move plugins into submodules..
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
[submodule "tclcurl-fa"]
path = tclcurl-fa
url =
[submodule "tclx"]
path = tclx
url =
[submodule "tcllib"]
path = tcllib
url =
[submodule "state"]
path = state
url =
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ cabal-version: >=1.10
exposed-modules: GypsFulvus, Carrion.Plugin.IO.STDIO
exposed-modules: GypsFulvus, Carrion.Plugin.IO.STDIO, Carrion.Plugin.TCL
other-modules: GypsFulvus.PluginStuff
default-language: Haskell2010
hs-source-dirs: src
@ -27,14 +27,16 @@ library
extra-libraries: tcl8.6
Includes: /usr/include/tcl.h,
executable GypsFulvus
default-language: Haskell2010
@ -53,11 +55,13 @@ executable GypsFulvus
hs-source-dirs: src
other-modules: GypsFulvus.PluginStuff,GypsFulvus, Carrion.Plugin.IO.STDIO
exposed-modules: GypsFulvus
extra-libraries: tcl8.6
Includes: /usr/include/tcl.h,
main-is: Main.hs
executable Test-Carrion-Plugin-IO-STDIO
@ -81,3 +85,28 @@ executable Test-Carrion-Plugin-IO-STDIO
executable Test-Carrion-Plugin-TCL
hs-source-dirs: src
main-is: Test-Carrion-TCL.hs
other-modules: Carrion.Plugin.TCL, GypsFulvus.PluginStuff
build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 5,
text >=,
default-language: Haskell2010
extra-libraries: tcl8.6
Includes: /usr/include/tcl.h,
C-Sources: src/tclstubswrapper/tclstubs.c
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
module Carrion.Plugin.TCL
( initPlugin,
) where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Concurrent(forkIO)
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import System.Posix.DynamicLinker
import System.Environment
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.C.String
import qualified Data.Text as T
import GypsFulvus.PluginStuff(Manhole(..),Sewage(..), InitStatus(..),SewageAutorInfo(..),genericAutorToNSAutor, stripCommandPrefix', regift)
data Tcl_Interp = Tcl_Interp deriving Show
type Tcl_Interp_Ptr = Ptr Tcl_Interp
type TCL_Actual_Version = CString
type TCL_Wanted_Version = CString
type TclScriptString = CString
type TclScriptStringByteLen = Int
type TclEvalFlags = Int
type WantExact = Int
type TclScriptFilename = CString
data TCLCommand = TCLCommand {getTCLCNick :: String,
getTCLCMask :: String,
getTCLCHandle_o_O:: String,
getTCLCChannel :: String,
getTCLCActualCommand :: String
foreign import ccall "dynamic" mkTcl_CreateInterp :: FunPtr (IO Tcl_Interp_Ptr) -> IO (Tcl_Interp_Ptr)
foreign import ccall "&Tcl_InitStubs_wrap" tcl_InitStubs :: FunPtr (Tcl_Interp_Ptr -> TCL_Wanted_Version -> WantExact -> IO TCL_Actual_Version)
foreign import ccall "dynamic" mkTcl_InitStubs :: FunPtr (Tcl_Interp_Ptr -> TCL_Wanted_Version -> WantExact -> IO TCL_Actual_Version) -> (Tcl_Interp_Ptr -> TCL_Wanted_Version -> WantExact -> IO TCL_Actual_Version)
foreign import ccall "dynamic" mkTcl_FindExecutable :: FunPtr (CString -> IO CString) -> (CString -> IO CString)
foreign import ccall "dynamic" mkTcl_InitMemory :: FunPtr (Tcl_Interp_Ptr -> IO ()) -> (Tcl_Interp_Ptr -> IO ())
foreign import ccall "dynamic" mkTcl_Init :: FunPtr (Tcl_Interp_Ptr -> IO Int) -> (Tcl_Interp_Ptr -> IO Int)
foreign import ccall "dynamic" mkTcl_EvalFile :: FunPtr (Tcl_Interp_Ptr -> TclScriptFilename -> IO Int) -> (Tcl_Interp_Ptr -> TclScriptFilename -> IO Int)
foreign import ccall "dynamic" mkTcl_GetStringResult :: FunPtr (Tcl_Interp_Ptr -> IO CString) -> (Tcl_Interp_Ptr -> IO CString)
foreign import ccall "dynamic" mkTcl_EvalEx :: FunPtr (Tcl_Interp_Ptr -> TclScriptString -> TclScriptStringByteLen -> TclEvalFlags -> IO Int) -> (Tcl_Interp_Ptr -> TclScriptString -> TclScriptStringByteLen -> TclEvalFlags -> IO Int)
type Tcl_EvalFile_Sig = (Tcl_Interp_Ptr -> TclScriptFilename -> IO Int)
type Tcl_EvalEx_Sig = (Tcl_Interp_Ptr -> TclScriptString -> TclScriptStringByteLen -> TclEvalFlags -> IO Int)
type Tcl_GetStringResult_Sig = (Tcl_Interp_Ptr -> IO CString)
tu :: T.Text -> String
tu = T.unpack
tellCommands = map T.pack ["tcl"]
myPluginName = T.pack "TCL smeggdrop"
tl = T.pack "local"
mySignature = GenericStyleAutor myPluginName tl tl
stripCommandLocal c m = stripCommandPrefix' c tellCommands m mySignature
:: SewageAutorInfo -> String -> TCLCommand
fuckingSewageAutorToFuckingTCLCommandFormatFuckYouSamStephenson b = case b of
GenericStyleAutor a b c -> fuckingSewageAutorToFuckingTCLCommandFormatFuckYouSamStephenson . genericAutorToNSAutor $ GenericStyleAutor a b c
NetworkIdentStyleAutor a b c -> TCLCommand (tu a) (show b) "" (tu c)
mkTCLCommandFromAIAndMsg :: SewageAutorInfo -> String -> TCLCommand
mkTCLCommandFromAIAndMsg = fuckingSewageAutorToFuckingTCLCommandFormatFuckYouSamStephenson
data TCLInterpreterWrapper = TCLInterpreterWrapper {getInterp :: Tcl_Interp_Ptr,
getEvalFile :: Tcl_EvalFile_Sig,
getEvalEx :: Tcl_EvalEx_Sig,
getGetStringResult :: Tcl_GetStringResult_Sig
lEN_AUTO :: Int
lEN_AUTO = -1
testThing :: IO ()
testThing = do
myFakeArg0 <- getExecutablePath >>= newCString
myTCLDl <- dlopen "/usr/lib/" [RTLD_NOW]
myFunTcl_CreateInterp <- dlsym myTCLDl "Tcl_CreateInterp"
let tcl_CreateInterp = mkTcl_CreateInterp myFunTcl_CreateInterp
interp <- tcl_CreateInterp
let tcl_InitStubs' = mkTcl_InitStubs tcl_InitStubs
wanted_interp_version <- newCString "8.6"
actual_version_c <- tcl_InitStubs' interp wanted_interp_version 0
actual_version <- peekCString actual_version_c
putStrLn actual_version
myFunTcl_FindExecutable <- dlsym myTCLDl "Tcl_FindExecutable"
