Random name instead of 'v'

This commit is contained in:
dons 2006-04-10 00:25:00 +00:00
parent 11bdb44011
commit 33c374fb75

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@ -235,8 +235,8 @@ dynwrap expr nm mods =
"module "++nm++ "( resource ) where\n" ++
concatMap (\m-> "import "++m++"\n") mods ++
"import AltData.Dynamic\n" ++
"resource = let { v = \n" ++
"{-# LINE 1 \"<eval>\" #-}\n" ++ expr ++ ";} in toDyn v"
"resource = let { yhjulwwiefzojcbxybbruweejw = \n" ++
"{-# LINE 1 \"<eval>\" #-}\n" ++ expr ++ ";} in toDyn yhjulwwiefzojcbxybbruweejw"
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- unsafe wrapper
@ -245,8 +245,13 @@ wrap :: String -> String -> [Import] -> String
wrap expr nm mods =
"module "++nm++ "( resource ) where\n" ++
concatMap (\m-> "import "++m++"\n") mods ++
"resource = let { v = \n" ++
"{-# LINE 1 \"<Plugins.Eval>\" #-}\n" ++ expr ++ ";} in v"
"resource = let { yhjulwwiefzojcbxybbruweejw = \n" ++
"{-# LINE 1 \"<Plugins.Eval>\" #-}\n" ++ expr ++ ";} in yhjulwwiefzojcbxybbruweejw"
-- what is this big variable name?
-- its a random value, so that it won't clash if the accidently mistype
-- an unbound 'x' or 'v' in their code.. it won't reveal the internal
-- structure of the wrapper, which is annoying in irc use by lambdabot