022-12-26 18:31:24 -08:00
e94de74731Evaluated proc word_of_american_god' {} {set ret [list]; foreach z [n_arsebackwards_rands' 5 128] {lappend ret [lindex [.. a z] [expr $z % 26]]};return $ret}
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
2022-12-26 18:31:08 -08:00
8ab2ba653fEvaluated proc word_of_american_god' {} {set ret [list]; foreach z [n_arsebackwards_rands' 5 128] {lappend ret [lindex [.. a z] [expr $z % 26]]};split $ret { }}
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
2022-12-26 18:30:57 -08:00
2d900c8b62Evaluated proc word_of_american_god' {} {set ret [list]; foreach z [n_arsebackwards_rands' 5 128] {lappend ret [lindex [.. a z] [expr $z % 26]]};split $ret}
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
2022-12-26 18:30:49 -08:00
059ae5cdf0Evaluated proc word_of_american_god' {} {set ret [list]; foreach z [n_arsebackwards_rands' 5 128] {lappend ret [lindex [.. a z] [expr $z % 26]]};split $ret " "}
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
2022-12-26 18:30:39 -08:00
edbbb09b30Evaluated proc word_of_american_god' {} {set ret [list]; foreach z [n_arsebackwards_rands' 5 128] {lappend ret [lindex [.. a z] [expr $z % 26]]};join [split $ret " "]}
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
2022-12-26 18:30:16 -08:00
4c024a3bb1Evaluated proc word_of_american_god' {} {set ret [list]; foreach z [n_arsebackwards_rands' 5 128] {lappend ret [lindex [.. a z] [expr $z % 26]]};join [split $ret]}
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
2022-12-26 18:30:01 -08:00
d34e09b599Evaluated proc word_of_american_god' {} {set ret [list]; foreach z [n_arsebackwards_rands' 5 128] {lappend ret [lindex [.. a z] [expr $z % 26]]};join [join $ret]}
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
2022-12-26 18:29:42 -08:00
02f1b53b97Evaluated proc word_of_american_god' {} {set ret [list]; foreach z [n_arsebackwards_rands' 10 128] {lappend ret [lindex [.. a z] [expr $z % 26]]};join $ret}
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
2022-12-26 18:29:04 -08:00
8fc71e9a2dEvaluated proc nist_rand {{when {}}} {if {$when eq ""} {set when [clock scan "8 hours ago"]};set ret 0;set i 0; foreach x [lrange [hex2dec [last [regexp -inline {<outputValue>(.*?)</outputValue>} [wget https://beacon.nist.gov/beacon/2.0/pulse/time/$when]]]] 0 4] {set ret [expr int($ret + ($x * pow(16,$i)))];incr i;}; return $ret}
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
2022-12-26 17:39:20 -08:00
da05820b1dEvaluated proc settuB args {. "I asked serious question. I will interpret any efforts of derailing it as a sign that _you_ are the man of the \"system\", thank you for understanding. Now, have you read [choose {Turner Diaries}] ?"}
General_Quadrangle on #flashsupport
2022-12-23 17:40:41 -08:00
b71c2b244aEvaluated proc settuB args {. "I asked serious question. I will interpret any efforts of derailing it as a sign that _you_ are the man of the \"system\", thank you for understanding. Now, have you read [choose {Turner Diaries}]"}
General_Quadrangle on #flashsupport
2022-12-23 17:40:30 -08:00
b3eaa5458aEvaluated proc settuB args {. I asked serious question. I will interpret any efforts of derailing it as a sign that _you_ are the man of the "system", thank you for understanding. Now, have you read [choose "Turner Diaries"]}
General_Quadrangle on #flashsupport
2022-12-23 17:39:39 -08:00
b5371acda2Evaluated proc settuB args {. {I asked serious question. I will interpret any efforts of derailing it as a sign that _you_ are the man of the "system", thank you for understanding. Now, have you read [choose "Turner Diaries"]}}
General_Quadrangle on #flashsupport
2022-12-23 17:39:25 -08:00
1d9fc2fb11Evaluated proc settuB args {. I asked serious question. I will interpret any efforts of derailing it as a sign that _you_ are the man of the "system", thank you for understanding. Now, have you read [choose "Turner Diaries"]}
General_Quadrangle on #flashsupport
2022-12-23 17:38:44 -08:00
a23b4be4a8Evaluated proc settuB args {. I asked serious question. I will interpret any efforts of derailing it as a sign that _you_ are the man of the "system", thank you for understanding. Now, have you read [choose {Turner Diaries}]}
General_Quadrangle on #flashsupport
2022-12-23 17:38:17 -08:00
5c00263489Evaluated proc settuB args {. I asked serious question. I will interpret any efforts of derailing it as a sign that _you_ are the man of the "system", thank you for understanding. Now, have you read [choose {Turner Diaries}}
General_Quadrangle on #flashsupport
2022-12-23 17:38:06 -08:00