let tcl_FindExecutable = mkTcl_FindExecutable myFunTcl_FindExecutable
theComputedExecutablePath <- tcl_FindExecutable $ myFakeArg0
if nullPtr == theComputedExecutablePath then
putStrLn "Couldn't Tcl_FindExecutable()"
peekCString theComputedExecutablePath >>= putStrLn
myFunTcl_InitMemory <- dlsym myTCLDl "Tcl_InitMemory"
let tcl_InitMemory = mkTcl_InitMemory myFunTcl_InitMemory
tcl_InitMemory interp
myFunTcl_Init <- dlsym myTCLDl "Tcl_Init"
let tcl_Init = mkTcl_Init myFunTcl_Init
tcl_Init_status <- tcl_Init interp
myFunTcl_EvalEx <- dlsym myTCLDl "Tcl_EvalEx"
let tcl_EvalEx = mkTcl_EvalEx myFunTcl_EvalEx
testScript <- newCString "set a [expr 2 + 2]; puts $a;"
let runscript s = tcl_EvalEx interp s lEN_AUTO eVAL_FLAGS_CLEAR
let runTclCommand s = newCString s >>= runscript
testScriptStatus <- runscript testScript
putStrLn $ show testScriptStatus
newCString "puts \"test persistence [expr $a +2]\";" >>= runscript >>= putStrLn . show
let bless name convf = dlsym myTCLDl name >>= \fp -> return . convf $ fp
tcl_GetStringResult <- bless "Tcl_GetStringResult" mkTcl_GetStringResult
let errorInfo = runTclCommand "puts $errorInfo"
doTheTCL c = runTclCommand c >>= \st ->
case st of
0 -> tcl_GetStringResult interp >>= \rs -> if nullPtr == rs then putStrLn ("Command: " ++ c ++" ; returned a null pointer result.") else peekCString rs >>= \nrs -> putStrLn ("Output of command: " ++ c ++ " ;" ++ nrs ++ ";")
_ -> errorInfo>> return ()
fakeFromIRC c = doTheTCL $ "return [pub:tcl:perform root test! test #test {" ++ c ++ "}]"
tcl_EvalFile <- bless "Tcl_EvalFile" mkTcl_EvalFile
smeginitstatus <- newCString "/home/pszczola/Carrion-Plugin-TCL/src/smeggdrop/smeggdrop.tcl" >>= \fn -> tcl_EvalFile interp fn
--newCString "puts $errorInfo;" >>= runscript >>= putStrLn . show
runTclCommand "puts $SMEGGDROP_ROOT"
putStrLn $ show $ smeginitstatus
-- fakeFromIRC "proc testo4444 args {return \"booboo\n\"}"
dumpDebug = putStrLn
initPlugin :: Manhole -> IO InitStatus
initPlugin manhole = do
myFakeArg0 <- getExecutablePath >>= newCString
myTCLDl <- dlopen "/usr/lib/" [RTLD_NOW]
let bless name convf = dlsym myTCLDl name >>= \fp -> return $ convf $ fp
tcl_CreateInterp <- bless "Tcl_CreateInterp" mkTcl_CreateInterp
interp <- tcl_CreateInterp
let tcl_InitStubs' = mkTcl_InitStubs tcl_InitStubs
wanted_interp_version <- newCString "8.6"
actual_version <- tcl_InitStubs' interp wanted_interp_version 0 >>= peekCString
dumpDebug actual_version
tcl_FindExecutable <- bless "Tcl_FindExecutable" mkTcl_FindExecutable
theComputedExecutablePath <- tcl_FindExecutable $ myFakeArg0
if nullPtr == theComputedExecutablePath then
dumpDebug "Couldn't Tcl_FindExecutable()"
peekCString theComputedExecutablePath >>= dumpDebug
tcl_InitMemory <- bless "Tcl_InitMemory" mkTcl_InitMemory
tcl_InitMemory interp
tcl_Init <- bless "Tcl_Init" mkTcl_Init
tcl_Init_status <- tcl_Init interp
dumpDebug $ show tcl_Init_status
if (tcl_Init_status /= 0) then
return $ BadInitStatus $ T.pack "non-zero return"
else do
tcl_EvalEx <- bless "Tcl_EvalEx" mkTcl_EvalEx
tcl_GetStringResult <- bless "Tcl_GetStringResult" mkTcl_GetStringResult
tcl_EvalFile <- bless "Tcl_EvalFile" mkTcl_EvalFile
smeginitstatus <- newCString "./src/smeggdrop/smeggdrop.tcl" >>= \fn -> tcl_EvalFile interp fn
let wrappedinterp = TCLInterpreterWrapper interp tcl_EvalFile tcl_EvalEx tcl_GetStringResult
forkIO $ rEPL wrappedinterp manhole
return GoodInitStatus
processCommand wi s = do
let tcl_EvalEx = getEvalEx wi
tcl_GetStringResult = getGetStringResult wi
interp = getInterp wi
runscript s = tcl_EvalEx interp s lEN_AUTO eVAL_FLAGS_CLEAR
runTclCommand s = newCString s >>= runscript
errorInfo = runTclCommand "return $errorInfo"
autInfo = getSewageAutor s
sewCmd = T.unpack $ getSewage s
autDefNS = genericAutorToNSAutor autInfo
sewNick = T.unpack $ getNick autDefNS
sewMask = show $ getMask autDefNS
sewChan = T.unpack $ getChannel autDefNS
doTheTCL c = runTclCommand c >>= \st ->
case st of
0 -> tcl_GetStringResult interp >>= \rs -> if nullPtr == rs then dumpDebug ("Command: " ++ c ++" ; returned a null pointer result.") >> return "FAILED" else peekCString rs >>= \nrs -> dumpDebug ("Output of command: " ++ c ++ " ;" ++ nrs ++ ";") >> return nrs
_ -> errorInfo >> tcl_GetStringResult interp >>= peekCString
performFromIRC = doTheTCL $ "return [pub:tcl:perform \"" ++ sewNick ++ "\" \"" ++ sewMask ++ "\" {} \"" ++ sewChan ++ "\" {" ++ sewCmd ++ "}]"
rEPL wrappedtclinterp manhole =
let inspectManhole = atomically . readTChan . getInputChan
regift g = atomically . (flip writeTChan g) . getOutputChan in
forever $ do
newGift <- inspectManhole manhole
processedGift <- processCommand wrappedtclinterp newGift
regift (Sewage (GenericStyleAutor (T.pack "TCL Intepreter") (T.pack "local") (T.pack "local")) (T.pack processedGift)) manhole
return ()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
module Main where
import GypsFulvus.PluginStuff
import Carrion.Plugin.TCL
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.Text as T
main = do
inchan <- atomically $ newTChan
outchan <- atomically $ newTChan
let mymanhole = Manhole inchan outchan
initPlugin mymanhole
let testCommand = Sewage (GenericStyleAutor (T.pack "Test Bin") (T.pack "local") (T.pack "local")) (T.pack "inspect inspect")
atomically $ writeTChan inchan testCommand
forever $ do
newstuff <- atomically $ readTChan outchan
putStrLn $ "Backend " ++ (show $ getSewageAutor newstuff) ++ " returned " ++ (T.unpack $ getSewage newstuff)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
# smeggdrop.conf.default
# HTTP limits
set smeggdrop_http_requests_per_eval 5 ;# Maximum number of requests per eval per channel
set smeggdrop_http_request_interval 60 ;# Interval for the smeggdrop_http_request_limit setting, in seconds
set smeggdrop_http_request_limit 25 ;# Maximum number of requests per interval per channel
set smeggdrop_http_post_limit 150000 ;# Maximum POST body size
set smeggdrop_http_transfer_limit 150000 ;# Maximum GET response size
set smeggdrop_http_time_limit 5000 ;# Maximum execution time, in milliseconds
set smeggdrop_log_max_lines 20 ;# Maximum lines to record per channel
# Publish settings - comment these out if you don't want [publish]
# set smeggdrop_publish_url ;# URL to publish to
# set smeggdrop_publish_hostname ;# SSH hostname
# set smeggdrop_publish_username myusername ;# SSH username
# set smeggdrop_publish_password mypassword ;# SSH password
# set smeggdrop_publish_filename /home/example/htdocs/index.txt ;# Filename to write to
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# smeggdrop.tcl
encoding system utf-8
set SMEGGDROP_ROOT [file dirname [info script]]
proc putlog args {}
if [file exists smeggdrop.conf] {source smeggdrop.conf}
source $SMEGGDROP_ROOT/smeggdrop/smeggdrop.tcl
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
source $SMEGGDROP_ROOT/smeggdrop/meta_proc.tcl
foreach script [glob -nocomplain $SMEGGDROP_ROOT/smeggdrop/commands/*.tcl] {
source $script
namespace eval commands {
variable nick
variable mask
variable hand
variable channel
variable line
variable eval_count -1
variable hidden_procs hidden
proc hidden {proc name args body} {
variable hidden_procs
uplevel [list proc $name $args $body]
lappend hidden_procs $name
hidden proc configure args {
foreach var $args {
variable $var
set $var [uplevel [list set $var]]
hidden proc increment_eval_count {} {
variable eval_count
incr eval_count
hidden proc get var {
variable $var
set $var
hidden proc apply {command arguments} {
uplevel [concat $command $arguments]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
namespace eval cache {
namespace eval buckets {
proc import {bucket_name {as bucket}} {
variable ::cache::buckets::$bucket_name
if ![info exists ::cache::buckets::$bucket_name] {
array set ::cache::buckets::$bucket_name {}
uplevel [list upvar ::cache::buckets::$bucket_name $as]
proc keys bucket_name {
buckets::import $bucket_name
array names bucket
proc exists {bucket_name key} {
buckets::import $bucket_name
info exists bucket($key)
proc get {bucket_name key} {
buckets::import $bucket_name
ensure_key_exists $bucket_name $key
set bucket($key)
proc put {bucket_name key value} {
buckets::import $bucket_name
set bucket($key) $value
proc fetch {bucket_name key script} {
if [exists $bucket_name $key] {
get $bucket_name $key
} else {
put $bucket_name $key [interp_eval $script]
proc delete {bucket_name key} {
buckets::import $bucket_name
ensure_key_exists $bucket_name $key
unset bucket($key)
proc ensure_key_exists {bucket_name key} {
if ![exists $bucket_name $key] {
error "bucket \"$bucket_name\" doesn't have key \"$key\""
namespace eval commands {
meta_proc cache delete exists fetch get keys put
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
namespace eval dict {
variable cache
array set cache {}
variable cache_times
array set cache_times {}
proc file_is_cached? filename {
info exists ::dict::cache($filename)
proc file_has_changed? filename {
if ![info exists ::dict::cache_times($filename)] {
puts ""
return 1
expr {[file mtime $filename] != $::dict::cache_times($filename)}
proc cache_dictionary filename {
set file [open $filename r]
set ::dict::cache($filename) [split [read $file] \n]
set ::dict::cache_times($filename) [clock seconds]
close $file
proc get_dictionary filename {
if [file_has_changed? $filename] {
cache_dictionary $filename
return $::dict::cache($filename)
namespace eval commands {
proc words {} {
dict::get_dictionary "$::SMEGGDROP_ROOT/data/words"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
namespace eval commands {
proc encoding args {
if {[string match s* [lindex $args 0]] && [llength $args] > 1} {
error "can't modify system encoding"
apply ::encoding $args
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
namespace eval commands {
proc history {{start HEAD}} {
if {[set revision [$::versioned_interpreter git rev-parse --revs-only $start]] eq ""} return
set revisions [$::versioned_interpreter git rev-list "--pretty=format:%at%n%an <%ae>%n%s" -n 10 $revision]
set result {}
foreach {commit date author summary} [split $revisions \n] {
lappend result [list [lindex $commit 1] $date $author $summary]
return $result
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
# 5 requests, per interpreter eval, per channel (at most 25 requests per minute)
if ![info exists smeggdrop_http_requests_per_eval] {set smeggdrop_http_requests_per_eval 5}
if ![info exists smeggdrop_http_request_interval] {set smeggdrop_http_request_interval 60}
if ![info exists smeggdrop_http_request_limit] {set smeggdrop_http_request_limit 25}
if ![info exists smeggdrop_http_post_limit] {set smeggdrop_http_post_limit 150000}
if ![info exists smeggdrop_http_transfer_limit] {set smeggdrop_http_transfer_limit 150000}
if ![info exists smeggdrop_http_time_limit] {set smeggdrop_http_time_limit 5000}
package require http
package require TclCurl
namespace eval httpx {
http::config -useragent {Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_5_6; en-us) AppleWebKit/525.27.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.2.1 Safari/525.27.1}
variable options
proc option {name args} {
variable options
eval [concat [list set options($name)] $args]
option requests_per_eval $::smeggdrop_http_requests_per_eval
option request_interval $::smeggdrop_http_request_interval
option request_limit $::smeggdrop_http_request_limit
option post_limit $::smeggdrop_http_post_limit
option transfer_limit $::smeggdrop_http_transfer_limit
option time_limit $::smeggdrop_http_time_limit
variable requests
array set requests {}
proc enforce_limits {} {
variable requests
array set current [limit_info]
set eval_request_count 0
set threshold [expr {$current(seconds) - [option request_interval]}]
set threshold_request_count 0
foreach limit_info [requests] {
array set request $limit_info
if {$request(eval_count) == $current(eval_count)} {
if {[incr eval_request_count] >= [option requests_per_eval]} {
error "too many HTTP requests in this eval (max [option requests_per_eval] requests)"
} elseif {$request(seconds) >= $threshold} {
if {[incr threshold_request_count] >= [option request_limit]} {
error "too many HTTP requests (max [option request_limit] requests in [option request_interval] seconds)"
proc update_limits {} {
variable requests
array set current [limit_info]
set old_requests [requests]
set new_requests [list [array get current]]
set threshold [expr {$current(seconds) - [option request_interval]}]
foreach limit_info $old_requests {
array set request $limit_info
if {$request(seconds) >= $threshold} {
lappend new_requests $limit_info
set requests([limit_key]) $new_requests
proc requests {} {
variable requests
if [info exists requests([limit_key])] {
set requests([limit_key])
} else {
proc limit_key {} {
::commands::get channel
proc limit_info {} {
list seconds [clock seconds] eval_count [::commands::get eval_count]
proc http_proc {name args body} {
set new_body [list]
lappend new_body [list enforce_limits]
lappend new_body "if {\[catch [list $body] {}] == 1} {error \[set {}]}"
lappend new_body [list update_limits]
lappend new_body [list set {}]
set new_body [join $new_body \;]
proc $name $args $new_body
proc http_read_progress_callback {token total current} {
puts "Callback: $token $total $current"
upvar #0 $token state
if {$current > [option transfer_limit]} {
http::reset $token "transfer exceeded [option transfer_limit] bytes"
proc http_handle_token token {
upvar #0 $token state
set status $state(status)
if {$status ne "ok"} {
http::cleanup $token
error $status
set ret [list]
lappend ret [http::ncode $token]
lappend ret $state(meta)
lappend ret $state(body)
http::cleanup $token
return $ret
proc http_get url {
set curlHandle [curl::init]
set html {}
array set http_resp_header [list]
$curlHandle configure -url $url -nosignal 1 -bodyvar html -headervar http_resp_header
catch { $curlHandle perform } curlErrorNumber
if { $curlErrorNumber != 0 } {
error [curl::easystrerror $curlErrorNumber]
set ret [list]
lappend ret [$curlHandle getinfo responsecode]
lappend ret [array get http_resp_header]
lappend ret $html
array unset http_resp_header
$curlHandle cleanup
return $ret
http_proc head url {
set resp [http_get $url]
#puts [lindex $resp 1]
#puts "We have the token! $url"
return [lindex $resp 1]
#set token [http::geturl $url -validate 1 -timeout [option time_limit]]
#http_handle_token $token
proc http_post {url body} {
set curlHandle [curl::init]
set html {}
$curlHandle configure -url $url -nosignal 1 -bodyvar html -post 1 -postfields $body
catch { $curlHandle perform } curlErrorNumber
if { $curlErrorNumber != 0 } {
error [curl::easystrerror $curlErrorNumber]
set ret [list]
lappend ret [$curlHandle getinfo responsecode]
lappend ret {}
# bad
lappend ret $html
$curlHandle cleanup
return $ret
http_proc get url {
#http::register http 80 socket
#puts "GET $url"
set html [http_get $url]
#puts $html
#puts "We have the token! $url"
return $html
#set token [http::geturl $url \
# -blocksize 1024 \
# -timeout [option time_limit] \
# -progress ::httpx::http_read_progress_callback]
#http_handle_token $token
http_proc post {url body args} {
#http::register http 80 socket
#puts "GET $url"
if [llength $args] {
set body [eval http::formatQuery [concat [list $body] $args]]
if {[string length "$body"] > [option post_limit]} {
error "post body exceeds [option post_limit] bytes"
set html [http_post $url $body]
#puts $html
#puts "We have the token! $url"
return $html
#set token [http::geturl $url \
# -blocksize 1024 \
# -timeout [option time_limit] \
# -progress ::httpx::http_read_progress_callback \
# -query $body]
#http_handle_token $token
namespace eval commands {
meta_proc http -namespace httpx head get post
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
namespace eval commands {
proc names {} {
variable channel
return [chanlist $channel]
proc nick {} {
variable nick
return $nick
proc channel {} {
variable channel
return $channel
proc hostmask {{who ""}} {
variable channel
variable mask
set hostmask [getchanhost $who $channel]
if {$hostmask eq ""} {set hostmask $mask}
return $hostmask
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
if [info exists smeggdrop_log_max_lines] {
#bind pubm - * pubm:smeggdrop_log_line
array set smeggdrop_log_lines {}
proc pubm:smeggdrop_log_line {nick mask hand channel line} {
lappend ::smeggdrop_log_lines($channel) [list [clock seconds] $nick $mask $line]
if {[set length [llength $::smeggdrop_log_lines($channel)]] >= $::smeggdrop_log_max_lines} {
set ::smeggdrop_log_lines($channel) \
[lrange $::smeggdrop_log_lines($channel) [expr $length - $::smeggdrop_log_max_lines] end]
namespace eval commands {
proc log {} {
variable channel
set ::smeggdrop_log_lines($channel)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
namespace eval meta {
proc eval_count {} {
commands::get eval_count
proc line {} {
commands::get line
proc uptime {} {
$::versioned_interpreter uptime
namespace eval commands {
meta_proc meta
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
if [info exists smeggdrop_publish_url] {
namespace eval commands {
variable last_publish 0
proc publish message {
variable last_publish
set time_since_last_publish [expr [clock seconds] - $last_publish]
if {$time_since_last_publish < 5} {
error "can't publish for another [expr 5 - $time_since_last_publish] secs"
set file [open /tmp/publish-data w]
fconfigure $file -encoding utf-8
puts $file $message
close $file
set cmd [list exec env \
PUBLISH_HOSTNAME=$::smeggdrop_publish_hostname \
PUBLISH_USERNAME=$::smeggdrop_publish_username \
PUBLISH_PASSWORD=$::smeggdrop_publish_password \
PUBLISH_FILENAME=$::smeggdrop_publish_filename \
$::SMEGGDROP_ROOT/bin/ < /tmp/publish-data]
if [catch $cmd result] {
error "publish failed"
} else {
set last_publish [clock seconds]
return $::smeggdrop_publish_url
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
package require sha1
namespace eval commands {
proc sha1 string {
::sha1::sha1 $string
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
package require snit
package require Tclx
snit::type interpx {
variable interp
variable private_key
variable procs_touched_during_eval -array {}
variable vars_touched_during_eval -array {}
variable timed_out
option -onproccreated
option -onprocupdated
option -onprocdestroyed
option -onvarcreated
option -onvarupdated
option -onvardestroyed
option -timeout 6000
constructor args {
set private_key [expr rand()]
$self configurelist $args
$self initialize_interpreter
destructor {
catch {interp delete $interp}
# introspection
method procs {} {
$self . info procs
method vars {} {
$self . info vars
method scalars {} {
set result {}
foreach var [$self vars] {
if [$self has scalar $var] {
lappend result $var
return $result
method arrays {} {
set result {}
foreach var [$self vars] {
if [$self has array $var] {
lappend result $var
return $result
method serialize {} {
set result {}
foreach var [$self vars] {
lappend result [$self inspect var $var]
foreach proc [$self procs] {
lappend result [$self inspect proc $proc]
join $result \n
method {inspect var} var {
if [$self has array $var] {
$self inspect array $var
} else {
$self inspect scalar $var
method {inspect scalar} scalar {
if [$self has scalar $scalar] {
list set $scalar [$self . set $scalar]
} else {
error "can't read \"$scalar\": no such scalar"
method {inspect array} array {
if [$self has array $array] {
list array set $array [$self . array get $array]
} else {
error "can't read \"$array\": no such array"
method {inspect proc} proc {
set args {}
foreach arg [$self . info args $proc] {
if [$self . info default $proc $arg ::interpx::default] {
set arg [list $arg [$self . set ::interpx::default]]
$self . unset ::interpx::default
lappend args $arg
list proc $proc $args [$self . info body $proc]
# aliasing
method alias {name command args} {
apply [list $interp alias $name $command] $args
# evaluation
method eval args {
if {[lindex $args 0] eq "-notimeout"} {
set timeout 0
set script [lindex $args 1]
} else {
set timeout 1
set timed_out 0
set script [lindex $args 0]
array set procs_existing_before_eval [list_to_array [$self procs]]
array set vars_existing_before_eval [list_to_array [$self vars]]
unset procs_touched_during_eval
array set procs_touched_during_eval {}
unset vars_touched_during_eval
array set vars_touched_during_eval {}
if $timeout {
signal trap SIGALRM [list ::interpx::timeout $self $private_key]
alarm [expr {[$self cget -timeout] / 1000.0}]
set code [catch {$interp eval $script} result]
if $timeout {
alarm 0
if $timed_out {
set code 1
set result "timeout ([$self cget -timeout]ms)"
foreach proc [$self procs] {
if ![info exists procs_existing_before_eval($proc)] {
$self did create proc $proc
} else {
if [info exists procs_touched_during_eval($proc)] {
$self did update proc $proc
unset procs_existing_before_eval($proc)
foreach proc [array names procs_existing_before_eval] {
$self did destroy proc $proc
foreach var [$self vars] {
if ![var_is_traceable $var] continue
if ![info exists vars_existing_before_eval($var)] {
$self did create var $var
} else {
if [info exists vars_touched_during_eval($var)] {
$self did update var $var
unset vars_existing_before_eval($var)
foreach var [array names vars_existing_before_eval] {
if ![var_is_traceable $var] continue
$self did destroy var $var
return -code $code $result
method {did timeout} key {
if {$key eq $private_key} {
set timed_out 1
error timeout
# traces
method {trace var} var {
if [var_is_traceable $var] {
$self . trace add variable $var write [$self trace_command_for_var $var]
method {untrace var} var {
if [var_is_traceable $var] {
$self . trace remove variable $var write [$self trace_command_for_var $var]
method {did touch var} {key var args} {
if {$key eq $private_key} {
set vars_touched_during_eval($var) {}
method trace_command_for_var var {
list ::interpx::touched_var $private_key $var
# callbacks
method {did create proc} proc {
$self fire proccreated $proc
method {did update proc} proc {
$self fire procupdated $proc
method {did destroy proc} proc {
$self fire procdestroyed $proc
method {did create var} var {
$self trace var $var
$self fire varcreated $var
method {did update var} var {
$self fire varupdated $var
method {did destroy var} var {
$self untrace var $var
$self fire vardestroyed $var
method fire {event args} {
if {[set handler [$self cget -on$event]] ne ""} {
uplevel #0 [concat $handler $args]
# internal implementations of builtins
method proc args {
set name [lindex $args 0]
if [$self has builtin $name] {
error "can't override builtin \"$name\""
set result [apply [list $self . proc] $args]
set procs_touched_during_eval($name) {}
return $result
method rename args {
set name [lindex $args 0]
if [$self has builtin $name] {
error "can't rename builtin \"$name\""
set result [apply [list $self . rename] $args]
set procs_touched_during_eval($name) {}
return $result
method for args {
set body [concat "::interpx::noop;" [lindex $args 3]]
apply [list $self . for] [lreplace $args 3 3 $body]
method foreach args {
set body [concat "::interpx::noop;" [lindex $args end]]
apply [list $self . foreach] [lreplace $args end end $body]
method while args {
set body [concat "::interpx::noop;" [lindex $args 1]]
apply [list $self . while] [lreplace $args 1 1 $body]
# predicates
method {has var} var {
$self . info exists $var
method {has command} command {
expr {[llength [$self . info commands $command]] == 1}
method {has scalar} scalar {
expr {[$self has var $scalar] && ![$self has array $scalar]}
method {has array} array {
$self . array exists $array
method {has proc} proc {
expr {[llength [$self . info proc $proc]] == 1}
method {has builtin} builtin {
expr {[$self has command $builtin] && ![$self has proc $builtin]}
# private
method initialize_interpreter {} {
set interp [interp create -safe]
$self preserve array
$self preserve error
$self preserve eval
$self preserve info
$self preserve set
$self preserve unset
$self hide interp
$self hide namespace
$self hide trace
$self hide vwait
$self reimplement for
$self reimplement foreach
$self reimplement proc
$self reimplement rename
$self reimplement while
$self unset_internal_vars
$self initialize_private_namespace
puts "initialize_interpreter inside interpx finished"
method unset_internal_vars {} {
foreach var [$self vars] {
$self . unset $var
method initialize_private_namespace {} {
$self . namespace eval ::interpx {}
$interp alias ::interpx::noop expr 0
$interp alias ::interpx::timeout ::interpx::timeout
$self expose {did touch var} ::interpx::touched_var
puts "finished initialize_private_namespace inside interpx"
method hide command {
$interp hide $command
method restore command {
$interp alias $command $interp invokehidden $command
method preserve command {
$self hide $command
$self restore $command
method expose {command {as {}}} {
if {$as eq ""} {
set as $command
$interp alias $as $self $command
method reimplement command {
$self hide $command
$self expose $command
method . {command args} {
apply [list $interp invokehidden $command] $args
# helpers
proc list_to_array {list {value {}}} {
set result {}
foreach key $list {
lappend result $key $value
return $result
proc apply {command arguments} {
uplevel [concat $command $arguments]
proc var_is_traceable var {
expr {$var ne "errorCode" && $var ne "errorInfo"}
namespace eval interpx {
proc timeout {interpx private_key} {
$interpx did timeout $private_key
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
namespace eval meta_proc {
proc call {namespace name arguments commands} {
set command [lindex $arguments 0]
set arguments [lrange $arguments 1 end]
if ![llength $commands] {
set commands [lsort [namespace eval ::$namespace {info procs}]]
set usage [join [concat [lrange $commands 0 end-1] [list "or [lindex $commands end]"]] ", "]
set matches [lsearch -all -inline -glob $commands $command*]
if {$command eq ""} {
error "wrong # args: should be \"$name command ?arg arg ...?\""
} elseif {[llength $matches] == 0} {
error "bad command \"$command\": must be $usage"
} elseif {[llength $matches] > 1} {
error "ambiguous command \"$command\": must be $usage"
} else {
set code [catch [concat [list ::${namespace}::[lindex $matches 0]] $arguments] result]
if {$code && [regexp {^wrong # args} $result]} {
error [string map [list ::${namespace}:: "$name "] $result]
} else {
return -code $code $result
proc meta_proc {name args} {
if {[lindex $args 0] eq "-namespace"} {
set namespace [lindex $args 1]
set args [lrange $args 2 end]
} else {
set namespace $name
uplevel [list proc $name args "meta_proc::call [list $namespace] [list $name] \$args [list $args]"]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
source $SMEGGDROP_ROOT/smeggdrop/versioned_interpreter.tcl
source $SMEGGDROP_ROOT/smeggdrop/commands.tcl
namespace eval smeggdrop {
proc split_lines {string length} {
set lines [list]
foreach source_line [split $string \n] {
set line ""
set formatting [empty_formatting]
foreach {format text} [split_on_formatting $source_line] {
set formatting [parse_formatting $format $formatting]
set chars [split $text {}]
if ![llength $chars] {set chars [list {}]}
foreach char $chars {
if ![buffer line $length $format$char] {
lappend lines $line
set line [unparse_formatting $formatting]$char
set format ""
lappend lines $line
return $lines
proc buffer {var length char} {
upvar $var line
if {![string bytelength $line] && [string index $char 0] eq "\017"} {
set char [string range $char 1 end]
if {[string bytelength $line$char] <= $length} {
append line $char
return 1
} else {
return 0
proc line_length_for channel {
expr 512 - [string length ":$::botname PRIVMSG $channel :\r\n"]
proc split_on_formatting string {
set result [list]
while {[string length $string]} {
regexp {^(\003((\d{0,2})(,(\d{0,2}))?)?|\002|\037|\026|\017)?([^\003\002\037\026\017]*)(.*)} \
$string {} format {} {} {} {} text remainder
if {$format eq ""} {set format \017}
lappend result $format $text
set string $remainder
return $result
proc empty_formatting {} {
list b 0 u 0 r 0 o 0 c 0 fg -1 bg -1
proc parse_formatting {str {state {}}} {
if {$state eq ""} {
array set f [empty_formatting]
} else {
array set f $state
set f(c) [set f(o) 0]
switch -- [string index $str 0] [list \
\003 {
regexp {^\003((\d*)(,(\d*))?)?} $str {} a b {} c
if {$a eq ""} {
set f(fg) [set f(bg) -1]
set f(c) 1
if {!($b eq "")} {
set f(fg) $b
if {!($c eq "")} {
set f(bg) $c
} \002 {
set f(b) [expr !$f(b)]
} \037 {
set f(u) [expr !$f(u)]
} \026 {
set f(r) [expr !$f(r)]
} \017 {
set f(o) 1
array get f
proc unparse_formatting {formatting {state {}}} {
if {$state eq ""} {
array set old [empty_formatting]
} else {
array set old $state
array set new $formatting
if $old(o) {
array set old [empty_formatting]
if $new(o) {
return \017
set ret ""
foreach k {b u r} {
if {$old($k) != $new($k)} {
append ret [string map {b \002 u \037 r \026} $k]
return $ret[unparse_formatting_color [array get new] [array get old]]
proc unparse_formatting_color {new old} {
array set n $new
array set o $old
if {($n(fg) == -1 && $n(bg) == -1) || ($n(fg) == $o(fg) && $n(bg) == $o(bg))} return
set ret \003
if !$n(c) {
if {$n(fg) != -1 && $n(fg) != $o(fg)} {
append ret [format %02s $n(fg)]
if {$n(bg) != -1 && $n(bg) != $o(bg)} {
append ret ,[format %02s $n(bg)]
return $ret
proc to_str string {
set result ""
foreach char [split $string {}] {
if [regexp {[$\\"\[]} $char] {
append result \\$char
} elseif [is_unprintable $char] {
append result \\[format %03o [scan $char %c]]
} else {
append result $char
return "\"$result\""
proc is_unprintable char {
set c [scan $char %c]
expr {$c < 32 || $c > 126}
proc interp_eval script {
$::versioned_interpreter interpx . eval $script
proc pub:tcl:perform {nick mask hand channel line} {
global versioned_interpreter
commands::configure nick mask hand channel line
set author "$nick on $channel <$mask>"
if [catch {$versioned_interpreter eval $line $author} output] {
set output "error: $output"
putlog $output
return $output
if [info exists versioned_interpreter] {$versioned_interpreter destroy}
if ![info exists smeggdrop_state_path] {set smeggdrop_state_path state}
if ![info exists smeggdrop_max_lines] {set smeggdrop_max_lines 10}
if ![info exists smeggdrop_timeout] {set smeggdrop_timeout 5000}
if ![info exists smeggdrop_trigger] {set smeggdrop_trigger tcl}
set versioned_interpreter [versioned_interpreter create %AUTO% \
$smeggdrop_state_path -verbose true -logcommand ::putlog -timeout $smeggdrop_timeout]
foreach alias [namespace eval commands {info procs}] {
if {[lsearch -exact [commands::get hidden_procs] $alias] == -1} {
$versioned_interpreter alias $alias ::commands::$alias
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
package require snit
package require sha1
source $SMEGGDROP_ROOT/smeggdrop/interpx.tcl
snit::type versioned_interpreter {
variable state_path
variable interpx
variable procs
variable vars
variable aliases {}
variable is_inside_eval 0
variable state_changed 0
variable created_at
option -verbose -readonly true -default false
option -timeout -readonly true -default 5000
option -logcommand -readonly true -default {puts stderr}
constructor {path_to_state args} {
set state_path $path_to_state
set created_at [clock seconds]
$self configurelist $args
if [$self cget -verbose] {
proc log message [list apply [$self cget -logcommand] {$message}]
$self initialize_interpreter
destructor {
catch {$interpx destroy}
method uptime {} {
expr [clock seconds] - $created_at
method interpx args {
apply $interpx $args
method initialize_interpreter {} {
if [info exists interpx] {
$interpx destroy
set interpx [interpx create %AUTO% \
-onproccreated [list $self did create proc] \
-onprocupdated [list $self did update proc] \
-onprocdestroyed [list $self did destroy proc] \
-onvarcreated [list $self did create var] \
-onvarupdated [list $self did update var] \
-onvardestroyed [list $self did destroy var] \
-timeout [$self cget -timeout]
$self initialize_repository
$self load_state_from_repository
$self restore_interpreter_aliases
method initialize_repository {} {
mkdir_p [$self path]
mkdir_p [$self path procs]
mkdir_p [$self path vars]
touch [$self path procs _index]
touch [$self path vars _index]
if ![$self repository_exists] {
$self git init
$self git add procs vars
$self commit "Created repository"
method load_state_from_repository {{revision HEAD}} {
$self git checkout -f $revision
set time [clock clicks]
log "Loading interpreter state..."
set script {}
lappend script [$self read_procs_from_repository]
set fn [$self path "stolen-treasure.tcl"]
set ff [open $fn r]
fconfigure $ff -encoding utf-8
set fuku [read $ff]
set hng [split $fuku "\n"]
lappend script {*}$hng
lappend script [$self read_vars_from_repository]
# puts [join $script \n]
# good luck curating this turd, I give up
$interpx eval -notimeout [join $script \n]
log "State loaded ([format %.2f [expr {([clock clicks] - $time) / 1000000.0}]] sec)"
method read_procs_from_repository {} {
set procs [index create %AUTO% [$self path procs _index]]
set script {}
foreach proc [$procs keys] {
lappend script [$self read proc $proc]
join $script \n
method read_vars_from_repository {} {
set vars [index create %AUTO% [$self path vars _index]]
set script {}
foreach var [$vars keys] {
lappend script [$self read var $var]
join $script \n
method {read var} var {
set kind [lindex [set kind_and_value [$self read object var $var]] 0]
if {$kind eq "scalar"} {
list set $var [lindex $kind_and_value 1]
} elseif {$kind eq "array"} {
list array set $var [lindex $kind_and_value 1]
method {read proc} proc {
concat [list proc $proc] [$self read object proc $proc]
method {read object} {kind key} {
set index ${kind}s
set filename [$self path $index [[set $index] get $key]]
set file [open $filename r]
fconfigure $file -encoding utf-8
set value [read $file]
close $file
return $value
method {write var} var {
set content [lindex [$interpx inspect var $var] end]
if [$interpx has scalar $var] {
set value [list scalar $content]
} elseif [$interpx has array $var] {
set value [list array $content]
$self write object var $var $value
method {write proc} proc {
set value [lrange [$interpx inspect proc $proc] 2 end]
$self write object proc $proc $value
method {write object} {kind key value} {
set index ${kind}s
set name [[set $index] get $key]
set filename [$self path $index $name]
set file [open $filename w]
fconfigure $file -encoding utf-8
puts $file $value
close $file
$self git add [file join $index $name]
set state_changed 1
method delete {kind key} {
set index ${kind}s
set name [[set $index] delete $key]
rm_f [$self path $index $name]
set state_changed 1
method alias {name command args} {
lappend aliases [list $name $command $args]
apply [list $interpx alias $name $command] $args
method restore_interpreter_aliases {} {
foreach alias $aliases {
apply [list $interpx alias] [concat [lrange $alias 0 end-1] [lindex $alias end]]
method eval {script {author "Administrator <admin@localhost>"} {message ""}} {
set is_inside_eval 1
set code [catch {$interpx eval $script} result]
set is_inside_eval 0
if $state_changed {
$procs save_to_file
$vars save_to_file
if {$message eq ""} {
set message $script
if {[string length $message] > 1024} {
set message [string range $message 0 1020]...
$self commit "Evaluated $message" $author
set state_changed 0
return -code $code $result
method rollback {{revision HEAD^}} {
set revision [$self git rev-parse --revs-only $revision]
set revisions [$self revisions $revision]
foreach revision $revisions {
$self git revert -n $revision
$self commit "Rolled back to revision $revision\nReverts [join $revisions]"
$self initialize_interpreter
method {did create proc} proc {
if !$is_inside_eval return
$procs put $proc [sha1 $proc]
$self write proc $proc
method {did update proc} proc {
if !$is_inside_eval return
$self write proc $proc
method {did destroy proc} proc {
if !$is_inside_eval return
$self delete proc $proc
method {did create var} var {
if !$is_inside_eval return
$vars put $var [sha1 $var]
$self write var $var
method {did update var} var {
if !$is_inside_eval return
$self write var $var
method {did destroy var} var {
if !$is_inside_eval return
$self delete var $var
# private
method path args {
apply [list file join $state_path] $args
method git args {
set pwd [pwd]
cd [$self path]
set code [catch {apply [list exec git] $args} result]
cd $pwd
return -code $code $result
method commit {message {author "Administrator <admin@localhost>"}} {
set code [catch {$self git commit --author $author -am $message} result]
if {$code && [regexp -line {^nothing (added )?to commit} $result]} {
set code 0
if [regexp -line {^origin$} [$self git remote]] {
$self git push origin master
return -code $code $result
method revisions {{until ""}} {
set args HEAD
if {$until ne ""} {
lappend args ^$until
apply [list $self git rev-list] $args
method repository_exists {} {
catch {$self git status} result
set has_git_dir [file isdirectory [$self path .git]]
expr {$has_git_dir && ![regexp {Not a git repository} $result]}
proc touch filename {
exec touch $filename
proc mkdir_p directory {
exec mkdir -p $directory
proc rm_f filename {
exec rm -f $filename
proc exec args {
log "--> $args"
set command [concat $args |& cat]
set result [apply ::exec $command]
if {$result ne ""} {log $result}
return $result
proc cd directory {
::cd $directory
log "(in [pwd])"
proc apply {command arguments} {
uplevel [concat $command $arguments]
proc sha1 string {
::sha1::sha1 $string
proc log message {
snit::type versioned_interpreter::index {
variable filename
variable values -array {}
constructor path {
set filename $path
$self load_from_file
method load_from_file {} {
$self reset
set file [open $filename r]
fconfigure $file -encoding utf-8
foreach {key value} [read $file] {
$self put $key $value
close $file
method save_to_file {} {
set file [open $filename w]
fconfigure $file -encoding utf-8
foreach key [$self keys] {
puts $file [list $key [$self get $key]]
close $file
method reset {} {
unset values
array set values {}
method put {key value} {
set values($key) $value
method get key {
set values($key)
method delete key {
set value [$self get $key]
unset values($key)
return $value
method has key {
info exists values($key)
method keys {} {
lsort [array names values]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
#include <tcl.h>
#include "tclstubs.h"
const char * Tcl_InitStubs_wrap(Tcl_Interp * interp, char * wanted_version, int wantexact) {
return Tcl_InitStubs(interp,wanted_version,wantexact);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
const char * Tcl_InitStubs_wrap(Tcl_Interp * interp, char * wanted_version, int wantexact);
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Subproject commit 9faea92d5bd3541b173ba0327b2b5b3d6f2000a3
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Subproject commit bfba40e566eea65a9171f6f943c78958ffe0509d
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Subproject commit 5e9393b769a69c2d93be2df8065166a71d6c9051
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Subproject commit 5c19ee9d60c2e6cf18b13589a665817b836373ef
Reference in New Issue
Block a user